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Saturday 19th October 2024 - kick-off 3pm

Scottish Premiership: Celtic v Aberdeen

Sign up against the 5% Old Firm charge


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Hi folks


I have been posting information on forums of all 10 non Old Firm clubs to tell people about a petition that I started at the beginning of the month (only heard about this site today)


PLEASE view and sign the petition here> http://www.gopetition.com/petitions/stop-the-old-firm-bully-tactics.html


And you can also keep up to date with letters I have written to the clubs and journalists etc. here> viewfromgorgie.blogspot.com


Thanks for your time.


Let's stick together just this once to stop the Old Firm leeches ruining our game more than they already have.




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As you will have seen in the press. This season, Rangers and Celtic sent proposals to all other SPL clubs asking them to pay a 5% surcharge to distribute tickets to their own supporters for away matches.


i.e If Celtic played Hearts at Tynecastle last season. Hearts sent tickets to Celtic and Celtic sold them. The money for these tickets then went back to Hearts.


This season Celtic would only send 95% of that money back.


All of the SPL clubs disagreed with these plans.


This morning (1st August 2008) Dundee United have stated that they have had to accept this 5% charge as Celtic have told them "If you don't pay, we don't take ANY tickets!" which stands to cost United £100,000.


In other words. The two biggest clubs in Scotland are now standing together to BULLY the smaller teams out of money that most of them can ill afford.


It's time for the 10 other clubs to test the resolve of Rangers and Celtic. If they threaten to send no fans. Fine! Sell those tickets to your own fans. Create an atmosphere that is as biased as the ones you face at Ibrox and Parkhead. Or close those areas of the ground that they normally take up saving money in policing and stewarding costs.


Are you allergic to commas?




Just tell your club to do what ours has done ie. think about it and come up with a scheme which fucks their fans over for the money.


The only way that the Filth are going to learn is by hitting them in the pocket the way they want to hit us in the pocket, not through poorly-written online petitions, which - without wanting to piss on your chips too much - never achieve anything more than the square root of two thirds of 20% of fuck all.

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