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Saturday 19th October 2024 - kick-off 3pm

Scottish Premiership: Celtic v Aberdeen

New stadium thread


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I don't know, everything about this just seems half-arsed.


Our chairman has a construction company FFS, he of all people should know how to submit a planning application that meets the criteria that's clearly set out. With all the money and resources we've thrown at this so far, how can we be in a position where our proposal does not comply with what the planning gadgies told us to fix a few months ago? Since then, it seems all we've done is add a few sentences about shuttle buses then thrown the rest of the budget on this Aurora PR campaign that looks like it was a complete waste of time.


Maybe I'm being naive, but I can't believe there hasn't been a meeting where the question was asked "what do we need to do in the planning application to meet all of the requirements?" with the conclusion being "let's do that then".


We shouldn't need to pull our application at the last minute to address the issues, the issues have been well known and highlighted for months now, there's no excuse for this lack of preparation.

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Since then, it seems all we've done is add a few sentences about shuttle buses then thrown the rest of the budget on this Aurora PR campaign that looks like it was a complete waste of time.


Probably spent a few hundred k when they put the inadequate bus information in tables. Not improving the strategy, just the way it was presented. Have a look at the last one they submitted. It's hard to believe.


God help us how much the PR in all the newspapers and everything cost.

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I don't know, everything about this just seems half-arsed.


Our chairman has a construction company FFS, he of all people should know how to submit a planning application that meets the criteria that's clearly set out. With all the money and resources we've thrown at this so far, how can we be in a position where our proposal does not comply with what the planning gadgies told us to fix a few months ago? Since then, it seems all we've done is add a few sentences about shuttle buses then thrown the rest of the budget on this Aurora PR campaign that looks like it was a complete waste of time.


Maybe I'm being naive, but I can't believe there hasn't been a meeting where the question was asked "what do we need to do in the planning application to meet all of the requirements?" with the conclusion being "let's do that then".


We shouldn't need to pull our application at the last minute to address the issues, the issues have been well known and highlighted for months now, there's no excuse for this lack of preparation.


Just to clear up a couple of things. Aberdeen FC may be the applicants but the Agents who submitted the application and were indeed responsible for it (with assistance from the club as required) are Halliday Fraser Munro. Stewart Milne's involvement would have been as a representative of the Client.


The Stewart Milne Group are House builders and timber kit designers/ suppliers. A planning application for a large stadium complex is nothing like one for a large housing development which is why there are specialist planning consultants for such projects. I am presuming HFA meet that criteria.


The application has not been 'pulled'. The decision has been deferred to allow for additional discussions and given it appears ACC have allowed this rather than simply killing it off with a rejection this allows more time for design tweaks etc.


Planning applications unlike Building warrants are open to interpretation. There are local plans, guidelines etc but they can actually all be ignored if the local authority sees fit. I could be wrong but I doubt the ACC planning department or HFM have ever had to deal with a project like this one and it will have been a learning curve for everyone involved.

Personally having read some of the statements & responses from some of the consultants it struck me that they did not know what to do or even what to ask for and when faced with the unknown the default response always seems to be 'reject'.


Until the application is withdrawn or rejected I am keeping an open mind.




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At the same time the club shouldn’t need to bend over backwards to appease a few NIMBYs and coffin dodgers.


They're not. That's the point. They've put forward a shite transport plan and, instead of addressing the plan, attempted to put pressure on the cooncil with shitey PR campaigns and aurora bollocks. Same as they did with Loirston. The cooncil are there to represent the city, not AFC. AFC have no excuses, this should be watertight. The NIMBYs haven't come up with one serious objection. Look back and you'll see Tom and others all suggesting the club needed to do more with the application and it appears that they haven't bothered. If it doesn't pass, it won't be because "nothing ever gets built in Aberdeen" or "NIMBYS ruined it", it'll be because - like everything big that gets attempted in Aberdeen through vested interests - the appropriate work hasn't been done, probably in order to cut corners and cost.

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How long is this shit going to go on for? I'm nearly headbutting the screen reading Aberdeen fans saying a few things need to be ironed out. Definitely not a few things to be ironed out to turn it from a refusal to definite approval as they think is the case. Some are saying it's very close and just a few bits after they got a nudge and a wink from the council.  :rofl: That's why they've had to withdraw it for 3 months.  :laughing:


If it's big changes then surely NKS get another response? Will there be another pre-determination hearing? And if not I'd think it would stink of big grounds for a legal challenge from NKS. If it's clear the stadium and its logistics is too big or costly a problem and a certainty to be rejected, could they remove the stadium from the application to prevent us the risk and time of having to apply another time?

