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Saturday 8th March 2025 - kick-off 12.30pm

Scottish Cup Quarter-Finals:  Aberdeen v Queen's Park

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That's my mind made up.


You're ridiculous use of the word "issues" has swayed me.


Build it!



All joking aside this is genuinely the effect that the attitude problem of many of the NKS lot are having on the likes of you and I who don't want the stadium to move and should, in theory, be on their side.


Hi Pal,


as a firm member of the Donstalk 'show us the facts' brigade I would encourage you to view the planning portal:




And see the wintering bird survey report.


Its used by many varieties of birds.


My advice to the birds is 'get them built'.


If you excuse the pun.






Hi Pal,


as a firm member of the Donstalk 'show us the facts' brigade I would encourage you to view the planning portal:




And see the wintering bird survey report.


Its used by many varieties of birds.


My advice to the birds is 'get them built'.


If you excuse the pun.





Honestly, I just can't imagine what'll happen to those 200 starlings, or those 14 seaguls that flew over the site :(


Maybe they'll continue to fly over it, maybe they'll go round. Maybe they'll even land in the next field seeing as Aberdeenshire is FULL OF GREEN FIELDS.


Fucking desperate pish that


With all due respect, I find your dismissive approach to wildlife 'desperately sad'.


May I remind you birds are protected by law.


Other concerns are around stag who use this area.  Where will they go?  I know of at least 4 or 5 lovely families with children under 5 years who love to see the animals in Kingsford and the fields where the stadium is proposed.


I know a few of these families where the children have been 'in tears' when they found out the animals will be without a home.


I trust that ACC will take note of this.  I also hope that Aberdeen FC and its 'hooligan minority' intent on 'pishing in fields' and throwing 'chip papers' around will take the opportunity to recognise that they share this earth with birds - our feathered friends.


Wintering birds of various types use this area for nests.  Its not a case of 'starlings' flying over it.


Do you know anything about birds?  Do you watch Spring watch with Bill Oddie?


Honestly, football thugs in Aberdeen. Wanting your stadium built at any costs.


You'd think people with a 'get it built' mindset would respect others who like building things.


We are on 'a road to nowhere' with this whole Kingsford project - its getting like 'gridlock' as regards the various arguments for and against. 


Really its just a complete 'dogs dinner' in fact, the whole thing reminds me of Dundee's defence.




100% AK, You Dinna half talk some pish.


The birds will just move to another field, doubtful they nest in the proposed location anyhow, given that it is regularly used by a heard of dairy cattle.


You need to remember, or he told, as you are probably not  old enough to remember, that this is the site of an inert waste dump, no one bothered or moaned about that back in the day. And the birds didn't disappear from the area then !!! It's hardly  "Greenfield" if you scratch the surface !!


As for children standing, crying at the sight of a stag moving out of its "home" in the middle of an open field !!! What a load of fucking shite.




100%AK, yellow card for blatant misrepresentation of the facts.  Your membership of the Donsdaft "show us the facts" brigade is now being reviewed.


From the summary of the document you quoted (which nobody, including the EE, appears to have bothered to read):


1.6.3 Potential Development Impacts on Wintering Birds


There will be impacts upon birds as a result of the proposed development. Construction and associated activity will create disturbance which will diminish or eliminate the use of the site by birds during that phase. The development will result in avoidance of the site by some of the wintering species, either because of disturbance or habitat loss. The impacts on each of the key species and groups are discussed individually below.


1.6.4 Pink - footed Goose


Pink - footed Geese recorded at Kingsford AFC are likely to be associated with a large roost at Loch of Skene Special Protection Area (grid reference NJ 784 074), six kilometres from the site. Loch of Skene held the sixth largest average population of the species in the UK during the five winters between 2010/11 and 2014/15, with a mean of 31,457 and a peak of 48,675 in November 2014 (Frost et al ., 2016 ). The current threshold for International Significance of a Pink - footed Goose population is 3,500. The threshold for national significance is similar, reflecting the importance of the UK as a wintering ground for the species. The site meets the conditions for foraging Pink - footed Geese , and the maximum counts during the survey visits comprised 139 birds on the site (on 27 / 01 /20 17) and 345 birds flying over (on 17 / 01 /20 17). Movements of birds passing over were observed on all six survey visits, the majority fly ing northwards. The results suggest that the site was only in regular use by Pink - footed Geese between late December 2016 and February 2017, as feeding signs were not apparent on visits during November and December 2016 . Therefore, it can be suggested that in the winter of 2016 - 17 the site was used by feeding Pink - footed Geese principally during mid - winter ( December and January ) and that foraging flocks numbered in the low hundreds. The overall impact of the development on the local Pink - footed Goose population is thus not considered significant, with the hundreds of birds currently using the site on an occasional basis being displaced to alternative foraging grounds in the wider area.



