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Saturday 15th March 2025 - kick-off 3pm

Scottish Premiership: St Johnstone v Aberdeen

What Have You Been Watching on TV?

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Watching Channel 4 News the noo. I know they're as establishment as the rest but give them their due, they're like a dog with a bone when they get their teeth in. It's Arron Banks getting slaughtered this week. They exposed Cambridge Analytica and ultimately put them out of business and they got Grayling over Seaborne so there's at least a semblance of independent investigation going on.


We are going back almost 10 years here rumpus (I would imagine) but minijc has mellowed in that time. I similarly was the target of his weird obsessions and gratuitous insults, an immaturity that we can't possibly forget. You might be man enough to forgive and forget but I'm too immature and unchristian to turn the other cheek.


New Derry Girls last night was really good.


Thought it was the weakest of all, wife thought the same.


But then yesterday found myself making reference to "the big bowl" and pointing out differences between catholics and protestants to my (Irish) wife.  :smile: :smile: :dunno:



Minijc. There's an online personna I haven't put in his place for a long time.


Hello Mate  :wave: You were once obsessed with finding out who I am, how did that go?

You never once put me in my place, also who really cares it's the internet.


Rocket I've never had an obsession with you, if we go back 10 years I was still a baby so that would explain a lot for my interactions, nae an excuse for being a dick but heyho.




If I remember correctly you were obsessed with Rocket. Kinda Love/Hate relationship.


You used to guide him to what you thought were decent shops in Aberdeen so he could buy (in your opinion) decent clothes.


The Great Man humoured you and played along, at the same time ripping you a new one which apparently went straight over your head. I found that amusing.


Never mind, all done in jest. Hope all good in your world and you're keeping well.

I don't recall that at all, I only really use two shops in Aberdeen, Hanon and Pure although been a while since I've been in either.

Finally got round to watching Leaving Neverland.

It’s pretty lurid but benefits from a very straight-forward matter-of-fact style and is absolutely 100% believable.  The second part is particularly powerful. That said, my mind was made up about Jackson years ago.


Anyone who doesn’t believe the content of this documentary can fuck off really.


Anyone who doesn’t believe the content of this documentary can fuck off really.


Strange quote. It's impossible for anybody who is sane, who has a functioning instinct and who doesn't have any vested interest to not believe the documentary. After all, to orchestrate this many diverse  people to construct a lie would require the best acting performances of all time, from ordinary people without any acting history.


Jackson was a paedophile, period. I think how he became one is the more interesting aspect. That father of his (Michael Jackson's) has the answer would be my guess.


I haven't watched it and don't think I ever will. You got by what folk are saying, it seems that he was indeed a serial paedophile. It was obvious to those of us who grew up in the same era that he did that was a weird fucker by the time he reached the age of 21 and just became an even more bizarre character as the years rolled on.


However I do have a huge problem with all these paedophile stories emerging about him ( and others like Saville) only emerging after they've died. Yes the stories do seem to be credible but I'd far rather their accusers had come out with their stories when they were still alive so that the accusations could have been tried in a court of law. I'm fairly certain that amongst the genuine abuse survivors, there are probably a number of fake accusations by chancers looking for a wedge of compensation. You cannot libel the dead we are told so they've got nothing to lose in doing so and quite a lot to gain....nice wee newspaper serialisation of their story, possible payout from the accused's estate or statutory compo from the government etc.


It seems as if more and more radio and TV stations are banning Jackson's music. I loved his "Off the Wall" and "Beat It" albums but hated everything from Bad onwards. ( I was very young when he was doing his Jackson 5 stuff, it's ok but wasn't into music much at that point because of being so young). Very sad if his musical legacy is wiped from the annals of history but seems like that is what is going to happen.



I didn't intend to watch it either, didn't bother with the first episode but started watching the 2nd one and was captivated by the testimonies. I get what you're saying about not coming out sooner and agree with it broadly but on this occasion, the two victims could not have spoken out sooner, for various reasons. The damage Jackson did to them and their families was severe, the guilt of the mothers being deep.

Guest kiriakovisthenewstrachan

Watched Limmy's Homemade Show on BBC last night. What a load of shite. Jist nae funny. Wondered how on earth he managed to get his own show to be honest.


