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Saturday 15th March 2025 - kick-off 3pm

Scottish Premiership: St Johnstone v Aberdeen


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Everything posted by Sweetchuck

  1. Are you serious? They won't be saving any money over what they would currently pay anyway (ie. £20 + £20 now; instead of £21 + £19 from January 2009 onwards). If we can't get them in now, rejigging the way in which they pay that money is not going to be any incentive whatsoever.
  2. But you're absolutely right: the way he phrases it, he definitely talks about them being our closest rivals, so you're quite correct to point it out. He's still a wank, though.
  3. Aye, that'll have them breaking down the doors of the ticket office, desperate to spend another £20 in order to reclaim their £1 Old Firm Tax.
  4. I can see where he's coming from. We are Inverness' closest SPL rivals in a geographical sense, even if they aren't ours. He's still a wank, though.
  5. Not just onto the Filth, but also the fairweather Dons fans who only bother to turn up and support the club at big games. Can't say that I see anything wrong with that at all.
  6. Not really. Aberdeen fans are getting the cash back anyhow. We should have done to the Filth fans what their clubs wanted to do to our fans.
  7. £1 is less than 5% of an away ticket, unless the away ticket costs less than £20, which I doubt. They are still squeezing cash from us on this; it's just that we are squeezing some back from their fans. Essentially though, we're still going to be giving (slightly) away more than the extra raised by this £1 price rise. This will come from our club and not from the away ticket sales. The situation as a whole though is far more preferable than it would be if we had capitulated immediately the way other clubs did. They should be thoroughly ashamed of themselves. Congratulations to AFC for at least having the fucking bottle to stand up to the Scum.
  8. This is probably about as much as we could have hoped for from this situation. The Filth are still quids in, but at least that cash is coming out of their fans' giros, and not from our wages. We'll still subsidise them slightly, I think: 5% of the ticket price is more than £1, unless the tickets are £20... I expected they would be closer to £25, but I could be wrong. If that was the case, I would have bumped the Category A prices up by £1.50 or £2.
  9. I know; I wasn't talking about Verdonck, but rather about the conveyor belt of Dutch amateur shite sent over here by JC's equally clueless son. Anyway, I think it's perfectly possible to pre-judge players on a footballing basis, if they've shown themselves to be consistently shite elsewhere (eg. Lee Mair). What I don't think is acceptable is judging a player's ability on the basis of something which they said entirely innocently, but which has been radically misinterpreted on some fans' forum.
  10. Show me where I said that, and then I'll acknowledge that your smug smiley is bang on. Struggling? Name me one Dutch defender signed by JC who has come in and done a decent job for us. And I don't mean the likes of Snoyl, who was a loan signing and already touted as a big thing for the future in Holland. I mean the kind of lower league detritus that we shouldn't even contemplate signing: Sven Baas, Dave Bus etc. By the logic of your post, I shouldn't be written off as a signing for the Dons, despite the fact that I'm shite at football and one of my knees is fucked. I'm all for giving people a chance - so long as they tick the right boxes. Most of JC's trialists and signings from Holland are unquestionably shite, as their record indicated beforehand. This guy, on the other hand, looks to have a decent record and seems keen to play for us, so of course I'm not writing him off. Both Weir and Pressley may be way past their respective high-points, but they're still better than a) Seve or b) Considine at the back, which is all that really matters. Again, going by your logic, you'd presumably turn your nose up at the likes of Cannavaro or Thuram.
  11. Said it before and I'll say it again: I would be staggered and disappointed if JC and WM had not at least spoken to Steven Pressley about signing for us for the next year or two. He's exactly the kind of no-nonsense centre half we need until Scott Calderwood makes friends with another shite Dutch amateur defender who will be given the chance by JC to fill Anderson's boots.
  12. Last season.* * That's assuming that you agree with me that Ritchie Byrne isn't really a professional footballer and therefore shouldn't be included in our deliberations.
  13. I wouldn't be so sure about the earnings, but in any case, that's not the point. A few people have jumped on this guy's back before he's even set foot inside Pittodrie for having the nerve to say what we all know anyway: that the best AFC can hope for most seasons is a 3rd-place finish. Being happy with that does not necessarily make you some sort of mercenary. The vast majority of players who sign for new clubs know that their club is unlikely to win silverware: there simply isn't enough to go round. Nothing in what he's said suggests that he's only interested in the money. As I pointed out above, being interested in consistent 3rd place finishes is far more likely to be linked to footballing reasons than financial ones: regular opportunities for European football; potential for a cup win as the domestic 3rd force etc. Simply put, if this guy is decent and is happy to join us for footballing reasons, then I'd love to see him lining up alongside Zander; and I find it absolutely unbelievable that some people are already prepared to crucify him on the basis of a very one-sided interpretation of a dodgy translation from the internet.
  14. Aye, AFC's a real gravy-train these days. If it's pots of money he's after, he wouldn't even be considering a move to a Scottish club outwith the OF. Perhaps what he meant was that the possibility of regular UEFA Cup football as a result of finishing 3rd attracted him. Slaughtering the boy on the back of one early and poorly-translated comment is simply ridiculous.
  15. Exactly. Basically, if you want to rock the boat, your question won't be asked or answered.
  16. Has one man ever looked so spectacularly out of place at a football match before? Check out the reaction of the auld boy standing on the right.
  17. Can I be the first to say: It's a little-known fact that the term "gimp" was invented solely to be applied to this smug, dipshit cunt.
  18. Frankly, I'd tell him to get fucked. Seriously, how would you feel if you asked your bird to marry you, only to be told that she was waiting for a better offer to come along, but if nothing better shows up, she just might be generous enough to say yes? The only reason he should be coming up here again is to apologise to the fans for being an avaristic, money-grabbing whore, before flying back down to whatever shithole it is that he owns property in south of the border.
  19. I'd be very sceptical about figures like that. A brand-new stadium for £8m? No major construction firm is going to agree to that if the overall cost is (as has previously been estimated) £30m-40m.
  20. Correct me if I'm wrong, but this seems to represent a ridiculous waste of money. If the Council can't afford to contribute to the feasibility study, it sure as hell won't be able to spunk £20m odd on a brand new stadium for us to rent. At the moment, our entire business model for the new stadium is premised upon the Council spending a huge amount of money to build it, with us chipping in whatever we can (ie. profits from sale of Pittodrie etc). Given that the Council clearly isn't in any sort of a position to be spending £20 - let alone £20m - on a construction luxury for what is (in legal terms anyway) a private interest, there seems little point in pushing ahead with this. Over the long-term (which we now have to consider, given the Council's precarious finances) feasibility studies like this get outdated very quickly. As far as I can see, our latest stadium plans are now keeping the Bellfield Farm/Kingswells plans company at the bottom of a dark, dusty drawer in a dark, dusty room in the bowels of Pittodrie, never to be seen again. All we can do now is pin our hopes on Euro 2016, and we all know that that ain't going to happen.
  21. You might also want to know that he is incapable of asking any of his guests a straightforward question in less than 2,500 words.
  22. Rob McLean is definitely a Dons fan.
  23. I'm sure I remember reading somewhere that Feargal Sharkey is a Dons fan.
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