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Saturday 15th March 2025 - kick-off 3pm

Scottish Premiership: St Johnstone v Aberdeen

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I don't really follow F1, so how is it that Button and Brawn have emerged from nowhere to dominate the "sport"?


Last year Honda's car was so terrible, they put all effort into developing their 2009 car using all their state of the art facilities and multiple wind tunnels. Then the credit crunch hit, Honda pulled out and Brawn stepped in to take over the team and use the car that was at least 6 months ahead of any of its rivals and had more money spent on its development than the majority of the other teams.


He does women football world cup, Womens FA cup, cricket world cup, African cup of nations, superbowl and F1. These are all minority sports maybe with the exception of F1.


African Cup of Nations, Superbowl and F1 are far from minority sports in my household.  F1 gets millions of viewers for every race.  ::)


African Cup of Nations, Superbowl and F1 are far from minority sports in my household.  F1 gets millions of viewers for every race.  ::)


How many viewers are there in the UK for the Superbowl and the African cup of nations? They are clearly not minority sports in there own country but they are in the UK.


How many viewers are there in the UK for the Superbowl and the African cup of nations? They are clearly not minority sports in there own country but they are in the UK.


You should have said you were talking about "Minority sports in the UK" as opposed to "Minority sports".


How many viewers are there in the UK for the Superbowl and the African cup of nations? They are clearly not minority sports in there own country but they are in the UK.


To claim that F1 is a minority sport in the UK is nonsense, there's no country in the world F1 is a bigger sport than in the UK.


To claim that F1 is a minority sport in the UK is nonsense, there's no country in the world F1 is a bigger sport than in the UK.


That's two different points glued together to make one invalid point.


For instance I could say "there's no country in the world that caber tossing is a bigger sport than in Scotland".  Which is true.  But that doesn't make it any less of a minority sport.


It all depends on what you mean by 'minority'.  F1 draws millions of viewers but there's only around a handful of drivers taking part in the whole sport.


Tennis or golf only has say a few thousand professional players world wide but there's not a sport shop in the world that doesn't sell the equipment to play those sports which makes it accessable to millions.


So is a minority sport defined by the number of spectators or those taking part?


For me, when I hear the term 'minority sport' I'm sure it's more to do with money or class system rather than anything else.  Rugby fans get a reputation for being prawn sandwich eaters, most of those fans who watch it don't play the game.  Does that make it a minority sport?  No, of course it doesn't.  Polo on the otherhand..... minority sport because it's only accessable by the upper class?


That's two different points glued together to make one invalid point.


For instance I could say "there's no country in the world that caber tossing is a bigger sport than in Scotland".  Which is true.  But that doesn't make it any less of a minority sport.


It all depends on what you mean by 'minority'.  F1 draws millions of viewers but there's only around a handful of drivers taking part in the whole sport.


Tennis or golf only has say a few thousand professional players world wide but there's not a sport shop in the world that doesn't sell the equipment to play those sports which makes it accessable to millions.


So is a minority sport defined by the number of spectators or those taking part?


For me, when I hear the term 'minority sport' I'm sure it's more to do with money or class system rather than anything else.  Rugby fans get a reputation for being prawn sandwich eaters, most of those fans who watch it don't play the game.  Does that make it a minority sport?  No, of course it doesn't.  Polo on the otherhand..... minority sport because it's only accessable by the upper class?


What a load of pish.  ;D


I've never before heard anybody suggest that a "minority" sport is determined by the amount of competitors involved.  Surely it is down to its popularity for viewers and spectators.  F1 is huge in the UK.


Ah, I see, so watching sport is now classed as taking part?


No wonder the British youth of today all look like minijc.


Show jumping draws huge crowds, you saying that's not a minority sport because people watch it?


Surely a minority sport is something that only a minority take part in?


Track and field - millions watching, yet I'll wager there's hardly anyone that owns a javelin.


What pish ST.


F1 is all based within about an hour of Silverstone, all the cars are designed and built there.


