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Saturday 15th March 2025 - kick-off 3pm

Scottish Premiership: St Johnstone v Aberdeen

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Sorry Dave, hand washing from above is not an acceptable defence.  Either way, the buck still stops with Jimmy as far as I am concerned.


If I worked directly with 20 folk on a day to day basis and half of them managed to, or even thought it was acceptable, to go behind my back to do something I deemed unacceptable I would be thoroughly embarrassed and ashamed. I would also expect to hauled up by my bosses along with those responsible.


Likewise, if I had said "On you go lads, just don't do anything stupid!"


Hindsight is wonderful thing, and denial (lets face it even if he did allow them to go out he's not likely to admit it now) should not be an acceptable "get out jail card" for Jimmy.


Maximum club fines all round, as far as I am concerned, along with extra community work over the summer.


I agree with all of this


What team in the SPL is it you play for again, Dave?


My point earlier about this and how the buck stops with Calderwood is because he has tolerated it and actively encouraged it in the past.  If players know they can get away with it they'll continue to do it.  If they know it's not tolerated they'd be extremely stupid (i appreciate the irony in that) to do so in their own backyard.  JC is clearly from the Big Ron school of management ...


Kilmarnock ;)


Nobody disagreed that the buck should stop with Calderwood, but for the players, it's a job, not a hobby like it is for us, so for them going out for a drink on a Tuesday night, is no different to me or you doing it.


However, them doing it a few days before the last game of our season is the same as you doing it the night before you had a 9am presentation to your boss - extremly stupid.


All i'm saying is lets get the whole picture before dishing out blame.

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I agree with all of this


Kilmarnock ;)


Nobody disagreed that the buck should stop with Calderwood, but for the players, it's a job, not a hobby like it is for us, so for them going out for a drink on a Tuesday night, is no different to me or you doing it.


However, them doing it a few days before the last game of our season is the same as you doing it the night before you had a 9am presentation to your boss - extremly stupid.


All i'm saying is lets get the whole picture before dishing out blame.


Fair enough, all I'm saying is that if JC didn't tolerate it it's less likely to happen.


Fair enough, all I'm saying is that if JC didn't tolerate it it's less likely to happen.


Agreed, but if JC didn't tolerate it would a player like Kerr have came here in the first place?


So Calderwood is to do what no other manager in the SPL seems to do?


I couldn't agree more that they shouldn't have been out, I agree that the manager has some responsibility if the players can't see that, the manager having a responsibility for the public and professional standards of the players.


But players are by definition young, daft and pampered and will inevitably do what they like irrespective of the consequences and add that to being shit faced you get to where Kerr is now and to a lesser extent where Langfield was a few years back.


The whole culture relating to bevvy in Scotland is at best questionable at times and until that is dealt with, episodes like this will crop up frequently.


There is an air of both invincibility and of being above the law that these cunts have (see also Ferguson B., Hutton A., Riordan D., O'Connor G., and McGregor A.), maybe someone actually getting a sanction of real consequence would help. You just wonder what they think before they go out and get blootered.

Guest fatshaft

Agreed, but if JC didn't tolerate it would a player like Kerr have came here in the first place?

Let's see if he's a big enough manager to do a 'Rednapp'?

I think everyone is getting so bogged down in arguing about what counts as Glasgow and what doesn't you've forgotten the main point here. I'm is a sillybilly and we should shout down everything I post!




Bloody hell, i was out on the lash last night, got a stinking hangover and come on here to find all this.  What a fucking mess, end off.  Kerr not playing is a big big blow for saturday, thought he was excellent against the huns.  Might have to play vidal in there as i cant see seve getting moved when we are up against fletcher and riordan.


I will be interested to find out if calderwood knew about this in advance.  I remember seeing an interview with neil simpson about fergie busting him having a couple of drinks the night before the game in his local.  Fergie got a tip off (had eyes everywhere apparently) and was straight down the the pub.  Walks in and asks simspon what he's drinking, "just coke boss" simpson replies and fergie snatches it out his hand and smells it.  He gives him it back gets right up close and says "see monday in training....... Your dead"  That was in the 80's FFS when i t was a lot more acceptable for players to drink a lot.


I think everyone is getting so bogged down in arguing about what counts as Glasgow and what doesn't you've forgotten the main point here. I'm is a sillybilly and we should shout down everything I post!




Mizer has dicked about with this. Haven't you?


