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Saturday 15th March 2025 - kick-off 3pm

Scottish Premiership: St Johnstone v Aberdeen

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The SPL may not kick-off as planned next weekend, as strike action by referees looms on the horizon.


The Scottish Referees’ Association have not yet finalised a financial agreement for the forthcoming season, which is due to begin this Saturday with Rangers visiting Falkirk.


Scottish clubs and officials are understood to have discussed proposals on a new pay structure throughout the summer, however, no final arrangement has yet been met.


The Evening Telegraph reports that Scottish referees are eager to have their match fees increased to £1000, which would represent a sharp pay rise from last season’s biggest fee - £575.


A meeting this week in Grangemouth brokered no deal, and there is a chance of a so-called ‘no pay-no-play’ scenario arising.


According to the Telegraph, both the SPL and the SFA were unaware of the ultimatum when the referees’ decision was taken, but talks are understood to be ongoing.


However, if the £425 pay increase fails to materialise, then strike action could become a reality.



Seriously, you could replace the hopeless bastards who referee Scottish games with homeless guys picked off the street, and have confidence that they'd likely be more honest and less likely intimidated by the OF.


I say let them strike... in fact get shot of every last one of them and replace them with homeless guys.


Scottish referees are not very good at their jobs. So, you know, see ya lads.




Eurgh, been waiting that long for football again last thing I want is it potentially being postponed.


Anyway, £500 for two hours work? Maybe I chose the wrong career path.


They want £1000 per match

Fuck me

It is a 2nd job for these lunatics but they want to be paid more for one match than many of the players they are reffing get in a week!


I wouldn't mind so much if they were any good, but they are, without exception, fucking useless!

Guest swaddon

Greedy bastards. They want £1000 every week to run around blowing a whistle and chalking off legitimate goals against Celtic on top of what they are earning in their day jobs and the backhanders from the Old Firm which must run into the tens of thousands every season.


BBC article has this quote from Jim Traynor.  :wanker:


"They do believe they are worth more money because of the pressure they are under now but they want the authorities to understand they need to be protected from chairman and managers who question their honesty and integrity.  

We are at the stage where referees are pilloried far too often now. It's unfair. When managers start saying openly that a referee has cheated, then we need to sit down and think again.


Presumably talking about McCurry at Ibrox, when good old Mike blatantly cheated Utd out of 3 points.  If they want people to stop questioining their "honesty and integrity" they should start refereeing matches that involve the Old firm in a balanced and impartial way.



Guest swaddon

BBC article has this quote from Jim Traynor.  :wanker:


Presumably talking about McCurry at Ibrox, when good old Mike blatantly cheated Utd out of 3 points.  If they want people to stop questioining their "honesty and integrity" they should start refereeing matches that involve the Old firm in a balanced and impartial way.




:thumbsup: Exactly. When they do their job properly, then they can ask for more money.


Figures vary but i'm led to believe that its £800 a game and this is also to do with the new deal which sees the SPL as a whole getting more cash, the referees think its only fair that some goes their way.


They may have a point but they better fucking earn it for a change rather than the usual shite we have to put up with.


Figures vary but i'm led to believe that its £800 a game and this is also to do with the new deal which sees the SPL as a whole getting more cash, the referees think its only fair that some goes their way.


They may have a point but they better fucking earn it for a change rather than the usual shite we have to put up with.


£800 is what I read. Also heard they are apparently using Norway as an example, as they get £1,200 or something. Why are Scots obsessed with Norway right now?


Okay, I say they can have their £1000 per match.


However, this is on the understanding that a committee of video referees gets to watch the match afterwards and, for every mistake the ref makes during that match, the ref loses £100.


McCurry would be in debt VERY VERY quickly.


£800 is what I read. Also heard they are apparently using Norway as an example, as they get £1,200 or something. Why are Scots obsessed with Norway right now?


I have no idea, just why are you so obsessed with norway?


I have no idea, just why are you so obsessed with norway?


Examples from Norway just seem to have been popping up everywhere the last week or so in things I've been reading.


Why are Scots obsessed with Norway right now?


Cos its a fucking good model of how we should been doing things as a similar sized country. We are very similar to Norway in terms of the people, culture, oil revenue etc. The difference being they are light years ahead when it comes to transport, health care, general living standards etc. We could do a lot worse than take a leaf out of their book.


