Reekie_Red Posted February 27, 2010 Report Posted February 27, 2010 Just incase you missed this on a previous thread. I don't care if this is a plea from an AFC-Chat regular, he has the best interests of Aberdeen Football Club at heart. I can't make it due to geographical issues ... but I urge anyone from Donstalk interested in helping create a new Red Ultras-like supporters group to read on .... Dear DonsTalk, A few weeks ago I wrote to the support asking for your opinions, ideas and support to help improve the atmosphere at Pittodrie. The response has been excellent and heart-warming, with many responses from all sections of the Aberdeen support, which is fantastic as we can achieve so much more if when we are united in a common cause. Recent events make it even more important. We, the fans, must stay together as at the end of the day it is OUR club. The cast of players and management will always change, but the generations of us remain and hopefully always will there to back the team through thick and thin. I firmly believe we can make a positive difference to the current atmosphere by bringing more noise and colour to the stands, and from the response shown by you to our call is that you feel the same. Time to get down to basics- I would like to invite you all to a public meeting in the Broadhill Bar (Upstairs Lounge) on Saturday the 20th March at 11am, The day of the Dundee United game at Pittodrie. Everyone in the support is very welcome to attend. The aim of the meeting shall be as follows; 1) Decide what we feel the most important basic changes are that have to be made to improve the atmosphere at Dons games. 2) Appoint a group of people, drawn from all of us, to help further those aims, who will liaise with club with regard to organising displays and towards getting the changes required made to make the atmosphere better at Pittodrie. 3) Decide when and how we will approach the club with these aims before next season begins. To help with this, as many of you need to attend as possible, from all sections of our support. Season ticket holders, supporters clubs representatives, groups of fans both official and unofficial, message board regulars and irregulars, the committed, the occasional and the disillusioned- anyone who is Aberdeen needs to have a voice with regard to backing the team positively on a match day. Obviously to help with the running of the meeting, and for those who cannot attend, it will help if you have considered a lot of the issues beforehand and let us know your ideas, and what help you may be able to offer. To do this, I’d like you to consider the answers to the following three questions and e-mail the answers back to me. Which three off the field changes would most improve the atmosphere at Pittodrie? Who do you feel within the support can best represent these views? What are you prepared to do to help make these things happen? We have an opportunity here to speak with one voice and make the future in the stands at Aberdeen a brighter, more vibrant and independent one. It’s up to us to make it happen, so I hope to see many of you at the meeting. Thank you for taking the time to read this letter. STAND FREE Stephen McCormick - Quote
Kowalski Posted March 15, 2010 Report Posted March 15, 2010 Meeting's off, this was posted on Mad: Quote the fans project meeting which was to be held next saturday march 20th at the broadhill bar is cancelled. Thanks to those who have helped out so far with admin etc but we really needed more fans onboard prior to the meeting,we also spoke to the fan on the board and for me that was the final not giving up my time and i dont expect anyone else too either for people at the club who dont give a toss about the fans or the club. again thanks to you all for your good messages of support and i can only apologise,but im sure most of you would be doing the same if you were in our position. STAND FREE Quote
mizer Posted March 15, 2010 Report Posted March 15, 2010 I thought they wanted support for doing displays? Instead they have hawked ideas off the internet, ra n to the club before they have ever met and demanded quite major changes. Who voted him in as leader? Quote
Ptayles Posted March 15, 2010 Report Posted March 15, 2010 Whats to stop someone taking it on instead of some moaning little shite?And actually do something? Quote
Kowalski Posted March 15, 2010 Report Posted March 15, 2010 I would have thought Mezzanine has his reasons for chucking it in - whether he didn't get enough support from fans, or the club, or a mixture of both. It's more the likely the apathy spreading throughout the support had a bearing. Would love to hear what the "fans rep" on the board had to say though. Quote
BobbyBiscuit Posted March 15, 2010 Report Posted March 15, 2010 On 15/03/2010 at 21:59, Kowalski said: Would love to hear what the "fans rep" on the board had to say though. I think it's a first that he had anything to say at all. Quote
Guest rocket debris Posted March 15, 2010 Report Posted March 15, 2010 Would any of you be interested in becoming a part of a representative supporter's group? Quote
El Padre™ Posted March 15, 2010 Report Posted March 15, 2010 The way forward for this is to have reps from each supporters club meet. Much easier to organise and a hell of a lot more likely to happen rather than just having a random assortment of fans who simply want to attack the way the club operates. I get the distinct impression that Mezzanine is angry that HE isn't the fans rep on the board and this maybe has a lot to do with why things have broken down between him and CG. That's simply how I'm reading it though. Quote
Penfold Posted March 15, 2010 Report Posted March 15, 2010 Mezz came over and talked to us in the Broadhill before a game and that was what he was talking about, one or two people from each supporters club and also a few others not in any club to come together and share the views of their members (which they can individually gather at matches/meetings). A group to give some sort of united voice to the supporters and to carry on the displays the Ultras did. Whatever group is or isnt organised, there will still be many unhappy that their own opinion isn't at the top of the pile. The meeting with CG was trying to run before they could walk and seems to have killed what was a decent idea. Quote
Guest rocket debris Posted March 15, 2010 Report Posted March 15, 2010 I read it that it was Chris Gavin he was talking about as the fan's rep on the AFC board but I also read earlier today that another fan had been invited to join the AFC Trust board and I took that to mean the AFCST. Am I missing something here? Quote