Tons of neds in every town but the three players known to be there - Kerr, Maguire and McDonald are all from Glasgow/Greater Glasgow. I dont give shit what any of our players are like off the park so long as it does not affect their performance on the pitch or bring the clubs name down. I like Mark Kerr he was a bit of a ned but was the friendliest of the players to us pre-season and when the rest of the guys of the pre-season saw him out for a stag do in Edinburgh he came across to them and bought them drinks. Hopefully he and the rest of the players were innocent but I wouldnt be shocked if they wernt, saying that there are two of them lifted and only Kerr.


If we are to take K9's post as being right (and we have no reason not to so far) I note you are choosing to ignore the involvement of Paton (born Greenock) and Duff + Considine (both born Aberdeen).


Anyway, I can't be arsed getting particularly indignant about this.


We all know there seems to be something of a drink culture at the club. We also are aware that the first team squad and management have a collective IQ akin to that of a postbox. Furthermore, their disdain for the Aberdeen support has been well documented through both performances and behaviour over the last few years.


So, am I surprised? No.


Particularly concerned? No. Simply because, I can't see this culture changing while the current manager remains in charge.


So Calderwood is to do what no other manager in the SPL seems to do?


Again though, just because everyone else's standards have gone to shit, doesn't mean we have to follow.  I do agree with your post about it being a societal thing, though.


All very well and good saying that if they players are performing on a Saturday then fair enough.......But they arnt - If they are allowed to drink the only time they should be doing it is to celebrate a win.


You would think after only winning 3 league games this year something would have been done, but yet again we have to wait for something like this to happen before the wake up call is noted.


Now we are without our best midfielder in the most important game of the season. Potentially maguire too if the club decided to take action.


Dont expect this sort of behavior from profesional football players, what sort of example is this giving to the younger players at the club if they see the people they are trying to emulate behave like this?


Only found out about this 10 minutes ago, unbelievable.



I hope Kerr isn't too badly hurt, although it doesn't sound good.  Think we should reserve judgement on the rights and wrongs of players going for nights out until the full facts of this become clear.  Obviously it's frustrating that it's happened so soon before a big game, but let's not use it as an excuse to throw the towel in.


It's also worth remembering that a huge majority of bouncers are wankers.


Trying to find a positive in all this, maybe the boys will be more fired up as a result of it all, and we're almost certainly underdogs now which is never a bad place for the dons to be.


Is he still in hospital?


I think to choose to go on a night out before the most important game of our season almost beggars belief


Fucks sake most of us on here were spouting forth at the antics of Ferguson and McGregor only a few weeks ago - now it looks like we have our very own Cameron House scandal  >:D


Great just great ! Unreal - although Wednesday was the players day off you don't expect nonsense like this to happen. Why not wait til the END of the season and all fuck off to shagaluf again to get pished?


Who knows how it went down, or what was said, or who kicked it off? Its easy to lambast Kerr but folk get charged by the cops for self defence or splitting up fights these days.


Also am sure I read Kerr got caught and went down then got kicked in the head. If so this is another piece of over zealous bouncer action  - no need to kick a bloke in the head when on the deck! If he is down concussed then why is there any need to launch in a size 14 and fracture an eye socket?


If the players have been acting big time charlies then they get all they deserve, fines suspensions, disciplinary action.


If they have been the victim of some of the trash that inhabit Aberdeen town centre everynight and want to box with everyone then they have my sympathies. I also cant stand door staff who a) act like cocks to the average bloke out on the pish and b) react with unnecessary force.


Either way roll on Sunday ! Lets do the HIVEES !




I'm not one to jump to conclusions when the full facts haven't been revealed - there's some total rubbish been posted in this topic by people who are jumping the gun - but does anyone else find it strange that they were given a day off in the few days prior to the last, and most important, game of the season?


I don't know Jimmy Calderwood's reasoning behind granting them this day off, and there may well be a reasonable explanation why, but I'd like to think it'd have made more sense for the players to have had another get together this week, preferably one that didn't involve booze.


Disappointing to hear this but can't make too much of a judgement without the facts.


But the 'culture' is clearly not unique to our club - this season alone I can think of Morais, Quinn (? at Motherwell?), Calum Elliot and the Hibs boy all getting into bother while out.


The players have every Wednesday off from training.


I'm not one to jump to conclusions when the full facts haven't been revealed - there's some total rubbish been posted in this topic by people who are jumping the gun - but does anyone else find it strange that they were given a day off in the few days prior to the last, and most important, game of the season?


I don't know Jimmy Calderwood's reasoning behind granting them this day off, and there may well be a reasonable explanation why, but I'd like to think it'd have made more sense for the players to have had another get together this week, preferably one that didn't involve booze.


They get every Wednesday off, its their weekend.

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