As for the Refs, if they want payed more and want to traet reffing as more of a profession, maybe they should start behaving fucking professionally. A financial penalty system for major fuck-ups is a great idea, give them the cash but they need to start bloody earning it.


Cos its a fucking good model of how we should been doing things as a similar sized country. We are very similar to Norway in terms of the people, culture, oil revenue etc. The difference being they are light years ahead when it comes to transport, health care, general living standards etc. We could do a lot worse than take a leaf out of their book.


Aye but their drink is expensive as fuck!

The difference being they are light years ahead when it comes to transport, health care, general living standards etc. We could do a lot worse than take a leaf out of their book.


Mate, the biggest problem we face is Norway has a HUGE tax rate, like around 50% income tax or something like that. The councils pay for everything that the public need, including health, transport, education ... hell, they even pay to build football stadiums with the tax-payers money.


The UK could do this, but the UK is full of whingers and NIMBYs who are so used to complaining and complaining until they get their own way. Can you imagine the NIMBYs paying 50+% tax? "So that you ruffyans can have a football stadium?? Not on my watch!"


Yes, we have similar people, cultures and revenues. But we've got a comletely different mindframe when it comes to us paying tax. The Brits are hell-bent on taxcuts taxcuts and more taxcuts. And when the government make a tax-cut, it's never enough. That's why Norway's model will never ever work in Scotland.


"They do believe they are worth more money because of the pressure they are under now but they want the authorities to understand they need to be protected from chairman and managers who question their honesty and integrity. 

We are at the stage where referees are pilloried far too often now. It's unfair. When managers start saying openly that a referee has cheated, then we need to sit down and think again.


Just to echo CtS: :wanker:


It's unfair?  We need to sit down and think again?  Too fucking right - although I'd suggest more thought needs to be given to which of these cunts should still be in a job rather than how much coin they should be on.

Guest Caroline B

The refs are being a little bit naughty with the timing of this. Obviously they see the timing of this strike action as crucial to success in acheiving their aim.

Why did they not bring about this threat sooner otherwise?


In other leagues, we have a situation whereby referee's are professional and therefore they are paid professional wages. In these leagues however they are also called to account if they have a nightmare of a match and are relegated to lower leagues/less high profile matches therefore losing points status on the F.A referee's league table of performance. They also have to explain decisions afterwards having reviewed the tape of the match, where they have the opportunity to acknowledge mistakes.


Now take the SPL as an other example. We have part time referee's who usually do jobs such as Solicitors, executives etc.....

There is no accountablity for any mistakes made in matches. It's as you were for the man (or woman these days) in the middle. No punishment is made and the wages remain the same.

It's also fairly common for a ref or assistant to live within a short drive or even walk from the grounds they often have to officiate in, leaving them open to bias accusations. Take some of the pressure off by giving them matches not on their own doorstep. Alan Freeland to referee Aberdeen v's Celtic? Not a chance!


I support the referee's in the pay claim increase......but with a few provisos.

Give them the raise they want but in return they must be held accountable and accept demotion if they are found to have made serious blunders such as McCurry at Ibrox last season and at Parkhead and Motherwell for us.

Demotion would also mean taking a cut in wages. If the referee accepts his mistake and is demoted for 2-3 matches and has actually learned something other than being as stubborn as they currently are, then they gain promotion again.


Refereeing is a difficult job at the best of times, but so is being involved in the playing and management side of things with bad decisions costing jobs of managers and cash to clubs.

Lets not forget us..........They loyal fans. We run the game. Without us, no club will survive. Show us the respect we deserve by giving the refs their raise but also make them accountable for what they do.

Guest swaddon

Okay, I say they can have their £1000 per match.


However, this is on the understanding that a committee of video referees gets to watch the match afterwards and, for every mistake the ref makes during that match, the ref loses £100.


McCurry would be in debt VERY VERY quickly.


That's a very good idea. Don't expect it to be adopted by the SFA, though.


But a £100 fine for every mistake seems a little harsh. Everyone makes the odd mistake. If the committee finds that the ref made an absolute howler of the whole game, only then should he be fined.

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