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Saturday 19th October 2024 - kick-off 3pm

Scottish Premiership: Celtic v Aberdeen

New stadium thread


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I just arrived home on Wed morning from work meaning getting a taxi from the airport.


We all know taxi drivers should be the city councillors as they're full of opinion and ideas  :spaz:


Anyway, this one was having a grump about the road works heading into Bucksburn which are related to the new Exhibition Centre, it was him that raised the question about why the fitba stadium was never proposed for that location. I don't know if it ever was but it wouldn't have been the worst location.

Close to where the AWPR will be and it surely wouldn't have been difficult to run a satellite  train station to their from Dyce station?

Surely still close enough to the city limits to be considered the citys fitba team?

Only 15 mins from my house.  :thumbsup:


Disna matter now but just wondered if it ever was considered and if not why not?

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I just arrived home on Wed morning from work meaning getting a taxi from the airport.


We all know taxi drivers should be the city councillors as they're full of opinion and ideas  :spaz:


Anyway, this one was having a grump about the road works heading into Bucksburn which are related to the new Exhibition Centre, it was him that raised the question about why the fitba stadium was never proposed for that location. I don't know if it ever was but it wouldn't have been the worst location.

Close to where the AWPR will be and it surely wouldn't have been difficult to run a satellite  train station to their from Dyce station?

Surely still close enough to the city limits to be considered the citys fitba team?

Only 15 mins from my house.  :thumbsup:


Disna matter now but just wondered if it ever was considered and if not why not?


ACC offered something joint with the new AECC in 2013 but the club/Yule turned it down to keep pursuing Loirston and it's now too late. More great work from the visionary George.

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I can imagine which idiots are driving it. I'll pass. I would hope there would there would be a slight discount for football fans but I doubt it. No way would the UK allow for something as progressive as free travel like in Germany.


Dinnae be daft Manc. There can’t be free travel when there’s money to be made.

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Always difficult to judge the feelings of the silent majority.


I'm not that sure if I've ever been in a majority but I've felt I have on a few occasions, I'm also nae usually that silent.


The club have tried with surveys and consultations etc. but it's usually only the vociferous who fill out surveys or attend consultations.


I would say most people I have talked to over the past couple of weeks would have went with the flow, believed the scare stories, made the best of it BUT are very relieved that there seems to be a hitch and it might not happen.


These are the very people that would have just quietly stopped going.

No noise, no demonstrations, no posts on social media, they wouldn't have boycotted the new stadium or anything so dramatic as that, in fact they would have been amongst the first to go and have a look.


However, as more obstacles were put in their way, as it became more difficult to meet the wife after she had been shopping or whatever, they would simply have just stopped going.



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Good post dd. Whilst there are always going to be naysayers and others who are resistant to change, it’s the silent majority who will make or break the situation.


If the team is entertaining and successful and the new stadium is something to be proud of, folk will want to watch.


My worry is that it will have been built - and the existing facility neglected - on an engineered agenda by a man who has never had “the football side of the business” as a priority and the resultant karma surrounding it may prove disastrous.

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ACC offered something joint with the new AECC in 2013 but the club/Yule turned it down to keep pursuing Loirston and it's now too late. More great work from the visionary George.


I'd be keen to know if there's anything to that or if its all just rumour like the "aberdeen were offered land by the council but turned it down" line thats trotted out every so often. :dunno:

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I'd be keen to know if there's anything to that or if its all just rumour like the "aberdeen were offered land by the council but turned it down" line thats trotted out every so often. :dunno:


Wasn't it all written on the new stadium feasibility study fact sheet??? Thought the reasoning why it wasn't possible were clear

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Wasn't it all written on the new stadium feasibility study fact sheet??? Thought the reasoning why it wasn't possible were clear


Correct. They specified an arbitrary criteria of 12.5 hectares as required for building a new stadium, thus conveniently ruling out any sites offered/suggested....

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Correct. They specified an arbitrary criteria of 12.5 hectares as required for building a new stadium, thus conveniently ruling out any sites offered/suggested....


Was it also not the fact that they'd still have to pay a substantial fee to the council anyway? It's just a myth that the council would give us any land. Why would they?


At least they set their parameters correctly  ;)

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I'd be keen to know if there's anything to that or if its all just rumour like the "aberdeen were offered land by the council but turned it down" line thats trotted out every so often. :dunno:


If you don’t know, and you clearly didn’t, why is your default position ALWAYS to trust Milne and AFC?


Let me guess, you tend to trust and believe in authority in most of its forms?


