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Saturday 15th March 2025 - kick-off 3pm

Scottish Premiership: St Johnstone v Aberdeen


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There was a lot of day trippers there, folk that probably don't bother going to your average away game, well its rare that we take 3,400 anywhere these days, so as usual there was a lot of outdated chants and less patience as these folk tend to be the ones most out their puss on booze due to not being used to it, there were some very weegie esque accents today ;)


Guy in front of me berated a boy behind me for being a weegie for a good 5 minutes who I know to be from Aberdeen, bizarre, tried to tell him but he was having none of it.

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  On 06/02/2010 at 23:26, BobbyBiscuit said:

Another snidey comment harking back to last season. Why do you bother? Honestly, it's fucking desperate.


Exactly. If it's bothering him that much he should organise a protest or something.

  On 06/02/2010 at 23:30, fatjim said:

why do you bother greetin about it? I thought better of you.


Good for you. Again though, for someone who is supposedly behind McGhee you haven't answered why you perpetuate that shite on here.  If you're not behind him then fair enough, but I'm sure you'd say if you weren't. But then that'd probably ruin your wee game with folk you want to prove wrong.  What age are you man? If you have something to say about it, say it, rather than the clandestine comments you're coming away with now.


It's pathetic, and I definitely thought better of you. I thought you were an intelligent guy who usually had something worth listening to when it came to Aberdeen FC. But obviously getting one up on folk you dont know on the internet is more important.


Good luck to you.



  On 06/02/2010 at 23:57, fatjim said:

I have but I just can't help using the retards arguments against them for my own entertainment. Call it some sort of addiction.


BB getting upset just makes it better.  :-*


Of course it does.  ::)  Good on ye, acting like a school kid definitely suits you.

Guest rocket debris
  On 07/02/2010 at 00:06, Jagerdeen said:

ok - I'll say it - I'm nae behind McGhee - he can fuck off as far as I'm concerned.


OK - I've said it... FUCK OFF MCGHEE!!!


McGhee & Miller fuckoff


There... I've said it

Yes you certainly did and if I am not mistaken, you are the very first to say it.


Pioneerism, I like. No, that's not true. Pioneerism, I love. Doesn't matter what the fuck is being pioneered, innovation in itself is to be welcomed.


Now, to the content.


I don't want McGhee to get to fuck. I suspect he may be an articulate former footballer who got a gig by doing his "badges" but for where we are right now, his half a year tenure termination isn't best practise.


Forget the manager. Check out the culture. The fans got rid of Calderwood. The fans need to identify the real reasons for our descent, a descent that is now below the line of mediocrity. Only then, will change be possible. Identify it. Agree it. Then change it.


Not rocket science. 

Guest rocket debris
  On 07/02/2010 at 00:53, fatjim said:

I'm afraid he isn't the first to say it. I heard it quite a few times today. He may possibly be the first on webchatspeakshite sites or whatever it is pensioners say. ;)

Not once have I heard this at Pittodrie. Not once did I hear it at Starks. My ears are different to yours. Either that or they operate in different topographies and are exposed to different sounds.


I didn't actually think Aberdeen played that badly today. Didn't play great, couldn't score, usual problems but they didn't place any worse than most the games I've seen this season.


The disappointment really seemed to be a complete lack of fight from the players until near the end, but footballing wise I've seen Aberdeen play worse this season.


Yet again the lack of intolerence and understanding from so called grown ups in our support surfaces.


What we are experiencing now is nothing different from what we have experienced since about 1995. With some pockets of moderate 'success' thrown in we are, and have been for 15 years now, a distinctly average football club. Every other club in Scotland outside them is dealing with the same disappointments and inconsistency.


The environment has shifted down a few gears in this season in particular for everyone, even them, and possibly with the exception of a reasonably decent Hibs side we are all sinking fairly fast as Scottish football is drowned in a football industry starved of resource below the top tier and dominated by commercially marketed products coming from England, Spain and Italy.


Why do we have to always be benchmarking our performance on the past ? We were doing this throughout the Calderwood years and now we are already doing it again. I don't believe that Calderwood would have done anything with our club this season, we are losing any player who shows any sign of consistency and we are increasingly disabled by money issues. Calderwood was losing a grip on the club because of these pressures, that is why he had to go. Its easy to say that he would do better without the measure of reality.


