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Saturday 15th March 2025 - kick-off 3pm

Scottish Premiership: St Johnstone v Aberdeen

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A controversial Scottish brewery has launched what it described as the world's strongest beer - with a 32% alcohol content.

Tactical Nuclear Penguin has been unveiled by BrewDog of Fraserburgh.

BrewDogwas previously branded irresponsible for a 18.2% beer called Tokyo,which it then followed with a low alcohol beer called Nanny State.

Managing director James Watt said a limited supply of Tactical Nuclear Penguin would be sold for £30 each.         He said: "This beer is about pushing the boundaries, it is about taking innovation in beer to a whole new level."

Mr Watt added that a beer such as Tactical Nuclear Penguin should be drunk in "spirit sized measures".

Awarning on the label states: "This is an extremely strong beer; itshould be enjoyed in small servings and with an air of aristocraticnonchalance. In exactly the same manner that you would enjoy a finewhisky, a Frank Zappa album or a visit from a friendly yet anxiousghost."

However Jack Law, of Alcohol Focus Scotland, describedit was a "cynical marketing ploy" and said: "We want to know why abrewer would produce a beer almost as strong as whisky."

Thebeer has been launched on the day alcohol was at the top of thepolitical agenda with the unveiling of the Scottish government'sAlcohol Bill including proposals for minimum pricing on drink.

Meanwhile,BrewDog's plans for a new headquarters to producing millions of bottlesof beer a year have been approved by Aberdeenshire Council.

Thedecision was taken at a full council meeting despite having beenrecommended for refusal by officers because the site at Potterton, nearAberdeen, is in the green belt.







          Brewdog beer banned because its label encourages consumers to drink to excess.


Brewdog’s Tokyo* beer won’t be sold by bars, clubs and shops across the UK following a ruling under the Portman Group’s Code of Practice.


AlcoholFocus Scotland and a member of the public complained that a message onthe drink’s label encouraged excessive drinking. 


TheIndependent Complaints Panel decided that the 18% ABV beer breaks theCode which sets minimum, mandatory standards for drinks producermarketing. 


The Portman Group is issuing a Retailer AlertBulletin asking retailers to stop selling the drink until its marketingis altered to comply with the Code.


David Poley, Portman Group Chief Executive, said:


“Wedon’t regulate the alcohol content of drinks but we do control how theyare promoted.  It’s obviously unwise for any company to urge consumersto drink to excess.  We won’t allow any irresponsible marketing whetherit’s for a big brand or a niche product.  That’s why we’re takingaction to restrict future sales of this beer.â€


The Panel did,however, dismiss complaints that the product’s packaging undulyemphasised its strength and that the expression “intergalacticfantastic†on the label was a reference to the effects of illicit drugs.


Notes to editors


Tokyo* beer is manufactured by Brewdog, a company based in Fraserburgh,Scotland.  The message on the label and website that caused thecomplaints reads:  “Everything in moderation, including moderationitself.  What logically follows is that you must, from time, [sic] haveexcess.  This beer is for those times.â€


The full complaints decision can be read here: http://www.portmangroup.org.uk/?pid=25&level=2&bid=241



However, BrewDog's co-founder Martin Dickie said: "The PortmanGroup's decision to ban Tokyo* highlights the misdirection of theirorganisation.

"Like all of our specialist beers it was onlyavailable online at our website and in five specialist beer retailersthroughout the UK.

"They should perhaps concentrate theirefforts on targeting the brands selling 24 cans of lager for £7 - whereliteral excess is contributing to Scotland's problem with alcohol."




The type of folk going out downing 5 bottles of Miller(other carbonated water tasting beers are available) before battering, along with five of their mates, some 5 stone fifteen year old, are ordinarily the type of folk who describe real ales as rank.


Unfortunately because the guys at brewdog with their "trendy" marketing have made a 15% (and now 30%) beer these same neds are going to want to buy and drink it because they think it will make them look hard. Probably helping add to their stories of being proper hardcore alkies.


While I understand brewdog's point these guys aren't stupid enough not to realise the marketing and free publicity that it would create and I don't for one minute think that they were naive enough not to realise it would go full circle and this beer would come to attract the same type of drinkers that are attracted by the crate for £7 deals.

The work of the Portman Group is funded by its nine member companies:Bacardi-Martini, Beverage Brands, Brown-Forman; Carlsberg UK; MolsonCoors Brewing Company UK; Diageo; Heineken UK, Inbev UK and PernodRicard.


I wonder how many of the members companies drink products have been banned?  :-\

  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Currently enjoying a few of these




I cannae drink Stella. Dinnae ken if its the additives in it or what, but I get a stinkin hangover from that shit, no matter if I have 20 pints ... or half a pint. No other beer I have had has that effect on me


I cannae drink Stella. Dinnae ken if its the additives in it or what, but I get a stinkin hangover from that shit, no matter if I have 20 pints ... or half a pint. No other beer I have had has that effect on me



I'm a bit like that with Budweiser, makes me bum sick.


Good excuse never to drink the stuff as it's fucking stinking anyway.


Tonight I have been mostly drinking tennents and bru bombs. We had one round of jager bombs (paid for by me) but were suggested by the bar staff to buy irn-bru at 60p a can rahter than red bull at £2.60. It was nice.

  • 2 weeks later...

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