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I can't say im very fond of Malaga. Cheating bassa's. Never had you as a barca sympathiser though al!


Manc, not particularily keen on Malaga either, kind of neutral regarding Barca, but detest with a passion both the "Special One" and Real Madrid

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Manc, not particularily keen on Malaga either, kind of neutral regarding Barca, but detest with a passion both the "Special One" and Real Madrid


Ah fair enough Al, can't say I despise the special one that much. His quote about Benitez during the week was a classic. Same old shit stirrer! Is the spanish league actually exciting this season???

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Was a mad game!


Gareth Bale is a major league cunt nugget though, having seen his post match interview yesterday.


Apparently contact equates to an excuse to crash to the grass. I fucking hate football and footballers.


Agreed. Non longer a mans game and now a non contact sport.

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When I first saw Bale's dive I thought it was just that, a dive. But when I saw a replay there was clearly contact. He went down theatrically but I think he was unlucky.


That's the whole point though. Theatrically, there was contact. All different euphemisms for "conning the ref". There's contact throughout the pitch, once touched does every single player writhe around on the ground or swan dive over a leg?


The sport is generally rotten wi it and is so wrapped up in self protectionism that cunts like Bale are never really chinned for it, mainly because their managers condone it/encourage it and a media with a perma-stonner never make a real attempt to examine it.

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Can't disagree with any of that, really. There needs to be harsh retrospective punishments handed out if we really want to stamp it out the game. But you'd need to give folk the benefit of the doubt. In this case I think it would be harsh to hammer Bale because he was going at pace and clipped. It's tough. And we don't have governing bodies strong enough to make tough/unpopular decisions.


Credit to Suarez last night. Fouled by Cuelar out on the right hand side but managed to stay on his feet. Although he still had a long way to go and a lot to do he kept going and the ref played advantage. 99 out of 100 players would have went down or stopped and taken the free kick.

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Frankly it was a surprise Suarez stayed on his feet too, another with plenty form.


But those two are just two high profile examples, there's a minority who don't indulge particularly in the EPL.


It has to hit teams and therefore managers harder, it's not like the whole fucking world can't see what happens, they just don't give a fuck.


Once the managers say quit it, it stops.

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