Watched Limmy's Homemade Show on BBC last night. What a load of shite. Jist nae funny. Wondered how on earth he managed to get his own show to be honest.


Ach you should've said. I could've saved you some life. Limmy isn't understood nor appreciated by the vast majority of you. He only appeals to minorities like us. I went to the Fringe to see him last year. His one two buckle my shoe in the homemade show is probably my fav scream out loud belly laff I've ever had on TV. You just keep away fae Limmy. You wouldn't get it.

Guest kiriakovisthenewstrachan

Aye, I'll be keeping well away fae him Rocket.  What a waste of half an hour of my life that was. Tempted to ask for a refund on my TV licence.


Tempted to ask for a refund on my TV licence.


Now now. Develop some tolerance. Just because it's way over your head doesn't mean that we can't enjoy it. The BBC aren't there to serve you you you. I never liked Only Fools and Horses or Allo Allo or Dad's Army or The Office or Partridge or 95+% of sitcoms but I understand that many of you lap up that shit. We are all different. The secret is to identify and understand precisely why we don't like some things and like others.


It's easy not to 'get' Limmy, some of his work can be hit or miss but that can be said about many comedians, I warmed to him more when he was doing his vines, this one below is my favourite by far.



That's your opinion and you're entitled to it. I don't agree that he's ever a "miss". More than half his stuff doesn't make me laugh but nor should it. Just like his piece in the homemade show about what is comedy, he's not actually a "comedian", certainly not in any genre that's ever been seen before. Some of his stuff makes me howl with laughter but his social observation stuff is fucking awesome, the cancer awareness bands and the double dildo old couple being radical and unique ways at looking at stuff, fashion and followers in the former, the need to communicate in the latter. He's a hugely intelligent and original genius who's walked the walk and lived his life. The hopelessness of the party talk guy and of Deedee from Yoker has never been done before, anywhere on the planet. She's turned the weans against us is another phenomenal and idiosyncratically Scottish look at the underside of our country, as indeed the plasterer was.


That's fair and I agree, two others that I'd add to the ones you've mentioned would be "What's yer thing" and the episode with Falconhoof where Jester is used.  There's another I like but can't find the clip, it's about people in cars staring then it cuts to what they see and it's Limmy like dancing. (I'm shit at explaining this)


What's yer hing (not thing) was brilliant, an acknowledgement of the secret sicknesses all around.


Falconhoof wasn't always my fav but the Kill Jester one had me falling over in laughter. The way he married Scottish nihilism, a total lack of respect for the rules and authority with a sense of entitlement was incredibly funny and clever.


Ah sorry, I searched "What's yer hing" and nothing showed, the other one I was on about is "People in motors" but can't find it on youtube.


Out of interest Rocket, have you watched Afterlife?  new series from Ricky Gervais, I've only just warmed to him recently but for me this latest piece of work from him is absolute genius, can understand why some don't like it but it made properly laugh at some parts and really think at others.


No not seen it. Never liked Gervais for the obvious reasons but I do acknowledge his tremendous talent. As I've not seen anything he's done for over a decade, I guess he could be worth a new look. He surely still can't be peddling the same pathos individual joke, although it's a model others have used successfully throughout their careers, appreciated only by simple morons of course  ;)


No not seen it. Never liked Gervais for the obvious reasons but I do acknowledge his tremendous talent. As I've not seen anything he's done for over a decade, I guess he could be worth a new look. He surely still can't be peddling the same pathos individual joke, although it's a model others have used successfully throughout their careers, appreciated only by simple morons of course  ;)

I couldn't get in to his stuff before and I thought he was a cunt but have since watched interviews with him which have helped me understand and appreciate his work a bit more.  Afterlife is about a guy who loses his wife and he wants to kill himself but he can't because his dog is hungry.

Excellent 3 part documentary about Peter Sutcliffe on BBC4 this week.  Very well put together, and quite enlightening as to what attitudes to women were like in the 1970s, particularly those who walked the streets, and how inept the police investigation seemed to be (witnesses were ignored, and Sutcliffe was questionned and released 9 times!?).

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