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Sunday 6th October 2024 - kick-off 3pm

Scottish Premiership: Aberdeen v Hearts

JC: We threw it away and let down the fans


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What will have to happen for JC to say it was his fault?


Jesus, not this shite again.


The 11 players on the park should have been good enough to have bet the 11 players they had on the park.


There were very few things that JC did that was tactically wrong on Saturday so let's not make it all about him.


11 players on that park wanted to win the game, 11 players didn't have it in them.

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Jesus, not this shite again.


The 11 players on the park should have been good enough to have bet the 11 players they had on the park.


There were very few things that JC did that was tactically wrong on Saturday so let's not make it all about him.


11 players on that park wanted to win the game, 11 players didn't have it in them.


Spot on.


No guts = no glory.

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I can't see why some folk are blaming solely the manager for this defeat.


Some of the individual errors by players during the game were school boy stuff.


Think it was considine or foster than managed to throw the ball 10ft at a throw-in, straight to a queen of the south player, with no dons players about.


Another pass wide to Aluko was fluffed at his feet and went out of play.


Souter constantly humping the ball way up the park when our to left field players were unmarked - and only throwing the ball wide to them in last 5 mins - surprise, we kept possession that time.  This is one that pissed me off the most - their #6 defender was a foot taller than mcguire so what was the point.


Manager also started with a 4-4-2 which I thought was what people wanted.


The thing I will blame the manager for though is motivation and consistency.  He just can't get the same level of performance that we know the team are capable of out of them week in week out.


And folk mumping on about the manager taking blame.  Load of bollocks in my opinion - what difference will that make? What other managers take blame? Apologies to fans, yes, but blame?!?


If the manager is taking blame then some fans should shoulder some too.  Booing Macnamara off the pitch was a disgrace.  Someone on here not long ago said something like "the players will be shitting themselves about making mistakes cos they'll be torn apart by JC in the press".  How do they feel with 1000's of folk ripping them a new one when the game is still on-going.  And booing Miller at the end when he was trying to do the decent thing - glad I was on my way out as the final whistle sounded.  I've never liked most aberdeen fans though and saturday reminded me why.


So in this case i think everyone is to blame - milne, miller, calderwood, coaching staff, the players and the fans.



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Guest bloo_toon_red

Booing Macnamara off the pitch was a disgrace.  Someone on here not long ago said something like "the players will be shitting themselves about making mistakes cos they'll be torn apart by JC in the press".  How do they feel with 1000's of folk ripping them a new one when the game is still on-going.  And booing Miller at the end when he was trying to do the decent thing - glad I was on my way out as the final whistle sounded.  I've never liked most aberdeen fans though and saturday reminded me why.


If people are willing to pay the equivalent of a day's wages to follow their team down to Hampden for a kick-off at an unsociable hour, they also deserve the right to let their opinions be heard.  Do we all sit on our hands and accept such inept performances?  It obviously means more to some people than others, but most of the players really did do the decent thing and headed straight up the tunnel, heads hung in shame at how meekly they'd surrendered to a band of first division journeymen.  Professionals in all walks of life have to take criticism, that's why they get paid more.


I agree with the rest, there's not much at all that JC could've done on Saturday.  As the SPL team we have 11 better players.  Although I'm starting to wonder.

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Guest bloo_toon_red

Not above criticism at all but I'm inclined to think that most football clubs get the fans they deserve.  I don't think at all that we had an adverse effect on them on Saturday.  The crowd at Inverness a couple of weeks ago was far worse when the chips were down, and look what happened in the end there.


There are an innumerate number of factors as to why sections of the support feel aggrieved.  I'd say the fact it wasn't just a small minority that booed McNamara off vindicates just how bad he's been.  I don't think he was being booed solely for that game but for the fact he's probably only had one performance of an acceptable standard since he signed for us and we are right to feel we are being seriously short-changed.


Football fans will never change regardless of the rights and wrongs of how you treat your players.  You remove the passion of the hordes in the terraces and football as a spectator sport will die.  People channel these thoughts in different ways I guess.  But all of us, to a man, want the same thing, and that is to see Aberdeen win.  If a player can't realise the hows and whys of that, then they're obviously not tough enough to deal with being a professional footballer.


I don't think any right-minded professional footballer goes onto the pitch in such a negative mindset as to think "oh shit, I better not make any mistakes today".  If they do, they're obviously in the wrong job.  It's the manager's job to motivate the players in whatever way he sees fit.  It doesn't really appear that anything is working this season.  I don't imagine many of us have access to what is going on inside Pittodrie but I'll guess that JC is pulling his hair out wondering what it is he needs to do to motivate his players.  The only thing he can do now is have a clear out and freshen things up.


And as for applauding QotS as I heard happened - what a load of shite!


I concur.  I didn't like that at all.  Insult to injury.

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I'll guess that JC is pulling his hair out wondering what it is he needs to do to motivate his players.  The only thing he can do now is have a clear out and freshen things up.


