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Saturday 15th March 2025 - kick-off 3pm

Scottish Premiership: St Johnstone v Aberdeen

2 03:08:24

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  On 12/08/2009 at 21:25, mizer said:

If they had said guys coming back from Arghanistan can have a certain amount of tickets i would have had no problem with that as I know one of our guys has been shaken up by what he saw out there. Going to the Sigma and Hull games for him has really helped him, however opening it to everyone in the services is too far as many will never see the nastiness of war.


With all due respect Mizer he chose to join the army if you end up in a area of conflict like Afganistan it ain't ever gonna be a picnic


I am with Ajja on this one


Plus it is just an ploy by the fucking tories to gain election votes 



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  On 12/08/2009 at 22:38, El Padreâ„¢ said:

So basically it's a good idea because it benefits your mate who chose to go to Afghanistan (or Arghanistan as you aptly called it), but not for anyone else? Is there a head scratching smiley?


I think what Mizer is advocating is a sliding scale of benefits. For instance, his mate, who has seen the horror of war, might get a few tickets. While someone who just shot at folk from a tank might only get an Angus the Bull keyring.  :-\

  On 13/08/2009 at 08:21, Harcus said:

I think what Mizer is advocating is a sliding scale of benefits. For instance, his mate, who has seen the horror of war, might get a few tickets. While someone who just shot at folk from a tank might only get an Angus the Bull keyring.  :-\


:lolabove: :lolabove: :lolabove: :lolabove: +1.

  On 13/08/2009 at 07:49, hebrew said:

With all due respect Mizer he chose to join the army if you end up in a area of conflict like Afganistan it ain't ever gonna be a picnic


I am with Ajja on this one

Plus it is just an ploy by the fucking tories to gain election votes  



Of course it is.

The current scene of politicians (and the public) fighting over each other in order to show just how valued and appreciated our brave soldiers are is nauseating.

As for the mawkish display of "respect" and "grief" every time some poor sod gets carried back through that town down in England in a hearse, it increasingly seems to be a case of being seen to be seen.


Soldiers signed up to fight in wars.  Folk get killed in wars.

People should be worrying more about the fact we continue to fight these aimless illegal wars in an area of the world where nobody, ever, has managed to conquer or subjugate.


I say Good On Aberdeen for ensuring atht Soldiers get free tickets to watch thier Home Town Team, when ever they are home on leave from either Ops or just normal Army life.


So to all you "Do gooders" who say we should not be in Afghan or we should never of entered Iraq, I tell you from expereince that niether place is nice, or good to be in, but they are alot better now than they were before, in Iraq Saddam was an evil bastard, and how he treated his people, you could not imagine at all, even in your worst dream's but you ask anyone who served there in 1991 or 2003 - 2009 about the horrors they seen in that god forsaken country and you will understand Why we are there.


As for Afghan, ask yourself what is the major output of here?  Drugs & a free ride for Terrorists, is that what you want? free flowing drugs on the street's ? some may say yes, as drugs are great, well we will see tem dead some day in a gutter, and do you want Terrorists on the streets?, everyone thought the IRA were bad they idiots use sucide bombers because some half witted idiots believe they get 7 vigins when they die.


So good on ANYONE who supports the BRITISH FORCES and FUCK anyone who does not support us, all i say to these people is go crawl back under the stone you have just came from.


20+ years LOYAL Service in the Army

  On 12/08/2009 at 21:53, fatjim said:

Free tickets for hired killers!!!!!!! Fucking fuck fuck fuck cunts!!!!!!!!!!


You know what I mean?




What have you got against the Army (or any of the other armed forces for that matter)? Those who choose to join up are probably getting better training and education - not to mention some degree of respect for others - than the majority of lazy arsed dossers that fuck off to Uni and piss away three years of their life only to come out with a degree that is worse than useless to any employer.



  On 18/08/2009 at 11:58, scunnered999 said:



What have you got against the Army (or any of the other armed forces for that matter)? Those who choose to join up are probably getting better training and education - not to mention some degree of respect for others - than the majority of lazy arsed dossers that fuck off to Uni and piss away three years of their life only to come out with a degree that is worse than useless to any employer.




Have you met many soldiers then? The vast majority that I know or have met are fucking animals. They chose to join up, it's not WW2 anymore where young lads had no choice. They're simply doing a job now. If anyone thinks that our activities in Afghanistan will put a dent in the drugs exported from the middle east then they're fucking brainwashed. Incidentally how the fuck can someone in the armed forces talk about drugs/people who use drugs? The military is a fucking hive of drug use.

  On 18/08/2009 at 13:08, fatjim said:

Drug exports from Afghanistan have increased since we invaded.