Nobody is suggesting that McGhee is doing any better, results and performances would make a mockery of such claims. However, we are where we are and pissing and moaning about how we got there and who is responsible serves no purpose other than to promote divisions in the support and to make individuals look idiotic in their rants. The support yesterday was incredibly divided and almost duplicitous in its message. It was a drunken, baying crowd who were looking to blame and demonise almost every aspect of the club, even its own support. I'm surprised there were not people punching themselves by the end of the game. Cheering and booing players as they leave the park, fighting with fellow fans because they come from another part of the country, celebrating a goal like the cup itself had just been secured and then minutes later booing the team off and chanting 'your not fit...' and 'one Zander Diamond' with equal ferocity. It was all a little bizarre to be honest.


I don't profess to know where the responsibility lies or the accountability but I am pretty sure that trying to run a football club in the current climate must be a pretty fucking challenging job. To manage a club like ours whose only real achievemnt in 15 years is levels of inconsistency that would have you tearing your own finger nails off must be just as challenging. Given the attitude of players prevelant in football these days, the lack of resources and the demands of a fan base starved of success I certainly wouldn't want to be giving it a go. If we are only willing to give the guy 30 games to make any sort of impact before we cry for change again then we should just get used to the idea that we will be this way for ever more.


I used to enjoy posting on DT because I always thought it was the place where fans who can take the long view operate. They have understanding, they can show tolerence and patience in pursuit of the right answers. Sadly, its turning into a site where the primary concern is to turn in on itself and criticise, ridicule or punish everyone else.


I disagree Jager. I think we need to be behind the manager. Ride it out, we don't want a revolving door of managers again. The club fucked up in their appointment (on the evidence of the season so far), and the club fucked up on handing JC a long contract. But we have to accept the situation, as we cannot afford to and nor in the position to make the drastic changes necessary, which in my opinion would be a complete shake up at boardroom level. The club needs some fresh thinkers, but I don't know where they are going to come from as it appears to be a bit of an "old boys club" atmosphere at Pittodrie. We just need to sit tight, get behind the team (easier said than done I know) and just assess the situation/damage in the summer.


As for the reports about the game, I can't believe people were actually chanting JC's name, ridiculous and I'm hugely disappointed to hear about people turning on others for coming from elsewhere. Truly pathetic. The support amazes me at times but having been witness to it before, not surprised at all.

  On 06/02/2010 at 23:26, tsr said:

There was a lot of day trippers there, folk that probably don't bother going to your average away game, well its rare that we take 3,400 anywhere these days, so as usual there was a lot of outdated chants and less patience as these folk tend to be the ones most out their puss on booze due to not being used to it, there were some very weegie esque accents today ;)


Guy in front of me berated a boy behind me for being a weegie for a good 5 minutes who I know to be from Aberdeen, bizarre, tried to tell him but he was having none of it.


The people chanting for Jimmy sounded Aberdonian actually so no need for the insular bigotry.


Out their puss on booze and not used to it??? if you think that describes a weegie then yr aff yer heed!  ;)

  On 07/02/2010 at 08:56, Ajja said:

Yet again the lack of intolerence and understanding from so called grown ups in our support surfaces.


What we are experiencing now is nothing different from what we have experienced since about 1995. With some pockets of moderate 'success' thrown in we are, and have been for 15 years now, a distinctly average football club. Every other club in Scotland outside them is dealing with the same disappointments and inconsistency.


The environment has shifted down a few gears in this season in particular for everyone, even them, and possibly with the exception of a reasonably decent Hibs side we are all sinking fairly fast as Scottish football is drowned in a football industry starved of resource below the top tier and dominated by commercially marketed products coming from England, Spain and Italy.


Why do we have to always be benchmarking our performance on the past ? We were doing this throughout the Calderwood years and now we are already doing it again. I don't believe that Calderwood would have done anything with our club this season, we are losing any player who shows any sign of consistency and we are increasingly disabled by money issues. Calderwood was losing a grip on the club because of these pressures, that is why he had to go. Its easy to say that he would do better without the measure of reality.


Nobody is suggesting that McGhee is doing any better, results and performances would make a mockery of such claims. However, we are where we are and pissing and moaning about how we got there and who is responsible serves no purpose other than to promote divisions in the support and to make individuals look idiotic in their rants. The support yesterday was incredibly divided and almost duplicitous in its message. It was a drunken, baying crowd who were looking to blame and demonise almost every aspect of the club, even its own support. I'm surprised there were not people punching themselves by the end of the game. Cheering and booing players as they leave the park, fighting with fellow fans because they come from another part of the country, celebrating a goal like the cup itself had just been secured and then minutes later booing the team off and chanting 'your not fit...' and 'one Zander Diamond' with equal ferocity. It was all a little bizarre to be honest.