There's only two things left for JC to do:

1) a mass cull of the playing squad in the hope that a fresh squad will have the drive and determination to get us back into Europe for 09/10

2) Leave. Whilst he's got an ounce of dignity in him, perhaps he should cut his losses and leave. He's clearly got what it takes to get Aberdeen up to where they should be. But he clearly doesn't have what it takes to KEEP us there.


Maybe last season we were punching above our weight. But JC should've built on last season's squad to ensure that a team who were punching above their weight were more heavyweight this term, and could stand firm to the task of being the country's third-top side. Instead, his critical failing is to fail to replace the one man who helped lead his team into Europe - Russell Anderson. I thought he'd done this by signing Jackie McNamara. It's obvious that Jackie just ain't up to the task of leading the defence. But the critical failure is in the fact that it's taken JC an entire season to realise this. Infact, has he realised it yet?



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I don't really agree with booing in the first place, but there was no need to boo McNamara off. How fucking fickle are Aberdeen fans in that they cheered Mackie on when 2 months ago they were booing him on.


There were some right idiots at the game on Saturday, including a guy who was shouting Jimmy GTF throughout the game and raged at Aluko because he didn't let the ball go out for a corner and crossed it back in.

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The thing that really annoys me, more than any other as far as JC's "blame" in this goes is this: That article could have been lifted from almost any game at any time this season, right back to Tannadice on day one. What have he and his coaching team been working on all through the season that our defending is still so shambolic? Our "success" over these past 4 years has been built on a solid, organised back 4. Surely it's not rocket science to suggest working on that specifically?


As far as Saturday goes, the majority of our team showed themselves up for the gutless, spineless fuckwits they really are. I'm just waiting for the newspaper stories to emerge towards the end of the week. You know the ones, "I'll fire the goals" (no Darren, you won't), "we've got to make it up to the fans" (no Seve, you probably won't) etc etc etc. They say a manager moulds a team in his own image. After 4 years, i'm fairly starting to see it in our bunch of fannies.


Edit: Hmmm. That wasn't meant to be as anti JC as it sounds. Feelings still a bit raw i think.

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FFS get off your high horses.


I wouldn't boo players during a game but if a player gets subbed after such an embarrassingly poor performance, again, as McNamara put in, and if the manager is so thick as to not realise that 1) he should never have started and 2) once he started with him he should have realised before the 60th min that he needed hooked then I feel entitled to show them both how I feel on the matter.  I don't give a fuck what McNamara feels on the matter as he shouldn't be near our team ever again.


Equally having paid my money to be served up with that shite I feel perfectly entitled to boo the team off the park.  Too many people at afc seem to think just getting to the semi final was an achievement.  The sooner they realise that it is not the sooner we move on and improve.


In anycase the positive support the team got was far more vociferous than the negative support until the final whistle (McNamara sub apart).  If the players can't get motivated by the the kind of support they recieved at both semifinals then what the fuck are they looking for?


As for applauding QotS.  I did and have no qualms about doing it again.  I fully understand that others won't agree but they should everything that afc lacked on saturday.  They achieved something that their club will probably never achieve again and I wish them every luck in the final.  I applauded Munich off the park in the Allianz arena too and I'm sure folk weren't moaning about that.

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Lets do it for every team that beat us then - might as well start clapping their goals too.


I don't think QotS played particulary good football to be honest.  Our 3 goals against them show that.  They did show a fight for the ball that Aberdeen did not.


You're talking fucking shite min.


Falkirk played us 5 days before, gave us a good game but we just nicked it.  Had the won I'd not have clapped because they wasted time and were happy to play for the draw.


QotS took the game to us, were pushing men forward for the winner, weren't playing back to the walls or boring 1 up front nonsense.  Never wasted time play acting or taking time to put the ball back into play and then put 4 goals past an SPL team.  They punched above their weight, worked hard and got the win.


Clap Lee Miller or clap QotS?


No fucking brainer.

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Guest bloo_toon_red

They punched above their weight, worked hard and got the win.


They didn't have to work hard to get their goals though.  We sold them to them, all four of them.


I found the applause deeply patronising in the circumstances.  I could certainly not bring myself to do it, I was too angry with my own team's performance to care a jot about QoS.  It's just the way I see it, but the saying goes - show me a good loser and I'll show you a loser.

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They didn't have to work hard to get their goals though.  We sold them to them, all four of them.


I found the applause deeply patronising in the circumstances.  I could certainly not bring myself to do it, I was too angry with my own team's performance to care a jot about QoS.  It's just the way I see it, but the saying goes - show me a good loser and I'll show you a loser.


Here's one of my favourite sayings - go fuck yersel.  ;)


Whether we gifted them the goals or not, they were still up in our box in their droves itching to put the ball in the net.


11 honest, hard working players, who have only recently turned professional have reached the cup final by conceeding no goals until the semi-final.  They then beat an SPL club who did well in Europe that same season........


If that's not reason to congratulate someone with a pat on the back then I don't know what is.


I was raging at the final whistle and almost took the stairs down to the pitch 5 at a time when I saw Miller applauding the fans.  I decided against it and whilst turning for the exits I saw the QotS players applauding our fans.


Maybe it's just easier to do when it's not United or Hearts who you've just gifted a win?

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