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Saturday 15th March 2025 - kick-off 3pm

Scottish Premiership: St Johnstone v Aberdeen


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Everything posted by donsdaft

  1. He'll be gone by this time next week. Just watched some highlights on YouTube What the fuck is that strip Scotland are wearing? It's mingin
  2. The difference in quality of player from then to now is astounding. My first Scotland game was a 2-0 win against England in 1974 Just before we went to the world cup in West Germany I was in the old North stand, the crowd was amazing that day, I was 15 and will never forget arriving at Glasgow Central There must have been about five fitba specials arrived at the same time.. Place was mobbed, the noise was incredible. If you'd told me that day that the time would come that I couldn't give a shite I would never have believed you.
  3. Hemmin Malaga min That avatar is an improvement on your old one
  4. First I heard was texts from an English "mate" of mine, taking the piss. It spoils it for him though when I don't give a fuck. Listened to the Sportsound podcast though, just for a laugh. Was a bit surprised that instead of being down, they were all just taking the piss. The commentry team just laughing at a shitey Scotland side must spell the end for Strachan. Then there was Strachan himself, the mans a joke, and not a very funny one at that.
  5. Hey, da da da da da da da da da da. I've heard of Kirsty Yes please
  6. Yes it is difficult. Some great times on Abmad. I suppose some of the lads just feel the need to be loyal, but loyal to who?
  7. I don't really like supermarkets but I suppose we have little choice nowadays. Anyway, every now and again a real bargain appears so best to keep each other informed. I was told once by someone who owned half the mart to buy my beef from Morrisons and loh and behold they were right, it is good stuff. You're all too late for the mince at under £4 a kilo because I have it all in my freezer. Still , today's tip is from Lidl They have just had a French week and there is a fair amount of stuff left. The Bayonne ham is delicious and the salami with walnuts (sliced) is absolutely gorgeous. Just away to sit down to an assiette de charcuterie now. Along with some pinot noir ( £4 from Morrisons) Bon appetite
  8. Aye, adblock of the laptop and pc at work gets rid of most of them. The ipad is not so bad most of the time because you learn to slalom your war around them, althoughthe jumping around making you click on the wrong thing drives you nuts. The phone however is almost unusable which is useless if you find yourself on your own in a pub etc.
  9. I was there that day as well. Fantastic memories of coming down the Ibrox stairs and the noise from the dons fans. Then outside it was fuckin mayhem
  10. I'm old enough to remember fitba before segregation. The old beach end was the place to be, a continual hail of bottles from one side to the other, lunging back and fore with the inevitable casualties. I remember, after one shove from the huns, they were pushed back leaving one hun stranded in the middle of Dons fans. A brief moments hesitation and fuck sake what a hiding he got. Also remember the quine being taken out during a celtic match with a knife sticking out of her head. Only time I ever got hit mind was the New Year game against Dundee. I was a young lad down at the front behind the goal at the King Street End and got hit on the head by a half bottle thrown from the back of the stand. Made the paper ( despite a few problems from Ibrox) so Alexander Gibson of King Street I'm still looking for you.
  11. Lots of laughs over the years, mostly when some ref got the ball off his face etc. There was nothing better than a dog invading the pitch, those were the days.
  12. Definitely a borderline. Nae very bonnie and if she's annoying as well then I veer towards a no. However, as long as she fucked off right afterwards then a' right then
  13. There was nae divine intervention that night, that's for sure. Perhaps if we had been Catholic they would have played an unregistered player.
  14. Night night
  15. You're da wasn't a minister was he? My most embarrassing moment at a fitba match was doing my fuckin head in at the Skonto Riga game only to turn round ( in the Dick Donald) to see the minister who had married me to my first wife with his boys. A few choice expletives later I turned round again and they had gone. Not my finest moment
  16. I've honestly nae idea. My old man used to go to all the games and take me to see the reserves. So was a Pittodrie regular from about 1964/5 When the reserve games moved to watching the 1st team I couldn't say.
  17. Was that one of Mozarts? Fuck me Al, you're worse than me for getting sidetracked. I bet your school report card said "easily distracted " I know mine always did.
  18. Get stuck in lads. Looks like abmad have reacted to the exodus by putting on even more adverts. I've tried to log in today, it's worse than ever.
  19. Ach why not. She's bonny enough and certainly has a voice. Could get rid of the microphone though.
  20. Hemmin I'm cool me.
  21. Watched the wife's grandson playing a few times but the parents put me off. In fact the kids were really far too young but I suppose there's no street or even playground fitba anymore. None of my own kids played despite both their Ma and Da having played (amateur) The gym teacher at their secondary school was a rugby man so they played rugby. Bit of a disgrace that Banchory Academy didn't even have a football team. My youngest son played rugby for years and at least got to enjoy the team spirit thing which is so important to a young lad.
  22. I very much doubt I'll make it down. They just make it so difficult. However I don't suppose I have to make up my mind until the Friday
  23. The recently departed Coleen McCulloch fills most of my reading time. Her Masters of Rome series is superb but you probably have to be pretty keen on Roman history to tackle what is a mammoth work. Not that it's particularly highbrow or anything, just that there's a lot of it. So, my reccomendation is her account of the Trojan war. The Song of Troy With regard to audio books, join Audible, get your free book then close your account, I thoroughly reccomend the BBC's The Diary of Samual Pepys It's fuckin brilliant
  24. Well, I didnae think that even Scotland ( or north Britain as they like to be called) would lose to Lithuania. There was usually a massive fight on abmad leading up to Scotland games so just sit back and enjoy.
  25. Not a good night so headphones in and I thought I would listen to Sportsound. What a heap of weegiecentric crap. Plus every Scotland player they interviewed was English. While listening to what was a total heap of shite I was really really hoping that they lost whatever games they are playing. Up to now I've been in the " who gives a fuck" category and that's where I'll stay for now. Not saying I won't manage a wee smile if the Slovaks give them a doing though.
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