mizer Posted March 15, 2010 Report Posted March 15, 2010 On 15/03/2010 at 22:18, rocket debris said: Would any of you be interested in becoming a part of a representative supporter's group? You starting your own one? Quote
Guest rocket debris Posted March 15, 2010 Report Posted March 15, 2010 On 15/03/2010 at 23:04, mizer said: You starting your own one? I personally have no interest in coveting personal attention by being a group head or a fans spokesperson or whatever but I have identified the need for dialogue where none exists at present and have committed to articulating a cohesive strategy with others by month end. As I asked, are any of you interested in actually doing something rather than moaning about our plight all day every day? Quote
El Padre™ Posted March 15, 2010 Report Posted March 15, 2010 No thanks, I have a life beyond AFC. All the best to whoever gets involved though. Quote
mizer Posted March 15, 2010 Report Posted March 15, 2010 On 15/03/2010 at 23:11, rocket debris said: I personally have no interest in coveting personal attention by being a group head or a fans spokesperson or whatever but I have identified the need for dialogue where none exists at present and have committed to articulating a cohesive strategy with others by month end. As I asked, are any of you interested in actually doing something rather than moaning about our plight all day every day? Only under your leadership. Quote
Guest rocket debris Posted March 15, 2010 Report Posted March 15, 2010 I really didn't expect much other than flippancy, sarcasm and scoffing from the majority on here but it was important to at least ask the question. Quote
El Padre™ Posted March 15, 2010 Report Posted March 15, 2010 On 15/03/2010 at 23:16, rocket debris said: I really didn't expect much other than flippancy, sarcasm and scoffing from the majority on here but it was important to at least ask the question. Maybe you should wait until you actually get a response from the majority before you make a sweeping statement like that then? Quote
Guest rocket debris Posted March 15, 2010 Report Posted March 15, 2010 On 15/03/2010 at 23:19, El Padreâ„¢ said: Maybe you should wait until you actually get a response from the majority before you make a sweeping statement like that then? It wasn't sweeping but defined being "expectations" and "majority" but you make an excellent observation. To put a "maybe" back to you, maybe a box was merely being ticked? Quote
mizer Posted March 15, 2010 Report Posted March 15, 2010 On 15/03/2010 at 23:11, rocket debris said: As I asked, are any of you interested in actually doing something rather than moaning about our plight all day every day? Since you seem to have got yourself worked up - I did send them an email originally saying I and our supporters club would help where possible in displays and in fund raising for displays. Quote
Guest rocket debris Posted March 15, 2010 Report Posted March 15, 2010 mizer, why do you say that I'm "worked up"? Do I know you? Is there a personal grudge I don't know about? If there is, put it in the bin because it's not doing you any favours. The only thing that does my cunt in is feeling that I waste my time with retards. Now I know that you are not a retard from your many posts on two webchatspeaksites but if it's true that you are a poof, then my crass and insensitive two or three homophobic posts in a total of over 10,000 may well be the source. I don't give a fuck about displays and your email about the subject. That's a subject the boy who made an arse of it was about. Please, think before you utter. Quote
mizer Posted March 15, 2010 Report Posted March 15, 2010 On 15/03/2010 at 23:44, rocket debris said: mizer, why do you say that I'm "worked up"? Do I know you? Is there a personal grudge I don't know about? If there is, put it in the bin because it's not doing you any favours. The only thing that does my cunt in is feeling that I waste my time with retards. Now I know that you are not a retard from your many posts on two webchatspeaksites but if it's true that you are a poof, then my crass and insensitive two or three homophobic posts in a total of over 10,000 may well be the source. I don't give a fuck about displays and your email about the subject. That's a subject the boy who made an arse of it was about. Please, think before you utter. Quote
El Padre™ Posted March 15, 2010 Report Posted March 15, 2010 Not a very good approach towards getting people on-board here RD. First time doing something like this? Quote
Guest rocket debris Posted March 15, 2010 Report Posted March 15, 2010 On 15/03/2010 at 23:50, El Padre™ said: Not a very good approach towards getting people on-board here RD. First time doing something like this? Hey you're on form tonight. Another excellent observation. Jäger. I hear your words. Three things. One, going to a meeting held by another and deciding whether or not to join that other and his group is reactive rather than formation behaviour, two, your point about representative of the majority of interested opinions is paramount (and much easier to achieve than it would appear) and three, you are exactly right in that a void does exist in the fans and club dialogue that no-one has addressed from our side. This will be addressed this month. Quote
Jute Posted March 16, 2010 Report Posted March 16, 2010 On 15/03/2010 at 22:39, Jagerdeen said: Would prob have gone to the meeting in the broadhill if it was going ahead - even if only to get a pint and to listen to what was being said. Only then would I have made up my mind about becoming a part of it. There's already plenty supporter's clubs and there's the supporters trust - all of which should represent supporters but all fail pretty miserably. Is there nae an association of Aberdeen supporters clubs? Why was a new group needed in the first place. How can the meeting be cancelled because the club wasn't willing to meet it's aims - when the meeting hadn't even been held yet to formulate the aims. Weird. There was but it folded sometime ago. Quote
Reekie_Red Posted March 16, 2010 Author Report Posted March 16, 2010 This is just my observations from afar, but to me it sounds as though all that is trying to be achieved is a new Red Ultras supporters group that has a face on the board. So long as key individuals from the previous Red Ultras remain out of the equation, I'm not too adverse to this idea. I mean, let's face it, in the decade that Chris Gavin has been the fans' rep on the board, he's done pretty much nothing but sit there and say "Yes Mr Milne". Quote
El Padre™ Posted March 16, 2010 Report Posted March 16, 2010 Without any knowledge of what goes on in the board room how can we even speculate on what happens between Chris Gavin and the board? Quote
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