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Aberdeen to appeal Mulgrew red card

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Aberdeen to appeal Mulgrew red card


By Charlie Allan  :wave:


Published: 06/10/2008


ABERDEEN were today planning to appeal against the red card issued to Charlie Mulgrew in the Hibs game.


Mulgrew was sent off for handling the ball on the goal line.


But referee Mike McCurry and his assistant, Wes Boulstridge, failed to spot that Hibs striker Steven Fletcher, who flicked the ball up on to Mulgrew’s hand, was well offside. Dons boss Jimmy Calderwood said: “We are looking into the possibility of whether we can appeal the red card because it was a wrong decision. “Fletcher was clearly offside so the hand-ball that Charlie was sent off for should never have counted.


“I don’t put all of the blame on the referee because the assistant should have seen it clearly from his position.


“We don’t know if the SFA can rescind it and not impose a ban, but they should because it would be the fair thing to do. It would ease the pain a little if the SFA did the right thing and cleared Charlie to play in our next game.â€


The Dons are also upset McCurry failed to send-off Hibs defender Sol Bamba for conceding a penalty earlier in the game.


Calderwood said: “It was a scoring chance so surely that should have been a red card as well? That could have changed the whole game.â€


McCurry was today unavailable for comment.

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Think you cannot appeal a straight red for handball.  McNaughton was sent off at Ibrox and clearly never handled but was told can't appeal against wrong handball decision.  Rules might have changed since then but doubt it with SFA!!

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Think you cannot appeal a straight red for handball.  McNaughton was sent off at Ibrox and clearly never handled but was told can't appeal against wrong handball decision.  Rules might have changed since then but doubt it with SFA!!



What kind of bullshit rule is that though? If the refs fuck up in any way, shape or form cards should be able to be rescinded.  :hammer:

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Guest Caroline B

I wouldn't hold your breath on this one. If officials get it wrong, and in this case so blatantly wrong, they carry on as normal and all decisions will stand.


Every week there seems to be some massive cockup by officials and an outcry by authorities to respect refs. More respect would be given if they somehow managed to get a few decisions correct now and again.


I said it before and I'm saying it again.........Officials who make such big mistakes should be relegated to the lower leagues for a few games, thus hitting them in the pocket. The mistakes made on Saturday were so obvious that it should be an easy decision for the powers in charge to make.


I doubt if any appeal will be successful


McCurry is a doofus!

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What should happen :-


Red Card forgotten about.

McCurry fined his match fee for being an incapable bigot, and removed from SPL till Xmas

Linesman fined his match fee, removed from SPL for season.

AFC start litigation against McCurry for financial compensation.


What will happen :-


red card will stand, and willie miller will go on record to say we are lucky it wasn't increased.


T-shirts with "SFA refs, shite" for the scotland game?


I cannot believe that McCurry is a fooking minister?!? and he was shagging someone half his age - dirty bas*ard.

He needs kicked out of refereeing.

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The Scottish Football Association have all but scuppered Aberdeen's hopes of successfully appealing Charlie Mulgrew's red card against Hibernian.


Dons boss Jimmy Calderwood had hoped arguing that point would help get Mulgrew's automatic one-match ban overturned.


But SFA spokesman Rob Shorthouse said in the Aberdeen Evening Express: "The club can appeal against the handball decision if they want. But they would need to prove Mulgrew didn't deliberately handle the ball, which would clearly be very difficult.


"The circumstances which led up to the handball incident wouldn't be considered.


"The referee had made a decision and the ball was still in open play when it reached Mulgrew."

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Think you cannot appeal a straight red for handball.  McNaughton was sent off at Ibrox and clearly never handled but was told can't appeal against wrong handball decision.  Rules might have changed since then but doubt it with SFA!!


Damm the very time I know something about the laws of the game and I have an example to quote K9 beats me to it  ;D

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Guest leith_red

Aye, beat one nil with the resultant penalty as was the way of things at the time, though in a bizarre twist it wasn't Pressley that chucked himself down for the pen. 


Was that the one that TV replay's showed was already over the line when he handled it?

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