I don't profess to know where the responsibility lies or the accountability but I am pretty sure that trying to run a football club in the current climate must be a pretty fucking challenging job. To manage a club like ours whose only real achievemnt in 15 years is levels of inconsistency that would have you tearing your own finger nails off must be just as challenging. Given the attitude of players prevelant in football these days, the lack of resources and the demands of a fan base starved of success I certainly wouldn't want to be giving it a go. If we are only willing to give the guy 30 games to make any sort of impact before we cry for change again then we should just get used to the idea that we will be this way for ever more.


I used to enjoy posting on DT because I always thought it was the place where fans who can take the long view operate. They have understanding, they can show tolerence and patience in pursuit of the right answers. Sadly, its turning into a site where the primary concern is to turn in on itself and criticise, ridicule or punish everyone else.


I find there to be 2 types of "grown up" in our support. Those who go for the football and the piss artists. The latter I heard calling for McGhee's head, abusing MacDonald and breaking a chair or 2 at starks park. I think the majority are still unsure about McGhee's tenure but understand that it may take some time to change a team fed on high balls for god knows how long. As stated earlier I thought we weren't awful today, just toothless again.

Unfortunately the pissed halfwits shout the loudest and get publicity for it. I don't feel MM has done a wonderful job but our youth are getting their chance and if we are ever to make money again we have to let them develop at their own pace.



Breaking chairs? Fuck sake that's much wose than a moronic chant or two. People are free to say what they want, as unconstructive or harmful as it may be, but taking their frustration out on a ground like starks is fucking obscene. Raith played ok, the fans were fine and they must've been gutted that we got out of jail. Smashing up the place is for complete and utter cunts.


Yesterday I found some of McGhees decisions quite frustrating. McGhee eventually relented to the crowds demand that Aluko was brought on and Young had been playing pish (but not the worst), but something should have been changed at half time as we were not clicking and a goal down. The next substitution of bringing on Pawlett was what we needed but when I saw Mackie was being taken off I could not believe it, and neither did the crowd. For me Mackie had been one of the better players, if not the best and to take him off at a goal down was the wrong player. I would have taken off MacLean as he had done nothing and went on to do nothing. To be fair on the lad the service to him was abysmal. The third sub was too late in the game and I would have taken off McDonald as he was the worst player on the pitch but Kerr was almost as bad but it did change the game. Diamond busting though from midfield showed fight and desire we had lacked for the previous 87 minutes.


In the end keeping on McDonald and putting Zander on in midfield kept us in the cup but it all seemed a bit desperate.





Post from a Raith point of view here.


Totally totally and even more totally gutted.  A draw was a fair result I guess, but to lose the lead in the last minute...gutting!


Being an Aberdonian, I would have more than settled for a draw before the game.  In fact, I would have bitten your arm off to take the game back to Pittodrie.  However, leaving the ground in that manner felt far more like a defeat.


Personally, I think we have blown our chance.  You tend to only get one chance against the big teams.  Bring it on though..

  On 07/02/2010 at 10:10, maverick sheep said:

The people chanting for Jimmy sounded Aberdonian actually so no need for the insular bigotry.


Out their puss on booze and not used to it??? if you think that describes a weegie then yr aff yer heed!  ;)


I know, seen a few that I recognised doing it, one of those got told to shut his mouth by the afore mentioned gentleman who then told him to shut his weegie gob. By this point i'd given up correcting him and just let the two carry on a stare out contest through me, no mean achievement these days  :-*


Weegies might be used to drinking heavily but i'm not used to so many weegie accents which was more my point, one weegie in the lengthy pie queue never even stopped for breath whilst moaning about how the football had ruined his day out  ;D


That must be the angriest, most vicious away crowds I've been in for a while.  The vast quantities of alcohol that we all drank certainly didn't help.  Makes for a cracking atmosphere if we're doing well but on days like yesterday we end up as a baying mob wanting blood.  Hope to god Pawlett and Aluko stay fully match fit for the rest of the season as without them we have no chance of scoring (with them our chances aren't that great either mind you).


Quite how the players pick themselves up for Hibs and the Celtic I don't know, but we are in real danger of losing any remaining confidence we have before the replay.



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