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4-1 win at tynecastle I think sometime in the early 80s.


I believe it was the game frank mcdougall scored that peach of a volley.


Ajja probably remembers better than me.


I do remember that we were in the Hearts end as my old man is a jambo. He told us specifically that we weren't allowed to celebrate if the dons scored. We scored and some dandy a couple of rows in front jumped up showed his scarf then sat down again in seconds.

7th March 1981. Aberdeen 4(McCall 38 hamilton 42 Jarvie 53 Angus 65)
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If your dads a Jambo what made you pick the dons? Please tell me you never let him hear the end of it when they ballsed up the double?


Q1. When I was about 7 I had a good friend who I looked up to. He was a passionate Dons fan (I think he was originally from there) and his room was decked in all things red. I guess I was on the look out for a team to settle on and even at that age I was aware that the OF were all you ever saw locally and I was always one for taking the 'road less traveled'.


Q2. Abso-fucking-lutely. I remember the day very well. My older brother is also a jambo and the despair in our house (apart from mine and FJ's bedroom  ;D ) that afternoon was palpable  :thumbsup:

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Q1. When I was about 7 I had a good friend who I looked up to. He was a passionate Dons fan (I think he was originally from there) and his room was decked in all things red. I guess I was on the look out for a team to settle on and even at that age I was aware that the OF were all you ever saw locally and I was always one for taking the 'road less traveled'.


Q2. Abso-fucking-lutely. I remember the day very well. My older brother is also a jambo and the despair in our house (apart from mine and FJ's bedroom  ;D ) that afternoon was palpable  :thumbsup:

Excellent! So you must have taken FJ under your wing. Good man, older brothers aren't ALWAYS cunts :thumbsup:
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I don't think my dad recovered from that day. He never seemed to be as interested in football after that.


As for our oldest brother he is more in to Iron Maiden than Hearts. No taste at all.

Bet he ran to the hills :-[


My old man made sure i was a dons fan. Don't think he'd let me in the house if I had picked another team!

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Saturday April 13th 1991, a 4-1 thumping of Hearts at Tynecastle. 


First Pittodrie match last game of the 1993-94 season I think.  1-1 draw with Celtic Brian Irvine my hero scoring! 


First Cup game the 3-1 Semi-Final loss at Tynecastle to The Arabs. 


First European encounter 0-0 with Dnipro and only testimonial Stewart McKimmie`s. 


Only Scotland match 1-1 draw with Russia at Hampden with Scott Booth grabbing the goal. 



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Saturday April 13th 1991, a 4-1 thumping of Hearts at Tynecastle. 


First Pittodrie match last game of the 1993-94 season I think.  1-1 draw with Celtic Brian Irvine my hero scoring! 


First Cup game the 3-1 Semi-Final loss at Tynecastle to The Arabs. 


First European encounter 0-0 with Dnipro and only testimonial Stewart McKimmie`s. 


Only Scotland match 1-1 draw with Russia at Hampden with Scott Booth grabbing the goal.


Did you ever roll up to the top of Broadhill?

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Q1. When I was about 7 I had a good friend who I looked up to. He was a passionate Dons fan (I think he was originally from there) and his room was decked in all things red. I guess I was on the look out for a team to settle on and even at that age I was aware that the OF were all you ever saw locally and I was always one for taking the 'road less traveled'.


Q2. Abso-fucking-lutely. I remember the day very well. My older brother is also a jambo and the despair in our house (apart from mine and FJ's bedroom  ;D ) that afternoon was palpable  :thumbsup:


I was living in Edinburgh at the time and remember getting the shite kicked out of me at school for taking the piss out of the Hearts fans. I was still singing Aberdeen songs as the piled on top of me and kicked me LOL

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First game I wanted to go to was the playoff 2nd leg at east end park in 1995. Great scenes at the end of that game. Only bad thing was I couldnt celebrate too much as i was in the wrong (dunfermline) end.


My dad tells me he took me to an aberdeen game at east end park when i was pretty young but i cant remember it.

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First game I wanted to go to was the playoff 2nd leg at east end park in 1995. Great scenes at the end of that game. Only bad thing was I couldnt celebrate too much as i was in the wrong (dunfermline) end.


My dad tells me he took me to an aberdeen game at east end park when i was pretty young but i cant remember it.


I remember that one. Most of my mates at the time were Pars fans so was good to GIRFU them after that!  :thumbsup:

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