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Saturday 26th October 2024 - kick-off 5.30pm

Scottish Premiership: Aberdeen v Dundee Utd

25 Years on Sunday

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I was only 4 was gutted my dad didnt take me. My granda and uncle went over as well in a transit van. He likes to remind me about all the stuff they did to get over there and it being one of the best nights of his life.  :thumbsup:


Will be on train on sun so wont be doing much. The events they have put on look good but not well advertised.  


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I was invited for the Friday night but also turned it down. Some of the speakers / entertainment sounded terrible.


George Burley and Donnie Munro?  :hammer:


He'll have dreadful memories of the Aberdeen team under Fergie that humped Ipswich.  Bobby Robson wisnae a happy man.


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George Burley and Donnie Munro?   :hammer:




What's up with George Burley? He's the only reason I'm going. I have absolutely fuck all interest in seeing the players and hearing their views, the dinner, hearing the various other "celebrity" speakers, the booze, catching up with mates, and just about everything else to celebrate a wonderful night 25 years ago.  :hammer:

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I was 7 years old when this happened. Just starting to understand what being a football fan was all about. I mind watching it on the tele in our suburban Stoney home. Dougie Donnelly commentating. At the time, he was the voice of sport on the tele. Now he's just the guy who does the snooker.


But Hewitt's goal was priceless. Every house around ours let out a rip-roaring scream of joy. And the morning after saw just about every kid in the street out celebrating with their Aberdeen top on. Even the girl twins down the road from me had red scarves on (and from memory, it was a beautiful sunny day).


And then the defining moment ... my best mate from down the road goes "I got European Song on white vinyl. My dad bought two of them ... would you like one?"


And it still sits in my record collection today!

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Tommy that uses these boards was there as he likes to remind everyone about.  Also i know my uncle was there, i have a photo of him on the ferry leaving ABerdeen.


As for sunday, depending on what the weather is like i will either be outside or inside wishing i was born in the 70s.

I know my dad was there as i've seen him and his mates banner which reads "Miller eats Spaniards, Spaniards eat willies" Red Ultras hang your head in shame.
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That was a fantastically brilliant night. We had Bryan Gunn at our table, absolute gent, got absolutely hammered too and fell off the stage at the end taking the big vinyl banner down with him. Said he was starting a new role as a scout for Norwich next season so I helpfully tipped him off about an exciting prospect called Darren Mackie.


Willie Miller said he wasn't sure if Calderwood, Nicholl and Clark would be present for the Man Utd friendly as they might be "taking a long walk". Dunno what he meant by that....


Highlight of the evening was Neale Cooper invading the stage while Willie Miller was talking to Richard Gordon and entertaining the crowd to alcohol fuelled stories filled with obscenities, which included Fergie impressions, a story about Hewitt catching him wanking, his ex-wife kept a nice clean house apparently, and when Fergie took them to Egypt, he thought it was a shithole and camels were all queuing up to ride Jim Leighton.


Only lowlights was them basically forcing everyone to pay £10 to enter a prize draw where the only prize was tickets to the Man Utd friendly. Also, the Gothenburg Greats painting print, £75 for the normal picture, a whopping £400 for a signed one. When the players are all already there signing autographs for everyone, it seems a bit shitty to charge an extra £325 for a signed picture.


If tomorrow night is anything like tonight, it'll be a hell of a lot of fun.

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That was a fantastically brilliant night. We had Bryan Gunn at our table, absolute gent, got absolutely hammered too and fell off the stage at the end taking the big vinyl banner down with him. Said he was starting a new role as a scout for Norwich next season so I helpfully tipped him off about an exciting prospect called Darren Mackie.


Willie Miller said he wasn't sure if Calderwood, Nicholl and Clark would be present for the Man Utd friendly as they might be "taking a long walk". Dunno what he meant by that....


Highlight of the evening was Neale Cooper invading the stage while Willie Miller was talking to Richard Gordon and entertaining the crowd to alcohol fuelled stories filled with obscenities, which included Fergie impressions, a story about Hewitt catching him wanking, his ex-wife kept a nice clean house apparently, and when Fergie took them to Egypt, he thought it was a shithole and camels were all queuing up to ride Jim Leighton.


Only lowlights was them basically forcing everyone to pay £10 to enter a prize draw where the only prize was tickets to the Man Utd friendly. Also, the Gothenburg Greats painting print, £75 for the normal picture, a whopping £400 for a signed one. When the players are all already there signing autographs for everyone, it seems a bit shitty to charge an extra £325 for a signed picture.


If tomorrow night is anything like tonight, it'll be a hell of a lot of fun.


Absolutely fantastic night. No way would I have missed that. Just superb. Didn't really like the "original" painting, but an original is an original and it was signed, but couldn't justify paying more than two grand for it. Funny how the bidding goes through the roof after several shandies!!! Some of the auctioned items went for silly money.


Neale Cooper was just superb, very very funny. The place was in stitches. Also Donny Munro, who I didn't even realise was an Aberdeen fan, doing a few special numbers, especially Loch Lomond was bang on.



Oh, and JC and company are about to be sacked!!!


Great evening......I wouldn't have missed it for the World.

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Absolutely fantastic night. No way would I have missed that. Just superb. Didn't really like the "original" painting, but an original is an original and it was signed, but couldn't justify paying more than two grand for it. Funny how the bidding goes through the roof after several shandies!!! Some of the auctioned items went for silly money.


Neale Cooper was just superb, very very funny. The place was in stitches. Also Donny Munro, who I didn't even realise was an Aberdeen fan, doing a few special numbers, especially Loch Lomond was bang on.



Oh, and JC and company are about to be sacked!!!


Great evening......I wouldn't have missed it for the World.


Superb, sound like a great night.... Donnie Munro performing Loch Lomond must have been a brilliant surprise!  Is he from Aberdeen?


... JC to be sacked? Fishing?

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That was a really odd comment by Willie Miller about the management team. I think everyone took it the same way though.  ::)



It was unfortunate that certain games this weekend are still very important meaning that Fergie, Strachan, McGhee, McLeish and Watson couldn't be there. But still a fantastic turnout. A night like last night was absolutely unmissable.


I didn't realise Donny Munro was an Aberdeen fan, as he's from Skye,but went to colledge in Aberdeen. Loch Lomond was brilliant at the end.


Has anyone has a transcript of what JC said on the big screen, cos I couldn't understand half of it.  :hammer:

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The first thing Calderwood said was "those were different days, mostly down to finances" and someone at the table next to me shouted out "aye that's right you useless fat bastard, get your excuses in first". Wasn't paying too much attention to the rest of what he was saying. Out of the 750 people there, I don't think a single person paid any attention to the Gordon Smith clip.

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We're too early celebrating this, according to today's Record, we won the cup on May 25th 1983.



Dinnae worry about their inaccuracies, half of Dundee will be wipping their erse with it within the next week or so ;)

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