1.6.5 Other Wintering Wildfowl and Waders


The range and numbers of other wetland species using the site were typical of the habitats available. Small numbers of Greylag Goose, Mallard, Teal, Oystercatcher, Curlew and Snipe were recorded irregularly. Mallad, Teal and Snipe may continue to use the Brodiach Burn post - development if human activity is screened from the burn. However, even should all usage by these species cease, the low numbers recorded mean that there will not be a significant impact on these species as a result of the development. Oystercatcher and Curlew were not recorded until the final winter survey visit in March 2017 and should be regarded as potential breeding birds in the area rather than winter visitors . The report on the breeding surveys to be conducted between April and June 2017 will consider the impact on these last two species more fully.


1.6.6 Other Wintering Red - and Amber - Listed Birds of Conservation


Concern Of the remaining species of conservation concern, most occurred in small numbers typical of many grassland sites across the UK. Due to the low numbers recorded and intermittent usage of the site, there will be little or no impact on local wintering populations of Buzzard , gulls, Skylark, thrushes, House Sparrow or any of the Amber - listed passerines. There may be a net loss of foraging habitat for Starlings and corvids, but the site is part of an existing network of foraging locations used by those species, including fields situated to the immediate south and west of the site. Some species (e.g. Starling) may also recommence utilising the location in the post - development phase. Grey Wagtail was associated with the Brodiach Burn and may continue to use that watercourse post - development. There will therefore be no significant adverse impact on the local populations of any of these species.


The recommendations then go on to state the precautions that should be taken.  Note that the nesting check is something that is done as a matter of course for any building work, and does not imply that there are actually nests.


1.7 Recommendations


1 If the works do not commence prior to 02/09/2018 further surveys may be required in order to confirm that the situation regarding wintering birds at the site has not changed since this report was produced.


2 To encourage the continued use of the Brodiach Burn by wetland birds, the burn should be screened from human activity once construction is completed.


3 A breeding bird survey should be conducted through the 2017 breeding season.


4 All birds’ nests are protected by law (the Wildlife and Countryside Act, 1981, as amended) whilst being built or in use. Prior to any construction or clearance work commencing, any areas of the site that need to be worked upon should be shown to be free of nesting birds prior to works commencing. This can be done through a nesting bird check completed by a suitably qualified ecologist. Nesting bird checks only remain valid for a limited period (e.g. three days during the peak breeding season , including the date of survey), after which further checks will be required to ascertain that the situation with regards to nesting birds has not changed. Breeding bird surveys can be expected to lead to more specific and prescriptive recommendations.


This is literally a storm over nothing, created by the Evening Express being incapable of bothering to read more than an executive summary before running off to print a sensationalist story.  And of course, a desperately trolling 100%AK  :laughing:  What are you going to go for next?





With all due respect, I find your dismissive approach to wildlife 'desperately sad'.


May I remind you birds are protected by law.


Other concerns are around stag who use this area.  Where will they go?  I know of at least 4 or 5 lovely families with children under 5 years who love to see the animals in Kingsford and the fields where the stadium is proposed.


I know a few of these families where the children have been 'in tears' when they found out the animals will be without a home.


I trust that ACC will take note of this.  I also hope that Aberdeen FC and its 'hooligan minority' intent on 'pishing in fields' and throwing 'chip papers' around will take the opportunity to recognise that they share this earth with birds - our feathered friends.


Wintering birds of various types use this area for nests.  Its not a case of 'starlings' flying over it.


Do you know anything about birds?  Do you watch Spring watch with Bill Oddie?


Honestly, football thugs in Aberdeen. Wanting your stadium built at any costs.


You'd think people with a 'get it built' mindset would respect others who like building things.


We are on 'a road to nowhere' with this whole Kingsford project - its getting like 'gridlock' as regards the various arguments for and against. 


