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Saturday 15th March 2025 - kick-off 3pm

Scottish Premiership: St Johnstone v Aberdeen


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Everything posted by TheDeeDon

  1. TheDeeDon


    Aye, I seen that pop up just before 5 and knew right away it was a bit of bullshit, on a par with being past the peak yesterday, when the day before we weren't. The scary thing about it all is that nobody, or at least people in the right position to do so, is doing anything to highlight the lies coming from Government which has resulted in deaths of people. Makes you sick to the stomach to think people are lapping their lies up day after day and think they have done a great job.
  2. TheDeeDon


    Surely there must be someone in America and I mean it in legal terms, that can shut up Trump? Even being President, there must be something in place to stop him spouting the pure pish that he spouts, especially when people could be in real danger if they follow his advice.
  3. TheDeeDon


    I think you just adapt the best you can. I'm sort of getting used to it and it has been a wake up call for my works IT department who were really caught out with this as our systems were crap and they found out how bad they were once this kicked off, so been a few changes to how we access things, which so far seem good. I try and stick to my usual daily routine, get up the same time and finish around the same time, some I work with think I am mad for doing this, but I find it helps. Some seems to have their laptops on 24/7, but log on for periods throughout the day, I suppose whatever works and no right or wrong way. It is funny if in conference with people in the same position and their kids wander in asking kid questions when Mummy or Daddy are in a call or the dog suddenly starts barking its head off, or people forget to mute their mic when having conversations at home. I think working from home will become a new norm for many after this is all over.
  4. TheDeeDon


    Couldn't agree more. I think we will easily be top of the pile for deaths in Europe come the end of it all due to the inaction of our government from the outset and still it continues. The rainbows in the windows and the clapping our NHS workers don't really do it for me when the poor folk have to do their best with not enough PPE to protect themselves. I always laugh at the daily briefings when they stand behind the podiums with Protect the NHS on them, when the bastards standing behind them having done little to protect the NHS, I hope the irony is not lost on others. Protect the NHS, don't vote Tory.
  5. Well since we are all missing out on our fix of the Dandies, here is a clip of Gary Mackay Steven scoring a superb hat trick against Hibs back in December 17. Was at the game and he was unplayable that day and was one of the best individual performances I have ever seen from an Aberdeen player. https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/scottish-premiership
  6. TheDeeDon


    You know the shit is getting serious when they have to wheel the Queen out to address the nation and keep the south of England happy. Usually hauled out when it becomes apparent the Government have fucked up and it is a royal fuck up. Some good stuff in the latest Private Eye about Covid and the Governments failings which really need hammered home to everyone.
  7. TheDeeDon


    708 deaths today being reported in the daily update, including a 5 year old with underlying health issues. Never good hearing about the deaths of bairns.
  8. Good news. I think we are lucky having him at the helm at the moment. I'm not convinced by him, but he does speak a lot of sense and he takes responsibility as our Chairman and rather him at the helm than Milne, especially with what is happening. Still not sure about renewing out STs though.
  9. Kier Starmer voted in as the new Labour leader. I know little about the guy, but will he be able to get them back to some sort of electable party? I didn't mind JC he spoke a lot of sense at times, but was clear from the start he would struggle to win over members in his own party let alone convincing the electorate, but did far better than I thought he would. I still think he is a decent person and did so long before he become leader. I suspect Labour will head back to the right on the policy front, though he has said he would stick to some of Corbyns, including nationalisation of the railways; hich is easy to say with an election over 4 years away. We really need a opposition party to hold the mop headed buffoon to account as he is a shocking PM and a capable politician on the opposition benches would destroy the man.
  10. TheDeeDon


    Got to be a big worry if it really takes hold amongst the poor of India and Pakistan and other poorer nations. Look how much problems it has caused in the so called developed world. It is just one big mess this whole thing and going to get a lot worse yet.
  11. TheDeeDon


    The China figure sticks out like a sore thumb, which makes you think they are not telling us the truth, but on the other hand they did lockdown very quickly and it would have been strictly upheld, but the number just doesn't look right in that context.
  12. TheDeeDon


    Todays figures are not really a shock given the initial response from our government, but still don't make good reading. The thing I find most disturbing is the lack of testing for our NHS staff, that should be unforgivable to anyone with an ounce of decency in their bones and would expect it to be remembered come the next election, which would be far more a thank you to the NHS staff than any amount of hand clapping of an evening. I was reading how much people the Germans are testing and it only highlights how bad the overall infrastructure of our country really is.
  13. TheDeeDon


