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Saturday 15th March 2025 - kick-off 3pm

Scottish Premiership: St Johnstone v Aberdeen


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Everything posted by Stupie82

  1. Should have said it sounds like we are all over shop. Just going by the radio really, so I maybe should take it with a pinch of salt.
  2. We are all over the shop. Cant let this penalty get the better of us. Still long way to go, but up against Collum and that bloody pitch.
  3. 50/50 Split has been confirmed. Ticket prices are £35 for all stands.
  4. I dont think i have ever felt so physically sick while watching a TV show. The closest for me was the red wedding in game of thrones, however this topped it. Absolutely brutal but brilliant. That Jeffery Dean Morgan plays Negan superbly... he is both a terrifying and intriguing character.
  5. Too fake... almost looks like a bloke with fake tits!! nae for me.
  6. BT stated after the other semi today, that they have coverage of the final from 2pm. Sounds very likely it will be 3.
  7. I have seen a lot of speculation about kick off times. Screenshotted this off of the SPFL website, so will be 3PM on the Sunday!
  8. We took 40,000 to Parkhead, so i would imagine there will still be plenty disappointed folk. That said, all ST holders will have an option to go, so they will be covered regardless. I have seen many comments elsewhere about ST holders only getting 1 ticket each, but cant see that being the case at all. Maximum 2 i would imagine.
  9. It just depends how they distribute the tickets. If its 2 per season ticket holder then likelihood is the majority will go and there will be a mad scramble for any that are left. If its one ticket per season ticket holder, unlikely IMO, then theres always a chance. The club need to be swift on their decision about this. They appear to have worked on the basis of loyalty points previously and I imagine this will be no different.
  10. These are some of the semi final attendances over the last few years!! They havent got a leg to stand on.
  11. What do we expect for this? Likey a huge demand, Huns or tims will want over half and use today's attendance as ammo for fighting that cause. We should get half no matter what but first tickets will likely go to supporters groups and those with a large amount of loyalty points and then filter down from there to those with hardly any. I reckon maybe 2 tickets max, will likely mean many will miss out.
  12. Oh shite, so I did!! North stand for me :-)
  13. "https://www.youtube.com/embed/UPrixYOTNHw" "https://www.youtube.com/embed/Z6qnRS36EgE"
  14. I will add McGhee onto this too.
  15. Al might give me into trouble, but thought would start a new thread for tomorrows game. So who's in or out and whats your predictions for this one. Must admit, i'm actually quite excited about it now that its semi-final eve. In/out ~ In + 3 Fuuryboots ~ North Stand Pre-Match ~ nowhere open so likely the horn will be as good as it gets After-Match ~ Cheeky pint and up the road Prediction ~ I will go for a close encounter and we will sneak it 2-1. Hayes and Maddison the scorers.
  16. Adding to my OP Football strips without names on the back, without thon SPL badges on them and the return of decent retro style strips!!
  17. The more i watch the two of them, the more i see it all as one big soap opera and all an act. The two of them are portrayed as hating each other in the media, but away from the microphones they appear almost like friends. The thought of either of them in office terrifies me...
  18. Despite his obvious flaws, I still wouldn't put it past Americans to vote him in. Those that have endorsed him up until now, clearly dont care what he has done or can do. They are stuck in their ways. There is of course still those undecided voters, who i hope wont vote him in, purely based on the last few weeks. That said, that Clinton is an odious bitch in my eyes. Something definitely shifty about her too.
  19. In the modern game it is clear that it has lost some, if not all of its nostalgia. What would you like to see return to the game that has long since been missing? For me : Terracing, 10 minute half time breaks and black fitba boots!
  20. They start to appear after a certain amount of posts!! just keep posting and they will eventually come.
  21. I'm nae a big fan of dolls either, although the worst ones for me are those life like baby ones.... whats that all about. Dont like clowns much either, toy or human.
  22. I used to suffer from IBS and severe migraines, and as a result as I decided to give up on tea and coffee, along with many other foods/drinks about 8 months ago. I also gave up all fat versions of carbonated drinks and while i know the diet versions aren't said to be healthier, they dont cause me as much issues for when i do occasionally indulge in one. To replace those drinks, i turned to water and roughly drink about 1.5 - 2 litres a day. I never used to drink it on its own, or at least very very rarely, but now i cant do without it. The benefits are amazing and i can honestly say that my moods have improved, i find i can concentrate more and i very rarely get a sore head these days, though i do suffer from ocular migraines occasionally. Now that is likely a combination of both changing drink and food, but i can honestly say replacing the tea and coffee with water has been one of the best things i have ever done for my body.
  23. Aye edges do it for me too, though like you, i wouldn't say i'm afraid of heights as such.
  24. Interesting we voted opposite, but both think it still wont happen. We differ on the democratic view of the referendum i see though. Regardless of the reasons why people voted for Brexit, they did so democratically and the government have a duty to now get Britain out of the EU. They wont of course, and it will be very interesting to see the public reaction when it eventually does get kicked out. No doubt there will be much posturing by anti-Brexit types, but I would be much more concerned about how a government can overturn such an important referendum, purely because they fear the unknown.
  25. As the title suggests! Mine is the fear of flying. I used to be a great flyer and loved every second. That was until I was on a flight back from Florida to New York in 1998 and we were landing in thick fog. The pilot told us there would be a little turbulence, but that we would be landing in 10 minutes time. Except, what he actually said was 2 minutes time and i had misheard. So in my head, ten minutes was the expected ETA... then while I was casually looking out the window at the fog, I suddenly see the nose of another plane and its flashing wing lights right next to my own plane and i completely shat it! Our plane then landed with a thud on the runway about a second later, and i realised that the plane i had just saw, was actually taxiing to the runway. For that split second though, i thought it was going into side of us mid-air and all because i had misheard the ETA and the fact the fog was thick at ground level... I almost didnt get on the next flight home and have been terrified of flying ever since, though i do still do it!! So whats your's?
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