Has terrorism stopped since we invaded?




The chances are more and more 'terrorists' will be being recruited. I'd also like to ask Wanderingdon if he has asked the person on the Bagdhad street who wonders if they are going to get blown up nipping down to the market whether they feel safer now than they did under Saddam Hussein's regime?

  On 18/08/2009 at 10:54, Wanderingdon said:

I say Good On Aberdeen for ensuring atht Soldiers get free tickets to watch thier Home Town Team, when ever they are home on leave from either Ops or just normal Army life.


So to all you "Do gooders" who say we should not be in Afghan or we should never of entered Iraq, I tell you from expereince that niether place is nice, or good to be in, but they are alot better now than they were before, in Iraq Saddam was an evil bastard, and how he treated his people, you could not imagine at all, even in your worst dream's but you ask anyone who served there in 1991 or 2003 - 2009 about the horrors they seen in that god forsaken country and you will understand Why we are there.



As for Afghan, ask yourself what is the major output of here?  Drugs & a free ride for Terrorists, is that what you want? free flowing drugs on the street's ? some may say yes, as drugs are great, well we will see tem dead some day in a gutter, and do you want Terrorists on the streets?, everyone thought the IRA were bad they idiots use sucide bombers because some half witted idiots believe they get 7 vigins when they die.


So good on ANYONE who supports the BRITISH FORCES and FUCK anyone who does not support us, all i say to these people is go crawl back under the stone you have just came from.


20+ years LOYAL Service in the Army


Iraq: You are there because poor intelligence of WMDs that could attack the UK in 45 minutes led to one of the worst decisions in the history of this country. No WMDs found, yet we are still there in the name of spreading 'freedom'. Its absolutely tragic.


Afghanistan: Don't try and make us believe that the reason you are there is to stop herion trafficking to the UK, because that is completely laughable. We are there because we were led by the US for a 'war on terror' that has done little to reduce the threat to the UK.


Instead of having increased troop numbers patrolling the streets of Basra / Helmand province I'd rather we had increased police numbers patrolling the streets of our towns and cities where the real terrorism and drug problems exist.


I don't wish any harm to troops and welcome the move by AFC - we should be doing much more to help our communities and put bums on seats here BUT I don't support the reasons why you are at war. Your attitude shows complete disregard for the general population that you so claim to protect.


Fuck you and the tanks you rode in on.


  On 18/08/2009 at 10:54, Wanderingdon said:

I say Good On Aberdeen for ensuring atht Soldiers get free tickets to watch thier Home Town Team, when ever they are home on leave from either Ops or just normal Army life.


So to all you "Do gooders" who say we should not be in Afghan or we should never of entered Iraq, I tell you from expereince that niether place is nice, or good to be in, but they are alot better now than they were before, in Iraq Saddam was an evil bastard, and how he treated his people, you could not imagine at all, even in your worst dream's but you ask anyone who served there in 1991 or 2003 - 2009 about the horrors they seen in that god forsaken country and you will understand Why we are there.


As for Afghan, ask yourself what is the major output of here?  Drugs & a free ride for Terrorists, is that what you want? free flowing drugs on the street's ? some may say yes, as drugs are great, well we will see tem dead some day in a gutter, and do you want Terrorists on the streets?, everyone thought the IRA were bad they idiots use sucide bombers because some half witted idiots believe they get 7 vigins when they die.


So good on ANYONE who supports the BRITISH FORCES and FUCK anyone who does not support us, all i say to these people is go crawl back under the stone you have just came from.


20+ years LOYAL Service in the Army


Lets invade Pakistan, Somali etc. as well.  ::)


I also believe the good brave souls who pick up litter should get free tickets to Aberdeen games.  ;D

  On 18/08/2009 at 16:21, Andrew said:

Lets invade Pakistan, Somali etc. as well.  ::)


I also believe the good brave souls who pick up litter should get free tickets to Aberdeen games.  ;D


Spot on. If we are in the market for correcting oppressive regimes lets have a look at Saudi Arabia, its one of the most brutal in the middle east but because they are a trading partner for the west and a regime who happen to be in our team we turn a blind eye. Iraq regime change had nothing to do with ending a brutal regime, it had everything to do with getting a friend into control. Afghanistan is effectively trying to do the same thing. We aren't trying to protect their population, we just securing our own.


I personally don't get some of the forces-bashing in this thread.  Blame Tony Bliar for the mess in Iraq and Afghanistan, not the troops.


But as some have said, they're just doing their/a job.

  On 18/08/2009 at 12:16, CtS said:

Potential for panic on the terraces when Zander goes up for a high ball and shouts "Mine".



