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Possible Goalkeepers

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See both Kasper Schmiechel and the boy Zsamoltulski that was at United are looking for new clubs. Both of these would be great addisitons and would be definite number 1 for next season. Kasper will probably have a few offers, but I reckon the Polish guy could be tempted up here. Surely with the cull of players, we can afford to pay a half decent wage for a good quality keeper.





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Guest bloo_toon_red

Both good shouts, I particularly liked Szamo at Utd, but neither of them have played for Dunfermline, so I'm going to stick my neck out and say he's going to go back in for Paul Gallacher.

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Would love to see either of them at Pittodrie, however I think Schmeichel will fancy other options. I also don't think we'll be that adventurous and agree with BTR with who will most probably be the broom cupboard photo. Szamoltulksi certainly impressed me when I saw him, but just cna't see it happening sadly.

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Yeah it was Villa. Wouldn't be a bad signing. the people on mad were talking about Calderwood being on a flight to Amsterdam and watching the Ajax-Heracles Almelo game. A few in the Almelo team I think he could have been watching. Including a moderately experienced 39 year old  ;)

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Does anyone realistically think we could possibly afford to pay Schmeichel's wages?


Admittedly I have no idea how much he is on, but I doubt we could afford anyone who is playing (or sitting around) an EPL club.



Szam has looked good when I've seen him.

Why did he leaving Utd?


Was only on a short term contract until the arsehole prone to crowd incitement was fit

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Aye, he didn't want to sign on for longer as he had honour (he said) and would only play until his countryman was fit. He then reportedly told the huns he would only sign for them if he could get £15k a week, as he thought he'd just be a sub, but would take £4k a week to play first team football.

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