Which, in my eyes means lots of people take part in it, which wouldn't make it a minority sport.


You say not many people own a javelin, so what? If I were to go buy one tomorrow I could go throw it easily, however to race a F1 car I'd need a few hundred people behind me to design, build & test the car. Surely them all being UK based would make it a fairly major sport in the UK, but once again, lets not let facts get in the way ::)


I've changed a Mercedes car tyre before.  I guess that makes me part of the pit crew?


Listen to yourselves, "a few hundred people design, build & test the cars".  I thought we were talking about sport.  It's quite difficult to tell which sport this particular athlete is playing from the screen:




Perhaps if he zoomed out a bit we'd have a better idea and could decide whether it's a minority sport or not.  ::)


Lest we forget the Nike team behind world class greats like Pete Sampras, Magic Johnston and Tiger Woods:




They must be knackered 'competing' 18 hours each and every day.


I've changed a Mercedes car tyre before.  I guess that makes me part of the pit crew?


Listen to yourselves, "a few hundred people design, build & test the cars".  I thought we were talking about sport.  It's quite difficult to tell which sport this particular athlete is playing from the screen:




Perhaps if he zoomed out a bit we'd have a better idea and could decide whether it's a minority sport or not.  ::)


Lest we forget the Nike team behind world class greats like Pete Sampras, Magic Johnston and Tiger Woods:




They must be knackered 'competing' 18 hours each and every day.


Stop being such a cunt.


I've changed a Mercedes car tyre before.  I guess that makes me part of the pit crew?


Unless it was on an F1 car, then no, it doesn't


Listen to yourselves, "a few hundred people design, build & test the cars".  I thought we were talking about sport.  It's quite difficult to tell which sport this particular athlete is playing from the screen:


Perhaps if he zoomed out a bit we'd have a better idea and could decide whether it's a minority sport or not.   ::)


Lest we forget the Nike team behind world class greats like Pete Sampras, Magic Johnston and Tiger Woods:


They must be knackered 'competing' 18 hours each and every day.


Are you somehow suggesting if Pete Sampras wasn't wearing Nike, he'd no longer be able to hit a tennis ball? And if Lewis Hamilton and his day turned up at Monte Carlo they'd still win without the team behind them?


Motorsport is massive in the UK.

F1 is the peak of motorsport.


If you want to argue this further, can you go read the classified section of Autosport first, where you'll find 5-10 F1 teams looking for staff all based in England, along with every last Touring Car team, also some Rally teams. Even if you go look over the pond in the States, in Indycar, would you like to place a bet on where all the Chassis are built for these cars  :wave:


I don't see how it's any different to the route Dave_min was going down.


Meanwhile Jager should take a bow for drilling holes in the ground so that those cars can go round the track.


Sports Personality of the Year in my book.


In tennis, golf etc. the equipment matters but the main input is the person. In F1 by far the most important thing is the car and not the driver. For instance Button this year is thrashing everyone because he has a good car while Hamilton is doing shit because he's got a shit car. The designers are paramount to the sport.


Unless it was on an F1 car, then no, it doesn't


It was an E190 so I guess I'm a valuable member of their touring car team.


Which, by the way, means fuck all about whether I take part in the sport or not.


Are you somehow suggesting if Pete Sampras wasn't wearing Nike, he'd no longer be able to hit a tennis ball? And if Lewis Hamilton and his day turned up at Monte Carlo they'd still win without the team behind them?


Well let's turn that around should we?


Are you somehow suggesting if Lewis Hamilton wasn't driving the best car.......... oh wait.  That's right, this privileged sports athlete, who only competes against a couple dozen other drivers in the whole wide world of how many billion, who can only win races if millions of pounds are spent on a car which only a few people will ever sit inside in their entire lives....... see where I'm going with this?


It's a minority sport because only a minority of people ever take part in it.


The boy blowing up the tyres isn't taking part, no matter what you think.  Neither is the boy who pours the rubber into the moulds, nor the boy harvesting rubber plants.


