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Saturday 15th March 2025 - kick-off 3pm

Scottish Premiership: St Johnstone v Aberdeen

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And so what if they are?


As I found myself repeating on numerous occasions, the whole thing is still a 'design'. You get planning permission for a project and then when you actually go into the really detailed design you discover issues and you rectify them.


The controlled parking zone is a nightmare as whilst Aberdeen City council have put it as a condition (I think) they dont have any jurisdiction over that area and it is totally reliant on another local authority allowing it.


As soon as Aberdeen-shire Council were given a stake in the actual construciton the alarms bells should have been ringing. If the Club can find an alternative solution which is an acceptable, perhaps even an improvement then Aberdeen Council are perfectly within their rights to accept it.


If not the club suck it up and pay for it as agreed.


Here's a thought though.

Couple of weeks back it was revealed it was techincally cheaper to park illegally in the centre of Edinburgh as the cost of a parking ticket (with early payment discount) was less than actually feeding the parking meters on a weekday.

If the Westhill CPZ gets Aberdeen-shires standard penalty charges a parking ticket can be as little as £20.00 if you pay it quick enough. Carload of fans each chip in and it works out £4-5 a head to parking close to the new ground and avoiding the shuttle buses.

Putting wheel clamps on illegally parked cars in residential streets is counter productive and if the street is mobbed it isnt easy getting the trucks out to take the cars away.


Aberdeen-shire council coins it in every second saturday for the price of a couple of wardens and residents realise the planning rules about car-parking at public buildings are ridiculous (restricting parking spaces as an 'incentive' for the public to not use their cars never has and never will work).








Carload of fans each chip in and it works out £4-5 a head to parking


Got post Tom, although a cursory glance at any vehicle in any traffic jam anywhere would put this myth to bed! The club's figures that showed 3-4 people per car for parking were ridiculous. The vast majority of rides are single occupant in any line of traffic, and I don't believe fitba will be any different. The exception will be parents taking kids, but it would probably be harsh for them to be charged £4-5 in parking fees by their parents for their day oot.


That said, with agreement from companies in Arnhall there should be very little issue. In fact, it could be used as a way to benefit the local community. Get companies to allocate spaces in their car parks for fan usage on match day, paint them a different colour or something (or paint the unallocated ones if there's less) and put up signage to make it clear the rules of parking. Attach a meter to the sign with a voluntary donations - suggest £1 per car - system in place with those funds going directly to the community council for local projects as a thanks for their putting up with the disruption. It doesn't require any monitoring or policing and is a simple system that benefits the local community and utilises otherwise wasted weekend space. It keeps fans away from the town centre for parking and ensures that there is one route they all walk along to get to the ground so it is easy to cater for/police. Get the local companies to buy into it and get them to back the idea that it benefits the local town.


Arnhall epitomises the entire thing for me like. Absolutely soulless place to work, completely cut off from the town, designed only to be driven too and driven away from. It's exactly what the stadium (location) is. I still can't believe how shite the location is, and how many people are in favour of it.


First time I've ever heard of Arnhall but I get the jist.


I have a solution to the whole thing.......stay at Pittodrie.






This is going to end up with training facilities only, which I sincerely hope are kept for the Dons only and don't benefit those Westhill Wankers.


I'd never heard of Arnhall either but your post reminded me of Wenger.


They were going on about his achievements and within them was the new stadium. Now I'm not sure how involved he got in that but if he has architectural or planning skills or if he was football manager by day and operating a crane at night - or bricklaying or labouring - then that's news to me.


But consider what they ended up with. I went to the Emirates once. I was at Highbury twice. The new stadium has a big modern concourse, elevators like a shopping mall and the amphiteatrical view is quite impressive. But it's soulless. Where Highbury was intimate and atmospheric, it is impossible to get any passion and atmosphere at the Emirates. Even the name is offensive and yet holistic. It was built as a shrine to make money, to exploit the fans, to maximise income. And therefore the objectives have been split and the metaphors mixed.


The fans have turned their back on the project. And who could blame them? The same fate awaits AFC.


I'd never heard of Arnhall either but your post reminded me of Wenger.


They were going on about his achievements and within them was the new stadium. Now I'm not sure how involved he got in that but if he has architectural or planning skills or if he was football manager by day and operating a crane at night - or bricklaying or labouring - then that's news to me.


But consider what they ended up with. I went to the Emirates once. I was at Highbury twice. The new stadium has a big modern concourse, elevators like a shopping mall and the amphiteatrical view is quite impressive. But it's soulless. Where Highbury was intimate and atmospheric, it is impossible to get any passion and atmosphere at the Emirates. Even the name is offensive and yet holistic. It was built as a shrine to make money, to exploit the fans, to maximise income. And therefore the objectives have been split and the metaphors mixed.