I like the idea, well done to AFC for getting behind it aswell.

  On 18/08/2009 at 19:57, Kowalski said:

I personally don't get some of the forces-bashing in this thread.  Blame Tony Bliar for the mess in Iraq and Afghanistan, not the troops.


But as some have said, they're just doing their/a job.




I don't blame them for doing their job, whilst I disagree with the battles they are fighting, they are doing a job that is life threatening at times.


Sorry if this has been said before but I think that working certain jobs should entitle you to things like free entry or cheap tickets. However, not just as a temporary PR exercise for the club at a time of war. They need a complete incentive for health or education workers etc. Busy people with stressful and important jobs, in other words 90% of the fans the club have been losing for a generation.


The difference between paying full price instead of concession is enough to put most people off but it's amazing how easy it is to find the time to do something if it's cheap.



I couldn't give a fuck either way about Iraq or Afghanistan, it's the 'BACK OUR HEROES' bollocks that is peddled by the Sun et al, and seems to be increasingly creeping into wider society, that bothers me.

  On 18/08/2009 at 20:20, maverick sheep said:

Sorry if this has been said before but I think that working certain jobs should entitle you to things like free entry or cheap tickets. However, not just as a temporary PR exercise for the club at a time of war. They need a complete incentive for health or education workers etc. Busy people with stressful and important jobs, in other words 90% of the fans the club have been losing for a generation.


The difference between paying full price instead of concession is enough to put most people off but it's amazing how easy it is to find the time to do something if it's cheap.



I think 90% of people would say their job is stressful and that they are busy. Thats what they work for to get money to buy tickets for things like football matches. People shouldn't be given things free cause they work in a "stressful" job. That's stupid.

  On 18/08/2009 at 20:21, Andrew said:

I think 90% of people would say their job is stressful and that they are busy. Thats what they work for to get money to buy tickets for things like football matches. People shouldn't be given things free cause they work in a "stressful" job. That's stupid.




I don't think you quite grasp the subtlety of my suggestion.

  On 18/08/2009 at 22:42, CtS said:

The Broadhill Bar will soon be full of blokes drinking each others piss and wanking on to Digestive biscuits on a Saturday lunchtime.


They've still not improved the beer in there then?

  On 18/08/2009 at 20:35, Jagerdeen said:

I don't blame the troops for being sent somewhere to do their job. However, I do question their conscience and morals when they pick up the bodies of women and children they have been culpable in the murder of. How can they say that is heroic?


I blame the troops for being thick enough to sign up to this bollocks and then to have the cheek to come on here and tell me to "crawl under a stone" because I have the intelligence to see through the lies. Nobody asked them to sign up. Nobody told them to stay in when their term was over. So why should I be told to respect them, either in life or in death?


Brits Out!

After reading some of the crap you have written, I would say you where the one with a lack of intellect, As for not support your Armed Forces I guess the the typical long hair hippy, tree hugging moron, that yells at returning troops and call us murderers for doing as people say “Our Jobâ€.


As for your comments about “picking up†the dead bodies of the Woman and Children that we have “killed†you forget to ask about the morons we are fighting over there that hide behind these women and children you speak about, use IED’s to kill and maim our Troops, who provide your safety whether it be at home or abroad, we may not like doing the jobs in Afghanistan but we are told to go, its not like Your jon where you can tell your boss to piss off and get a new job the next day, being a soldier is part of you something YOU will never understand as you have never been there.


You say we can not call it heroic what we are doing, Why cant we? Why is it not in a country where the Woman and children get treated like a piece of shit, we are helping to give them a stable environment, where they are treated better than what they have been in the past.


So before you sit behind your desk which is safe due to the people who chose to Join the forces to protect your kind of lifestyle, think to yourself not what we can do for you but maybe what you can do for us.


What have you ever done in your life of notability? From a guess I would say nothing that anyone really gives a fcuk about.


With regards to having the intelligence to see through the Lies, that is because you where the same rose tinted glasses that the other PC brigade wear, which has Scotland/Britain bending over backwards to please everyone who comes here and does not give a fcuk about the people who are already living here.


So before you decide to reply with your tree hugging drivel don’t bother until you have something constructive to say and give your support to The Armed forces who put themselves in harms way every day and not sit behind your monitor and slate them cos it makes you feel more like a Real Human.


and as for your final words on your post Brits Out! Whos going to do that you and your daisy chain Army? dont think so and that comments brings back memories of Northern Ireland and the "Green" side.


Back on Topic I still say WELL Done to AFC for this gesture, even thro it is prolly a politicians plot to get votes as its “the In thingâ€





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