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Deano to return in January?

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I heard an interesting story regarding Eoin Jess. His brother was ten times the player Eoin was, but Eoin's brother disappeared abroad to work and a month later Eoin made it.


Eoin admits this himself, he always said his brother was the better player and I've heard this from couple of guys who grew up with the Jess brothers.


It was quite interesting to hear actually.



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Windass not ruling out Dons return

But Reds have to ask Hull first, says Dean


Published: 06/11/2008



DEAN Windass today refused to close the door on a dramatic return to the Dons.


The frustrated striker has only made three appearances for Hull City this season


Windass has made no secret of his desire to play regular first-team football and is open to going out on loan.


Former Don and Evening Express columnist Joe Harper said the club should make a move to take the 39-year-old back north to Pittodrie.


Writing in his exclusive Evening Express column, Windass said: “I was flattered to read Joe Harper say the club should take me back on loan. They have to ask the question before I can answer.â€

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Aberdeen consider move for Windass


By Charlie Allan


Published: 07/11/2008


OPTIONS OPEN: Hull City's Dean Windass.

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ABERDEEN are considering making a January move for Hull City hitman Dean Windass.


Dons boss Jimmy Calderwood today refused to rule out the possibility of former Pittodrie hero Windass returning north.


Windass has made just three appearances for Hull in the Premier League this season and is expected to be made available for a loan deal when the transfer window reopens.


The 39-year-old admitted in his column in the Evening Express that he would be delighted if the Dons came in for him.


Calderwood hinted that could happen.


“You have to consider every option,†he said.


“We know about Dean’s situation – and have done so for the last three weeks.


“It would be wrong to say to Dons fans at this stage that we will definitely sign Dean.


“We have a lot of things to consider, like how long Tommy Wright is going to be out injured.


“It’s also a few weeks before the transfer window opens again, so you never know what sort of options might be put in front of us.


“But I know Dean is a big hero with a lot of Aberdeen fans and they would be delighted if he came back.


“I also like the lad. I spoke to him in the summer, when Dean wanted Aberdeen to provide the opposition for his testimonial match.


“We were already committed to going to Holland, so I was disappointed we had to turn that offer down.


“I also spoke to Dean’s wife before that and she made it clear she would love it if he came back up to Scotland.


“I certainly wouldn’t discard the chances of that happening at this stage.â€


Windass is more likely to become an option if the Achilles tendon injury which has ruled Wright out of tomorrow’s SPL clash with Dundee United at Tannadice is slow to heal.


Calderwood said: “We’ve been told Tommy should be back within three weeks, but you can never be sure with that type of injury.â€


Midfielder Stuart Duff is definitely out until the New Year.


Later editions of yesterday’s Evening Express reported Duff is to have surgery to the knee injury which has plagued him since the summer.


Duff offered to delay the operation until the summer and continue to take pain killers to ensure he could play every week.


Calderwood said: “All credit to Stuart for offering to do that, but it was clear it would be best to get the problem sorted now.â€


Jamie Smith (calf strain) and reserve keeper Bertrand Bossu (leg injury) will also miss the trip to Tannadice.

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He’s a class act and has been a fan’s favourite everywhere he’s played.  He’s still doing it at a higher standard than the SPL and wants to continue playing until he’s 42 giving him another 3 years.  How many players can you say that about and then also add that he categorically states he wants to play for us?


Young said this week that he’s 2nd or 3rd oldest at the club meaning the younger lads don’t really have that many role models to learn their trade from.  We all saw how well Maguire played alongside Brewster and it took months before Miller notched up as many goals after he’d left.


It’s a no brainer.


Get him signed.


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It looks like he’s kept a close eye on us over the years and reportedly he’s back in the city often enough visiting mates so I’m sure he’ll be fully aware of our financial troubles.  I’m sure he’s also fully aware that outside of the O.F. nobody is offering that sort of money in the SPL so surely he’s not making noises about a return if there’s no scope for bargaining?  He’s already turned down about 3 other loan deals but if we don’t ask, we don’t get.


As it’s a loan deal we don’t need to be picking up his full wages and if he is that keen to come play for us again then he’ll surely take a wage cut?  I’d imagine he’s financially secure considering he’ll have played almost a decade longer than most of his peers.


It’s fair enough to say that we’re well covered in that area with regards to numbers but we’ve not had a goal scorer or player who would pull in a crowd for years.  Scott Booth was probably the last player we flocked back to see en masse and that was more for the happy memories than what he could bring to the squad.  But players and opportunities don’t come along like this very often and its magical little moments like these that make your Saturday that little bit more exciting.  And by fuck we could do with a bit of that!


Romanticised bollocks?




But as I said; if we don’t ask……



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Well he'd have to agree first and if he doesn't fancy any the high bidders then they're going to pay his wages for sitting on his arse.  If they've no plans to use him then why not get someone to pay a portion of that?


As for the track record, I don't see how that matters?  That's like saying John 'clean through' Stewart was shite so we shouldn't play any youngsters.


I still think Brewster was a decent signing and Deano wouldn't be near as powder puff as Booth.


Anyone know his injury history?



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What companies are doing well in a recession?


I wouldnt say any companies are doing well during the recession.  Although from what i'm lead to believe some of the major oil companies are operating very comfortably.  However i very much doubt any of the major players would be in any way interested in sponsoring Aberdeen in any way shape of form.


This whole story sounds like rubbish to me!

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