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Saturday 15th March 2025 - kick-off 3pm

Scottish Premiership: St Johnstone v Aberdeen


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Everything posted by donsdaft

  1. Aye, Aberdeen's dead right enough. Of course, in my young day, I was in a field picking tatties. Bunch o' pooves nowadays.
  2. Music wise. What song signalled your passage from boy to young man. Not in a sexual way ( necessarily) just the song that made you waken up to the real world. Joni did it for me, I left the caravan ( in 1970) and by the time I reached Lossimouth beach I was thinking of other things.
  3. donsdaft


    Money doesn't talk, it swears.
  4. donsdaft


    He has them all in his pocket. That's the trouble with democracy as we know it, the richest bastard usually wins.
  5. Far too cool myself. Far too cool to be in Villa's if I hadn't been a barman there.
  6. I absolutely swear blind. Which is not a good phrase for someone in my line of work
  7. donsdaft


    On a small tangent, but even the biggest empires have always crumbled in the end. In historical terms the USA dominance would have been a very short one but are there signs already of it collapsing from within?
  8. donsdaft


    History always repeats itself, that's why, as we get older, we feel we can "see things coming " The signs have not been good lately, usually if there is financial meltdown, war is the best way for the money men to get back on top. So that's not looking good. It's been well documented how I feel about " brexit " but whatever your views on the EU it must still be depressing to see how easy it is for a few right wing nutters backed up by a xenophobic press to gain power. Nazism didn't happen in Germany because the Germans were bad, only because the conditions were right.
  9. Actually, and this is a worrying thought I probably widnae. The reason being she looks like my daughter, and in that third picture she looks like my ex wife. Further thought reveals that last week I posted the spitting images of an ex girlfriend ( of long standing) and Mrs. Donsdaft number 2 Watch out lads it'll be my Ma next. Now, where's the number for that psychiatrist
  10. She would have to dig deep for my bones though
  11. Boring? Educated women a problem lads? Nae mair boring surely than one who's main topic of conversation revolves around Eastenders, dancing programs and the latest make up.
  12. Anthropologist Alice Roberts
  13. Danny Ward will be a great goalkeeper, Joe Lewis is merely a very good one. Very good is better than we've had for a long time, stay as long as you like Joe.
  14. Hot and steamy in Hungary https://youtu.be/iy8-uiNDOr0
  15. Optical Technician Tried to retire hundreds of times. No success yet.
  16. Looks a'right
  17. This will be my first Dons game on donstalk. I wonder how this live chat thing works.
  18. Yeh, me too, but that's not unusual. If she pestered me I'd eventually give in.
  19. My prediction is naebody on the Y It's pishing doon
  20. Issue The minute someone uses the word then I can't ever hear anything else
  21. I think it might still be a no. Time travel is a strange thing, if she was younger then surely I would be too. Then definitely a no. Just whizzing her back through the years but keeping me the same then yes probably. Is that too complicated?
  22. Good night out, nae bubblin Grill, Drummonds, Wee bar in Ma's, Prince, Blackfriers and the old bar in the Blue Lump Boys night out
  23. Ach, he's doing the right thing. Well going to look is definitely the right thing. The company he was working for has went out of business, nae chance of a decent job in Aberdeen and he always fancied it anyway. He's a good hard working loon, he'll get on wherever he ends up. He's 28 now as well so not really my little boy anymore.
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