I don't do moderation.
Manc min, we've been through this snacking thing before, grazing they called it.
Very big in the States it was , and they are very big in the States.
Size of meals is a problem ( smaller plates work wonders) but constant snacking is disaster.
I always think of a pretty slim French bit o' stuff ( just a moment to contemplate...mmmm)
She breaks almost every Yank diet rule going.
Breakfast - Croissant, jam, coffee
Lunch - Three courses probably including pate' bread, wine and something fine for pudding
I've never worked out what they eat in the evening because I've always had far too much wine at denner time.
That would be traditional, perhaps the modern pace has changed things regarding longer lunch breaks ( I doubt it in France)
She doesn't eat large amounts but you'll never catch her cramming crisps into her face while clutching a 2 litre bottle of diet coke.
Anyway, must go now, Monique is calling me from the bedroom.