The fans have turned their back on the project. And who could blame them? The same fate awaits AFC.


But that's the thing, we view football differently to that of your "sky generation" fan.  We love confrontation,  atmosphere and don't necessarily care about creature comforts. As you say, The Emirates is impressive, it works very well, it's just that Arsenal fans are shite. They always have been. I'd imagine the cost of going has probably put an end to some of those who used to create an ounce of atmosphere.  I have been when it's been rocking, the AC Milan champions league game a few years back, and it was great. But the Emirates represents what the Premier League has become, corporate, sanitised, both literally and figuratively, but great to look at on TV. The experience is very comfortable, there's no having to sit at an angle because the seating is old terracing (see Loftus Road, Jute can probably remember that one) or looking around a column. I personally think Arsenal fans are a big part of the problem. The parallels between our own support and theirs are there for all to see. We could have the best stadium in the world and Aberdeen fans would still be shite at home and moan.



I never went to Highbury, I used to love watching it on TV when I was a kid though.

The terrace must have been sunken or something because all I remember is heads peering along the touchline.


Arsenal fans have not always been shite. At Highbury, they were the same as every old club. They cared about their team, they understood football and they wanted to see them do well.


The once I was at the Emirates - we blagged it into the "platinum club" - some "fans" around us were wearing ties, and had some pink in their shirts, presumably coming straight from their offices in the city. They had no idea about football. It was like they had only just started going to games, in their 30's and 40's. Perhaps football was too "rough" for them before, a game attended by lower socioeconomic groups than they're comfortable with, ruffians and barrow boys. But they were total wankers and if this sanitisation is the plan, it's never going to work.


A football fan is long-suffering, and he needs to be because only one out of 20, 12, 42 or 92 can be the champion. Or one out of one if we listen to Mourinho. But these corporate wankers don't have the stomach for the long haul. They will drop their new plaything if instant gratification doesn't show itself. It's not fashionable to them anymore.


You got to admire Stewrat Milne. He's been a crocodile. He's been sitting and waiting for the opportunity and he learned from his pushing too hard in the 90's. But the end goal? It isn't football. He will walk away with his corrupted interests having been bolstered. We get the heart and soul ripped out of our football club, one that was clearly visible to di Stefano, one that Richard Donald and Ian Taggart worked so hard to foster.


Well I'd rather have Milne the tuechter than some imported money men from Indonesia, Saudie or Russia but he's made his way in life building crap in the shire.


It's what he knows, he thinks it's a'right.


I've lived in the shire myself, my folks moved to fuckin Dyce when I was 10

I brought my kids up in Banchory

I lived for 10 years in an isolated cottage beside St.Cyrus


But I'm fae the toon, and Aberdeen Football Club are fae the toon.

Don't let the tuechter build a crap stadium in Westhill, it'll be the death of the Dons.



That's the stadium officially approved by ACC.


Interesting to note that no music concerts allowed, however they mention multiple times that the stadium

may bring in other sporting events. Seems likely they mean rugby, which I'm fine with (would welcome Aberdeen having a team to rival Glasgow and Edinburgh, but hopefully they go with a desso pitch like Bristol City.


That's the stadium officially approved by ACC.


Interesting to note that no music concerts allowed, however they mention multiple times that the stadium

may bring in other sporting events. Seems likely they mean rugby, which I'm fine with (would welcome Aberdeen having a team to rival Glasgow and Edinburgh, but hopefully they go with a desso pitch like Bristol City.


Desso grassmaster is the standard pitch any new stadium has (in the pro leagues). Is this what Hearts are installing over the summer?


As a separate point, not sure Scotland is big enough for 3 pro rugby teams, but we should definitely be looking to encourage more games up there.


Rugby is for men who like grappling with male flesh.


It's for those who are not good at football, whether they lack the artistry and coordination skills or whether they're just fat useless bastards. Like farmers for instance.


The "sport" appeals to public schoolboys and that's no accident of fate, I fancy.


Rugby is for men who like grappling with male flesh.


It's for those who are not good at football, whether they lack the artistry and coordination skills or whether they're just fat useless bastards. Like farmers for instance.


The "sport" appeals to public schoolboys and that's no accident of fate, I fancy.


Probably all true, however if there was an Aberdeen rugby team maybe pulling in 2,000 fans on Friday nights, with fans being allowed to drink (since its allowed in rugby) it....


A) brings in money to the Dons

B) Of the stadium gets a licence to sell alcohol, then it helps Aberdeen push for drinking to be allowed at football, which would solve all the pre-match "where to drink" problems


Desso grassmaster is the standard pitch any new stadium has (in the pro leagues). Is this what Hearts are installing over the summer?


