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Sunday 6th October 2024 - kick-off 3pm

Scottish Premiership: Aberdeen v Hearts



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I'm getting sick of the tubes greeting aboot the folk that are slowing down and taking their time.  ::)


I'd rather get there slightly later in one piece than rush and get into an accident because the person behind me is an impatient twat.  :hammer:


Also sick of the tubes who dont put theair headlights in heavy snow


Live next to a busy road and it appears that the main culprits are those who drive silver or white cars.  :hammer:

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According to BBC forecasts the snow should stop on Wednesday even if the low temperatures don't.


I must be getting old. I hate the snow now. Aye it looks pretty but I hate driving in it and hate the thought of family and friends driving in it! I can't be arsed with the disruption either!


Agree wi Tom about the clowns driving without lights. The other night at about 5ish (dark!!) in town there was a big 4x4 hairing along the road in the snow wi nae lights on. Twat didn't even notice the countless cars furiously slashing their lights at him.  :hammer:

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