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  :rofl: That's why they've had to withdraw it for 3 months.  :laughing:

No, that's because the next sitting of planning is Dec 11th.


Grinds my knackers to see supposed Dons fans laughing at our club who are up against white settling wankers trying every trick and lie in the book to upset the plans, and who have no interest or respect for the place they've come to and made their millions.

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No, that's because the next sitting of planning is Dec 11th.


Grinds my knackers to see supposed Dons fans laughing at our club who are up against white settling wankers trying every trick and lie in the book to upset the plans, and who have no interest or respect for the place they've come to and made their millions.


It's because the application is rubbish and needs serious work. I doubt we'll see any new documents from the club online for at least a month or two.


You're still unable to see it's the club's fault and not the side circus of NKS.

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It's because the application is rubbish and needs serious work. I doubt we'll see any new documents from the club online for at least a month or two.


You're still unable to see it's the club's fault and not the side circus of NKS.

Yup. Been to all the meetings, heard all the submissions, there's no doubt Kingsford is more accessible, and better for the club. But, rules......under current regs, parking spaces in particular, it'll be virtually impossible to build a stadium anywhere, because there will always be this farcical 1350 parking space limit.


So, basically, it's down to the council to use "greater good" as it's method of passing this.  :thumbsup:

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Falling behind here lads.


Abmad's been having a fairly entertaining slagging match about this for days.

Including what seemed like an all night argument on the cost of bus fares from the toon to Westhill.


I can imagine which idiots are driving it. I'll pass. I would hope there would there would be a slight discount for football fans but I doubt it. No way would the UK allow for something as progressive as free travel like in Germany.

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A crammed busload, but not shortly because it's stuck in traffic and a'bodys dying for a pish.


Aye, the match ticket should include the cost of transport but it won't.


Nae need though now that I've decided that the new stadium is being built on the links.

The council quite rightly will never allow the demolition of their top earning leisure facility.


If a golf course goes it'll be Craibstone, the Marshall family are not golfers, allegedly they only built it to progress towards building housing which is looking less and less likely, an exit plan of selling so the stadium can be on the bypass seems like an end game that could fly.

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Nobody actually knows what's going on but I seriously hope it's no to a shed in a field.


It'll get built on the links.


Move the first hole and second tee from the golf course, move the driving range completely, knock down the Broadhill bar, build a fancy new stadium.

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I think the board will end up saying "game's a bogey" for Kingsford and will end up taking it out the city and into the coonty. Which will alienate the vast majority of fans at least initially.


Hope I'm wrong but just feel that the transport problem solutions will prove unacceptable to the club and that the W.A.N.K.S will be dancing in the streets claiming victory.


So in answer to Redmadders.....yes there will be a new stadium built somewhere. It will never please everyone. But if we have a team based in it that can regularly pump the arse cheeks and deliver us trophies on a fairly regular basis then they can build it wherever the f@ck they like as far as I'm concerned.

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Transport problems are going to be the same wherever you build outside the city.


Whats more, the revenue 12,000 - 20,000 people bring to the center of town will be lost.


We just don't have a transport system capable of letting people have a meal and a few pints in Ma's / Prince /Lumpie etc. and then get quickly and easily out to and back from a new stadium in the sticks.


The Dundee police have complained for years about Dons fans taking their cars.

Apparently other teams supporters mostly arrive by bus.

We all know that the vast majority of folk would have wanted to drive to Kingsford.

They would have wanted to get parked easily and cheaply.

They would have wanted to get out of the car park quickly after the game. (very quickly)


So 10,000 parking spaces, organised so you felt you were the only one trying to get in and the only one trying to get out.


Gridlock in the Lang Stracht at 14.30 on a Saturday afternoon listening to the teams being announced on the radio is not my idea of fun.


On a slightly off topic tangent, whoever designed the lanes on the Lang Stracht should be shot.

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Ah but it's Aberdeen Football Club we're talking about.




Should play in Aberdeen.


Don't give me some makey up boundry line in the country and tell me one side of it is the city and one side of it is the shire.


Inside Anderson Drive and between the two rivers is where the stadium should be.







If you choose to live outside the city then fair enough.

One of the drawbacks of that decision though is that you do have to come into town on a regular basis when the delights of Garlogie ( or wherever) are just not enough.

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