Here, let me help:


mi?nor?i?ty??/m??n?r?ti, -?n?r, -ma?-/  Show Spelled Pronunciation [mi-nawr-i-tee, -nor, -mahy-]  Show IPA noun, plural -ties, adjective


–noun 1. the smaller part or number; a number, part, or amount forming less than half of the whole.




sport??/sp?rt, spo?rt/  Show Spelled Pronunciation [spawrt, spohrt]  Show IPA

–noun 1. an athletic activity requiring skill or physical prowess and often of a competitive nature, as racing, baseball, tennis, golf, bowling, wrestling, boxing, hunting, fishing, etc.


Racing is in there but I'm pretty sure they don't mean 'around the garage for a M16 washer'.


Motorsport is massive in the UK.

F1 is the peak of motorsport.


Nobody is arguing with you.


Just don't tell me it's anything but a minority sport just because you're sitting in your flat, hungover on a Sunday, watching it for hours on end with your hand down your pants.


If you want to argue this further, can you go read the classified section of Autosport first, where you'll find 5-10 F1 teams looking for staff all based in England, along with every last Touring Car team, also some Rally teams. Even if you go look over the pond in the States, in Indycar, would you like to place a bet on where all the Chassis are built for these cars  :wave:


Aye and if I go read 'Horse & Hound' it's going to be inundated with ads for pheasant beaters in and around England.


What's your point?


Perhaps if he zoomed out a bit we'd have a better idea and could decide whether it's a minority sport or not.   ::)


Well as there's only 1 of him, that means its a minority sport according to you!  :thumbsup:


Just don't tell me it's anything but a minority sport just because you're sitting in your flat, hungover on a Sunday, watching it for hours on end with your hand down your pants.


Surely fishing.


There's millions of people in the UK watching it on a Sunday, therefore it is not a minority sport.


It's not rocket science.


Well as there's only 1 of him, that means its a minority sport according to you!  :thumbsup:




He's not taking part in any sport so my point is that unless he's on the track, field, swimming pool....... whatever, then he's not actively competing in a sport.  Whether you like it or not, the guy who takes care of the engines in the pitlanes, no matter how you try to dress it up, is not a sportsman.  He's a mechanic employed to look after a sportsman.


Motorsport is mechanical and decided by the fastest time.  Things go wrong, people need to fix them quickly, so they have to be there and do that on the spot.  Still doesn't make the boy who holds the Stop/Go sign in front of the driver any more of a sportsman than someone employed by Adidas to find out whether triangular pimples on the outside of a Preditor boot gains more control over a football that square pimples just because he happens to be there during the time the sportman in competing.


Surely fishing.


There's millions of people in the UK watching it on a Sunday, therefore it is not a minority sport.


It's not rocket science.


Millions of people watch Sumo wrestling.


You saying that's not a minority sport?  (Asian minority jokes aside thanks)


He's not taking part in any sport so my point is that unless he's on the track, field, swimming pool....... whatever, then he's not actively competing in a sport.  Whether you like it or not, the guy who takes care of the engines in the pitlanes, no matter how you try to dress it up, is not a sportsman.  He's a mechanic employed to look after a sportsman.


I wasn't trying to dress anybody up  :-\

I couldn't care less who is or isn't involved and whether or not they are classed as sportsmen or not.  It puts bums on seats, millions of them.


Millions of people watch Sumo wrestling.


You saying that's not a minority sport?  (Asian minority jokes aside thanks)


Sumo wresting is unquestionably not a minority sport in Japan.


The day that sport is decided by bums on seats is the day that I take a telescopic sighted rifle up a bell tower and start picking people off at random.


Of course this could tip the balance of whether shooting is a minority sport if CNN shows up and broadcasts it all over the world


One more time - Minority (the smaller part or number) Sport (an athletic activity requiring skill or physical prowess)


In otherwords - A small number of people competing.


20 drivers in F1 out of a world population of how many?

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