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Saturday 15th March 2025 - kick-off 3pm

Scottish Premiership: St Johnstone v Aberdeen

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Tis indeed a strange coincidence, we could maybe meet up at weekends and swap shoes.


What with having the same shoe size an all, we could easily do that! Maybe we could sniff each others too, you know, really get a feel for it.


Do you have any convictions for arson?


Do you like corn beef?


What's your favourite potato variety?


1. Never been caught


2. Only Argentinian corned beef fae a rusty tin


3. Goes without saying; Maris Piper.


Almost forgot; I'm currently being sued by an unemployed chap for defamation on a bulletin board, he was suing 36 people but he lost the first trial and is now appealing against the judgement for 8 of us, judgement below if anyone gives a shyte!  ;D He's a strange chap, he's now suing Justice Eady the judge in the case below and his barrister who represented him, he likes his day in court, he's never out of place!


I'm "debaleb", I only get one mention, been dragging on so long I don't care what happens next!




PS debaleb is belabed backwards and the appeal date is the 11th of May.


Almost forgot; I'm currently being sued by an unemployed chap for defamation on a bulletin board, he was suing 36 people but he lost the first trial and is now appealing against the judgement for 8 of us, judgement below if anyone gives a shyte!  ;D He's a strange chap, he's now suing Justice Eady the judge in the case below and his barrister who represented him, he likes his day in court, he's never out of place!


I'm "debaleb", I only get one mention, been dragging on so long I don't care what happens next!




PS debaleb is belabed backwards and the appeal date is the 11th of May.


Fancy summarising that for us?


Unemployed ex naval officer who loves sitting in court all day every day picks a fight on a bulletin board, 36 people get involved in the arguments that followed over a day or two, unemployed chap uses his unemployed status to bring defamation cases against every one, would have cost him circa £85k if he'd been in employment.


After 3 years and many hearings the case is fully heard, the judge throws it out and says the cases are without merit, unemployed chap shuffles his papers in court and walks out smiling, he then contacts papers claiming his human rights have been breached then sues a load more people, he also appeals against the original findings, appeal date 11th May.  ;D


That's about it, of little interest to anyone not involved but been a big part of my life for around 3 years now.


Touch wood he gets a restraining order against him and someone punches his lights out.


Im still confused. What was the argument about? How could he go to court? How would it have cost him £85k?


To bring a libel case in the high court the fee is £1500.


He also had to bring 36 Norwich Pharmacals to get the real details of the people behind the usernames, around £200 each it would cost joe bloggs.


Unemployed people are exempt from paying any court costs, hence he could do what you or I could never, he sued people on mass.


The alleged defamations were all in his head, he called someone a fraudster, others called him a prick, he then started asking people to send him £10,000 or he would sue them, he claimed they'd be better settling rather than lose their homes, it was after reading that I got involved and told him what I thought of him, the judge said it was all mostly vulgar abuse and should never have came near a high court.


Amazingly 5 people settled at £4 grand a head, he coined in £20 grand and hired a barrister (he's now suing the barrister for losing the case ;D )


He's a persistant bugger though and is appealing.


He's been in court representing himself many times, treats it as part of his life.


The big mistake he made with us was one of the 36 is a retired lawyer, without him we'd all have been fecked.


1)Ever been in a Turkish Prison?

2)Ever hang out in the gym?

3)Ever seen a grown man naked






All are just wrong, I'm a beer and fag type of chap who doesn't care to see mens bits, I take my holidays in Spain and only eat English food when I'm there, get a dose of the shytes even thinking about a place like Turkey.


Would go there if the Dons ever draw Galatasery in Europe, other than that no thanks.


Who the fuck would be stupid enough to pay him £4k?




Actually send me their details, sounds like easy money.


I couldn't believe it either, snivelling little shytes! The money he got was wasted on lawyers though and he's skint again which makes me happy, he's actually now owe the website involved "ADVFN" £25K, they're going to bankrupt him when the case is over.


The big thing about the case was the judge said bulletin boards and blogs are akin to pub conversations so he thinks they should be treated as slander rather than defamation, slander is much harder to prove as you need to show a financial loss, a ruling on that is coming soon, I may have helped create history!  ;D


I agree with the ex-Naval officer. Far too much abuse is thrown about on so called 'friendly' forums and messageboards, if it was in person it would be up in court.


Well done him for standing up for himself and taking no shit. Hope he gets what he deserves, justice.


I agree with the ex-Naval officer. Far too much abuse is thrown about on so called 'friendly' forums and messageboards, if it was in person it would be up in court.


Well done him for standing up for himself and taking no shit. Hope he gets what he deserves, justice.


Fuck off, cunt.




I agree with the ex-Naval officer. Far too much abuse is thrown about on so called 'friendly' forums and messageboards, if it was in person it would be up in court.


Well done him for standing up for himself and taking no shit. Hope he gets what he deserves, justice.


Nice bit of fishing.  :thumbsup:


The fact he started the argument and threatened people with losing their homes if they didn't pay him £10k wouldn't have bothered you?


I only got involved when some people seemed genuinely very worried at the prospect of a long drawn out expensive case and begun to pay him money, regardless it was always a pretty friendly board apart from that chap anyway.


Read the complete trial judgement and you'll also see he actually had a website where he claimed to be running a registered charity and had a page with ways to send him money, only on digging did we find out the charity commission had not even heard of the guy and the whole thing was fiction.



Aye nice chap.  ;D



BTW We won the trial.



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