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Saturday 29th March 2025 - kick-off 3pm

Scottish Premiership: Aberdeen v Motherwell

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Dear fellow Aberdeen fan,


To those who do not know me, I previously founded and co-ordinated the Red Ultras supporters group between 1999 and 2010; which created all the displays and colourful flags that were displayed at Dons games during that time.


I called it a day as the direction in which the group had gone lately meant it simply was not enjoyable anymore and not worth the hassle that it had become.


Since the announcement to disband the group Dons fans from around the world have contacted me and have been encouraging me to try and keep the displays going if at all possible. I have also met fans in person who have said they were proud of displays, such as the 'One Love' & 'Stand Free' displays, and that they and their kids also loved being involved in the colour and passion it brought to the Dons fans at Pittodrie.


I admit the RU made some mistakes along the way but I have learnt a lot from those mistakes and felt that the only way to correct this would be to disband the Red Ultras.


At the same time I also know that we created something very special indeed and it would be a real shame to just throw it all away.


The team needs as much inspiration as possible and the feedback I've had over the years indicates when the fans show their passion on the terraces the players respond more positively.


I would like to invite all Dons fans, supporter group reps, fan forum organisers etc to a meeting to discuss future displays and to touch on the issue about how we can improve the atmosphere at Aberdeen games, primarily at Pittodrie to encourage the team to get 3 points each match day.


This letter is going out to thousands of fans and if going forward you really want to help the displays to continue and be a part of bettering the atmosphere then please come along to the meeting.


If it's not for you then that's fine, thanks for taking the time to read this letter.


Initially the idea for this new project would be to have one or two fan reps from each of the supporters groups, to attend meetings throughout the season along with individuals not affiliated with any group who were interested in being involved to get a direction sorted out and to get things moving with a view to starting things live on the terrace at the start of the 2010-2011 season.


At these meetings we would discuss which fixtures we want to put on a large displays at, what designs we would like to see used at these games.


I feel this way all the fans would have some input into future displays and as a result of this I feel it would represent what the fans wanted to see. I would also like to re-introduce the young fans behind the goals that used to wave the flags every time we scored at Pittodrie.


The agenda at the meeting would be open for everyone to voice their ideas and opinions on encouraging the team and improving the atmosphere and fund-raising for creating the displays at games.


Moving forwards these meetings would also be a great opportunity to discuss and raise issues facing the Red Army and we can take these issues forward to the club in a reasoned and structured way speaking as one voice.


With more fans on board helping to make Pittodrie a more colourful and positive place the better it will be for all concerned attending Dons games.


So if this is something you would like to help make happen then please reply to redarmy12@hotmail.co.uk voicing your interest and a will to get involved, from this we can look to sort out a suitable date for a meeting with a view to starting displays from the 2010/2011 season.


This is OUR CLUB and we should all get together and help make the future a positive one.


Yours sincerely


Stephen McCormick

Guest rocket debris

Good on him. Not my bag of onions and I wouldn't be welcome anyway, not being capable of "reasoned" and "sructured", but I would be happy to stick a few quid in.


EDIT: Can someone flag up if and how contributions can be made?


There is going to be a meeting before a home game which should allow the majority of those who want to attend to do so. At the moment there is not a way of donating but if the meeting goes well something would be set up then I would personally have thought.


Stand Free :)


Good idea. With all the negativity that gets banded about amongst our support it's good to see someone trying to be proactive and get the majority of fans singing from the same hymn sheet.


When the RU were on the go a lot of the displays were fantastic and really added to the atmosphere.


Good on him. Not my bag of onions and I wouldn't be welcome anyway, not being capable of "reasoned" and "sructured", but I would be happy to stick a few quid in.


EDIT: Can someone flag up if and how contributions can be made?


How much do flares cost these days?  ???


I've known Steve a few years and he is a top bloke, he bought me my first beer after we touched down in Munich. Hope this works out for him and the good of the club.


I am just going to write off season 2010-11 for displays as it will obviously be a transitional season for them.


Enough already. You're going to be in big trouble with ally.  ;)




Good on him. I hope its a success and he gets the support of the fans and club. Sounds like a good idea in principle.


I agree it sounds like a good idea in principle.


I have pictures of the 'One Love' and 'Stand Free' displays on my office wall, happy memories. All for supporting similar in the future. 


If I weren't in NZ, I'd love to be involved in this kinda thing. McCormick is a decent guy, and I hope his idea bears fruit. Despite the grumbles from some sections, and the fact that this sorta stuff is not every dandy's cup of tea, AFC needs a supporters club like the Red Ultras.


Steve's a great guy.


A lot of the problem with the RU was it was seen to be about the RU and not the club which wasn't the intention. I hope whatever happens helps increase the colour and atmosphere at home matches and with an AFC perspective more than anything.


When I discovered early January that the group had quit I was shocked, confused and very disappointed. Although I am based abroad and cannot attend games I am from Aberdeen and I had been a member on the Red Ultras forum since about 2004. I thought that what you guys were doing was fantastic and seeing that big Red Ultras flag at all the games was superb.


You guys gave the Aberdeen support some much needed credibility despite all the barriers you had to deal with when arranging the displays. You had a fantastic forum and website with merchandise for sale, superb videos on youtube and all the other Ultra groups worldwide new you and respected you. To give all that up makes no sense at all.


I was discussing the Red Ultras with a friend the other day and we concluded that maybe you guys had received death threats or your jobs were on the line due to some of the poor behaviour of some of the guys who latched on to the group. Must have been something serious to give up ten years of hard work and such a formidable reputation.


I really hope something can be sorted out very soon so that we see the amazing displays back at Aberdeen home and away games. To drop everything would be failure and would results in Aberdeen fans retaining their old reputation as quiet, sweety paper rustling softies.


Aberdeen FC needs the Redultras and Scottish football needs the Redultras. With the right people involved you can go on to help bring trophies to Pittodrie and the much needed noise and colour to the games. I am really looking forward to seeing the flags and banners again at Aberdeen games.


Congratulations on all your efforts and wishing you support in getting the group back together again.



  • 2 weeks later...
Welcome to everyone who has expressed an interest in this new fans group, which looks to energise Dons fans into positive action to help support the team.


Before we can do anything however, we need a name!


The Red Ultras are dead, and anything relating to that name could be inflammatory to people who don't understand what the ultras were about, and anyway we are moving on to pastures new with this group - I wasn't even a member of the Red Ultras.


Preferred suggestions so far are RED ARMY and RED ARMY 12, however we would like to take an entirely democratic look at the name and that's what this email is about.


If you have a suggestion of your own, please email redarmy12@hotmail.co.uk with it, or if you prefer one of the suggestions above could you indicate which one?


Once we have nailed down a name, then we can move on to the next stage of the operation, including the proposed meeting. Therefore, we'd like to get this sorted out as quickly as possible.


We shall keep you informed with any further news every step of the way.


Stand Free


Some of the suggestions on mad:


Aberdeen Supporters Co-operative or ASC for short.

Simply Red

REACT - Reds Against Constant Tightfistedness

The Red Snappers

Dawn of the New Don



Red Sky

Look at us, we've got flags

The New Flock


RATM - Reds Against The Machine

The Red Collective

The Angry Mob Part-time Aberdeen Xtras  -TAMPAX

RASPs - Reds Against Sectarian Pish

The Red Sea

The "A" Team

The C'mere Rouge

Aberdeen Red Supporters' Executive


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