Don’t you think it’s quite extraordinary the lengths you went to in order to find right on the side on the club on this particular instance? You even suggested your fellow Aberdeen fans were individually starting malicious rumours and fabricating matters. That’s bending truth and ignorance to fit an establishment-support default. Jess has done you a massive favour here, one that might change your life. Unless he photoshopped the whole thing eh?


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Always difficult to judge the feelings of the silent majority.


Until the BBC4 Vietnam series which concluded last night, I was unaware that Nixon had deliberately targeted the “silent majority” and was even prepared to kill four students at Kansas to test their loyalty.


He obviously understood his electorate and human nature. Edmund Burke famously quoted “the only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing”.


Edit: Hitler said that “the biggest lies shall be hidden by public incredulity”.


I blame the parents who bring up their kids to show respect to the elders and to authority figures.


Just cos they’re older than us doesn’t mean that they are right and that they’re not capable of evil. Look at history, open your eyes to the present and try to anticipate the future you fucking nothings with your nothing kids. In other words, try critical thinking.


London and Edinburgh. Capital locations for status quo seeking ignorant sheep who’s dreams didn’t die because they never started, killed from infancy by the most servile trash that ever walked the fucking earth. Big Irvine Welsh knew.


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Ah fair enough, must have missed that. Not sure it’d be any better than any of the other locations out with the city centre but strange it’s not mentioned in the q&a on the site choice :-\


I find it strange it says 6 sites offered and Yule has narrowed it down to 4 they are looking at.


These are not the sites ruled out in the site selection (not offered) which are Pittodrie, Calder Park, King's Links, old AECC, new AECC after it was too late, Bellfield, Loirston.

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A new consultation is to be held for the Kingsford Stadium proposals after new information and documents have been submitted by Aberdeen FC.


The consultation, which will begin during the course of next week, will involve re-notification of neighbours, re-advertising the application consulting the relevant external bodies and council services. It should be emphasised the consultation pertains to the new information received.


The closing date for written representations to be submitted to the council will be 12 December 2017.


Due to the consultation on the new information, it will be necessary to hold a further pre-determination hearing, the purpose of which will be to focus on the new information submitted by Aberdeen FC. The date for the hearing has been provisionally agreed for 17 January 2018. It should be emphasised the pre-determination hearing would focus on the new information received.


The aim is for the planning application to be determined as soon as practicable, which could be by a special meeting of Aberdeen City Council, subject to the agreement of the Lord Provost.


As the planning application remains live, the City Council cannot discuss the detail of it, including the new information and documents received.


In response to the update from Aberdeen City Council, Raymond Edgar, project director for Kingsford, said: “While we had been hoping for a decision on our application before Christmas, we now have an agreed timetable with the Council which will allow the proposals to be fully considered by Councillors in January.


“Following the deferral in October, we have worked with the Council planning officers to provide further reassurance that the Club’s approach to selecting Kingsford complies with legal requirements. In addition, we have undeniably demonstrated there are no other suitable, available and sequentially preferable sites within the city which could accommodate the development. In particular, we believe we have, once and for all, demonstrated that the proposals cannot be delivered at either King’s Links or Loirston.


“As requested by the Council’s economic development team, we have also provided further analysis which shows that the economic benefits of the development to the region are even greater than previously estimated.


“While the Club recognises that the delay has been frustrating for all those who continue to back our plans, it’s vital that we have the best chance of securing the right decision for the Club, the City, the region, our fans and the thousands of individuals from all communities who benefit from the activities of the Trust.”


“The additional information, contained in a supporting statement and appendices, will now be the subject of consultation. Councillors will be given an opportunity to ask questions on the additional information at a second pre-determination hearing in January, so that they will have all the information which they require to enable the application to be determined before the end of January.“


Interesting that they’re now saying they believe that the club/developers have finally fully shown why kings links isn’t an option. Would be interested to see how they’ve done that.


Shite that the consultation process has to be redone, have to think that means there’s been significant changes to the plans though.

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Aberdeen, what a fucking waste of a city. Does anything positive get built there!?!


When we worked on the afc Wimbledon scheme, we had to submit further information a number of times and the process definitely dragged. In fact it was even called in (after being approved by the local authority) by the then outgoing mayor bojo because he was a spiteful cunt. So I suppose in theory it was similar to this as it meant the whole application was reviewed once more. Once sadiq came in he referred it back to Merton who had already approved it. That was way more political than this development is but stadium applications are a big deal. Hopefully it's just a case of them just being thorough.

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