Really its just a complete 'dogs dinner' in fact, the whole thing reminds me of Dundee's defence.

Of all "your" 53 posts "on" this site, this "one" is by far the "biggest" standout as far as "utter" shite is concerned, "not" a single redeeming "feature" to be had, though "I" note descending into "ad hominem" attacks for "no" discernible reason other than most on "here" are disagreeing with you.


FYI, I love  my wildlife me, love stalking the local deer in fact, in a non-gun-toting way around my local estate, deer spotting  I suppose would be a better name for it. Where I wouldn't think of deer spotting though, is on a wide open park full o coos beside a 10k population village and a dual carraigeway.


One of my bestest and oldest mates today summed you mob up perfectly (he's a Hun btw), I'd have some respect for these nimbys if they admitted it's all about not wanting a football stadium on their doorstep, rather than hiding behind traffic, or wildlife, or pipelines. It's duplicitous garbage.


Loving the random quotation marks though.  :thumbsup:


You're being wooshed lads

Yes & no DD.



He's clearly a Westhiller and not a dons fan.


Now though, having given up on trying to justify his ludicrous position by never backing up his point with evidence, he's now just trolling. He's still a mega-Nimby though.


Even though I'm not a nimby nor affected by this, it's clearly a giant red stadium much bigger than any other 'why didn't they oppose that' developments in the most prominent place possible, and is indeed the last remaining border.


We either have an unbelievable stadium in a bad location or a basic one in a great location. There is no trade off with what's proposed and it seems many won't appreciate the loss of identity until they're watching fake aberdeen fc in such a stadium outside the city.


Yes & no DD.



He's clearly a Westhiller and not a dons fan.


Now though, having given up on trying to justify his ludicrous position by never backing up his point with evidence, he's now just trolling. He's still a mega-Nimby though.

personally I think AK is actually more than one person. The tone and general language of the posts arent consistent.


Margaret from Westhill

Obviously from Westhill

Mike fae Westhill

Member of NKS

Charlie fae Kingsford

More than one person

a 'Hun'

Not a Dons fan

Nae a Dandy


The list goes on, and on, and on, and on.


Sorry, to disppoint you. Its one person, not from Westhill, 100% Aberdonian, Dons fan.


Sorry folks.


Margaret from Westhill

Obviously from Westhill

Mike fae Westhill

Member of NKS

Charlie fae Kingsford

More than one person

a 'Hun'

Not a Dons fan

Nae a Dandy


The list goes on, and on, and on, and on.


Sorry, to disppoint you. Its one person, not from Westhill, 100% Aberdonian, Dons fan.


Sorry folks.


How many of those have you actually been called? Just out of interest


Even though I'm not a nimby nor affected by this, it's clearly a giant red stadium much bigger than any other 'why didn't they oppose that' developments in the most prominent place possible, and is indeed the last remaining border.

No it isn't.  Kingsford is below the level of all of Westhill, you'll see it from up on the golf course, Hillside/Hilltop, but compared to Tesco, or the Arnhall business park, nowhere near as visually intrusive.




We either have an unbelievable stadium in a bad location or a basic one in a great location. There is no trade off with what's proposed and it seems many won't appreciate the loss of identity until they're watching fake aberdeen fc in such a stadium outside the city.

Kingsford is a great location to get to as opposed to a stadium in Linksfield that is a traffic nightmare. You're just coming out with nostalgic arguments rather than logical ones.


Probably is a football fan but sees himself probably as a bit of a hipster and one of these "against modern fitba" types. Probably a member of the Red Ultras or whatever they're called now.




Pretty damn close ain't I? I know.


Anyway. I invite you to actually start contributing to the forum in some way or to gtf. If there's one thing that grinds my gears it's constant fishing.


Pretty damn close ain't I? I know.


Anyway. I invite you to actually start contributing to the forum in some way or to gtf. If there's one thing that grinds my gears it's constant fishing.


Ooooh, how powerful.


So much authority the best you can do is fish around in sad virtual online worlds, undermining peoples data integrity and privacy mildly threatening to 'ban them' unless they post material and topics that appeals to inner clique.


For your information 'Tyrant' I have better things to do with my time than contribute daily to your pathetic online  forum.


Although I may well come back on June 20th when ACC reject Kingsford.  Just to rub your faces in the abject failure of it all.

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