    I also dont think that the lockdown measures have been in place long enough to know enough as to how badly the UK is going to be hit by the virus, we just seem to be a bit too casual in our ouutlook this virus at government level. Something just doesn't feel right with what we are being told by our government clowns and are these figures being fudged for political reasons to suit agendas? Did anyone else want to boak when Bojo told us there was such a thing as society after all.
  14. Even though it is 30 years ago it was a decent game, but the challenges are x rated. No team taking any prisoners and seeing Ally Maxwell with bust ribs carrying on showd how mad it used to be. Alan Main I couldn't remember their keepers name.. Extra time and it's a close game, wouldn't like to call it.
  15. Currently watching the 1991 Scottish Cup final between Motherwell and Dundee United. Jeez I had forgotten how bad the tackling used to be and not even as much as a talking to from the ref. John Clark was a fucking beast for Utd he took no prisoners. I am probably a bit too young to see Davie Cooper in his prime but was he as good as made out to be?
  16. TheDeeDon


    I do wonder if Bojo having it is a bit of spin for when more people realise he fucked up with all his dithering. Far fetched maybe but I trust that lot as much as I would have letting Jimmy Saville look after my kids.
  17. TheDeeDon


    Cummings pulls the strings anyway, so we wouldn't notice that much of a difference.
  18. TheDeeDon


    It was the C4 interview I saw him on and boy was he bad. Clueless didn't quite cover it and he cannot even cover up his shortcomings with personality, as he hasn't got one. I expect him to either leave the cabinet in the next few weeks, be surprised if he doe survive.
  19. Posted elsewhere on here, but wasn't sure of renewing for next season before all this virus kicked off, just pretty bored with a lack of entertainment on the pitch. I appreciate the club could hit financial difficuties, but so too will many individuals in the coming months.
  20. TheDeeDon


    Matt Hancock is everything wrong with the government of this country and has been for far too long. People who are just poodles after a career in the top positions of government, but offer nothing in the role bar a willing ness to nod their heads when required and to agree 100% with policy and come times like these are found out big time.
  21. TheDeeDon


    The goodwill towards Johnson is frightening, as initially they were not going down the path we are currently on and chose the survival of the fittest option, which I found very scary. Then after finally following what all other countries were doing, including countries who have been through it and appear to be over the worst, we follow suit and he is some sort of hero for implementing what he should have done earlier. The 80% wages was a good thing, but I bet you many in the party fought against, but I still believe the economic impact of the virus is still going to do much more damage than the virus itself, if they didn't come up with the supported wages plan I dread to think what would have happened. Once over the worst of it they will implement tougher austerity measures to recoup what they have lost with the virus. Sadly, he will be the PM who saw us through the virus and will be hailed a hero, which will no doubt mean winning another term in government, despite his inaction at the start possibly costing a few more people their lives. People thinking BJ is a good PM shows how fucked up this island really is.
  22. TheDeeDon


    Big sums of money going to be spent and you know it will be open for abuse. Going to leave the finances in a bad state, but they have to ensure people don't lose out because if it all. Maybe an extra tax on the sky high profits of the supermarkets and the likes of Amazon is required to ensure they don't profit too much from the situation, never going to happen though. Bojo just blusters his way through these breifings like a bull(shitter) in a china shop. Still don't think they are taking this seriously and it is all spin over substance. Saw the story about the live in staff at the hotel in Aviemore losing their jobs and home today. Thought that was very harsh and a situation which could be avoided.
  23. TheDeeDon


    Aye, I ken a few Bojo supporters as well who if you ask them what he has done that is so good the stock answer is that he is not Corbyn. I'll never get my head around anyone voting for that clown or the party he leads.
  24. TheDeeDon


    Watching Boris is like watching a character in an old Ealing film. As a leader of one of the supposedly biggest nations of the World, he isn't really coming across well and to the actual policy on dealing with the virus is far from instilling confidence in the nation, you finish watching less clued up than before . We stay indoors, but we close down nothing which seems to be the most successful way of containing the virus. He is telling business to back their staff and not make job losses, but doesn't advise how they keep paying people when their revenues have dropped through the floor and what about people in general who have possibly lost jobs and have bills to pay such as rent no real crumbs of comfort given to them. We then have the clusterfuck which is the NHS, the fact they still cannot get the required equipment needed to protect front end staff should make them hang their heads in shame. Everyday just seems to add another level of contradiction to their plans. Just not good enough and I hope folk who voted for the clown including many in this part of the world are realising how big a cunt the man and his government poodles actually are and to think most of these folk will get titles and peerages for presiding over this mess.
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