As a separate point, not sure Scotland is big enough for 3 pro rugby teams, but we should definitely be looking to encourage more games up there.


Hearts pitch - yes. Celtic also installing one I think. £1m is the cost. Interesting to see if we'd then install it on the training pitches too since they're being designed to mimic the stadium pitch.


Bristol City just rugby and football, and the pitch seems to hold up well enough.


As for rugby, can't say I'm an expert on it, but Glasgow Warriors get around 7,000 and Edinburgh about half that. An Aberdeen team wouldn't get huge numbers, but enough to make it worthwhile and as above, its fans spending money on food and drink. Got to try and maximise Kingsford as much as possible.


Hearts pitch - yes. Celtic also installing one I think. £1m is the cost. Interesting to see if we'd then install it on the training pitches too since they're being designed to mimic the stadium pitch.


Bristol City just rugby and football, and the pitch seems to hold up well enough.


As for rugby, can't say I'm an expert on it, but Glasgow Warriors get around 7,000 and Edinburgh about half that. An Aberdeen team wouldn't get huge numbers, but enough to make it worthwhile and as above, its fans spending money on food and drink. Got to try and maximise Kingsford as much as possible.


Interesting points and without trying to go too far off topic, I think having the two teams has ensured a higher concentration of talent. It didn’t used to work having lots of teams but maybe that’s gradually changing.


Not had to design the training facilities before but I’d be surprised if they installed the grassmaster on the grass pitch (due to cost) I’d expect a lesser grade but one with decent drainage anyway. If we didn’t install it in the stadium though, that would be sheer lunacy.


Probably all true, however if there was an Aberdeen rugby team maybe pulling in 2,000 fans on Friday nights, with fans being allowed to drink (since its allowed in rugby) it....


A) brings in money to the Dons

B) Of the stadium gets a licence to sell alcohol, then it helps Aberdeen push for drinking to be allowed at football, which would solve all the pre-match "where to drink" problems


2,000? Are there that many repressed and closet homosexuals in the North East?


You don't get rugby in Russia.


Build a stadium for rugby in Westhill by all means.


Keep Pittodrie for the fitba though.


I've spoken to rugby* and they said that Westhill was a shite location for any sporting arena.


*whilst being careful not to get bummed


I've spoken to rugby* and they said that Westhill was a shite location for any sporting arena.


*whilst being careful not to get bummed


Got to hand it to the poofs. They know* a shit location when they see one.


*apart from Dod Michael. The public shitters was dumb, a thrill too far.



For any shirtlifting arse bandits looking in, forgive my crass attempts at humour at your expense. I'm well aware how progressive we are as a nation in our treatment of the LGBT. The demarcation lines between acceptance and promotion get a bit blurred now and again but hey, there'll always be Neanderthals who are suspicious of anything different. I think it's great that young men can choose to be women and get their cocks cut off. There were thousands of us in the 70's who wished we could. Come to think of it, perhaps there were millions of us wanting to transgender but we kept our feelings to ourselves for fear of being ostracised as weirdos.


That would be because they are weirdos.



On the other hand, if it was a rugby stadium that was being built would Westhill be against it?







Rugby fans = a better class of pish in your garden


On the other hand, if it was a rugby stadium that was being built would Westhill be against it?


I suppose it's about scale. If Cove were moving their stadium to Westhill (which sounds absurd because it's Cove, which is nae in Westhill, unlike Aberdeen...) then I suspect there wouldn't have been that much complaint. It would a couple of hundred cars max to the area and could be easily contained within the stadium car park. The ruggers wouldn't build a 20K stadium, it'd be 5-6K max, so whilst there would be obvious complaint, it wouldn't be quite as vociforous.


Rugby fans = a better class of pish in your garden


Everyone knows that ruggers hilariously dare each other to drink their own pish, and so no pish goes wasted. It's an hilarious public school jape don't you know? Like pig-fucking. It's hilarious in every way. Don't you understand humour?


Stewart Milne

“It’s now clear from planning and legal experts that the objectors cannot stop these plans. At best, they could hold them up for a matter of months but ultimately our plans will go ahead. The courts won’t entertain a challenge that is just based on the development being in the Green Belt."The objectors need to argue that the process of permitting the development was flawed and, even in the unlikely event that is upheld, the club and the council will simply go through the planning process again, correcting any procedural error and the outcome will be the same." 


Just what part of this statement does these objectors not understand.

Some are just losing their life savings for nothing. :confused:



Life savings



This is a concept which has always been alien to me.


Do you all have savings?



If I add up whats in my pooch versus what I owe then fuck sake!



On the other hand



I've brought up 3 kids and I'm away to open another can of beer.



It's not about savings, it's about cash flow.

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