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Saturday 26th October 2024 - kick-off 5.30pm

Scottish Premiership: Aberdeen v Dundee Utd

Dead man walking


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Not old enough, and still too bitter.


Bitterness is like a fine port.  It strengthens and yet mellows and rounds out with age, and leaves a cnt of a mess if you spill it on the carpet.


And when was the last time you saw a 1967 tawny give it the big keyboard hardman?


I want to adopt him.

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Doesn't matter whether Smith/Scott were better than Calderwood (and they were).

What matters is McGhee is doing a piss poor job out of the limited resources he's got.  If he doesn't turn it round I think we're heading for disaster as there will be hardly season ticket holders next season at this rate.  I'm certainly not renewing (first time in 8 years) unless I can see some sort of light at the end of the tunnel - whether that light comes from the management or the board, something is going to have to get sorted out.

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And WTF then?


They gave the whinging bitches that are Aberdeen fans these days EXACTLY what they wanted when they punted JC and appointed the legend that is MM.


And now what?  Are the whinging bitches putting their hands up and saying "oopsy - we were wrong!"  Are they fuck.  Whinging bastards have been whinging so long and hard they've forgotten what the problem was.  They're not whinging for the sake of it, it's just all they know how to do.


"Get rid of MM."  Right.  So assume the board do that.  And, again, appoint the "chosen one" of the FM2010 faithful.  Then what?  Take pelters when the class of '92 turn out to be a bunch of gobshite fuckwits?  Again?


Or - tell the fans to fuck off, and we'll appoint our own man this time.  Thanks very much.  And take pelters from the class of '92 whatever happens.


Or - get the fuckwits in a room, tell them they got what they wanted, STFU and deal with it. 


Or do what they always do - and ignore the fuss.


Slating MM for a season where our back 4 hasn't had a decent centre-back and we sold our outlet is nuts.  Give the man at least a season with his own players - and see where we go.  Personally, I'd rather see the back of half the first team than McGhee.  Leave Fyvie, Pawlett, Paton.  Give Aluko a kick in the arse and a deadline.  Lose Considine, Foster, Grassi, Ifill, Mackie, Young, Kerr and McDonald.  And see what we get to repllace them.


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And WTF then?


They gave the whinging bitches that are Aberdeen fans these days EXACTLY what they wanted when they punted JC and appointed the legend that is MM.


And now what?  Are the whinging bitches putting their hands up and saying "oopsy - we were wrong!"  Are they fuck.  Whinging bastards have been whinging so long and hard they've forgotten what the problem was.  They're not whinging for the sake of it, it's just all they know how to do.


"Get rid of MM."  Right.  So assume the board do that.  And, again, appoint the "chosen one" of the FM2010 faithful.  Then what?  Take pelters when the class of '92 turn out to be a bunch of gobshite fuckwits?  Again?


Or - tell the fans to fuck off, and we'll appoint our own man this time.  Thanks very much.  And take pelters from the class of '92 whatever happens.


Or - get the fuckwits in a room, tell them they got what they wanted, STFU and deal with it. 


Or do what they always do - and ignore the fuss.


Slating MM for a season where our back 4 hasn't had a decent centre-back and we sold our outlet is nuts.  Give the man at least a season with his own players - and see where we go.  Personally, I'd rather see the back of half the first team than McGhee.  Leave Fyvie, Pawlett, Paton.  Give Aluko a kick in the arse and a deadline.  Lose Considine, Foster, Grassi, Ifill, Mackie, Young, Kerr and McDonald.  And see what we get to repllace them.


I agree, but we don't seem to be in a position where wholesale changes can be made. Miller goes for 500k and we're told that will allow MM to make transfers, then we're told he cant afford any of the three players he wants (none of which are a central defender).


He's going to have to do it with this current squad and its become patently obvious that he's lost his way, especially when he has to have a Q&A session with the first team to work out why his tactics aren't working. If it costs less to bring in someone who can work with the pile of pish we have on the park then surely that's the only road the board can go down.


I thought it was a massive mistake to appoint McGhee at the start of the season and nothings happened thus far to change my mind. There simply must be someone out there who can do a better job, thankfully it's not my job to identify that person and I can only hope it doesn't become another one of the boards horrific decisions since that seems to be their style.



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Or have a look at his plans for close season.  Who's he looking to bring in (presumably on a free).


Whoever he brings in will have the same attitude problems to deal with - and even if they do, there's little chance of catching Hertz.


This season's a write-off - so treat it as one.  See what MM's plans are like - and if you don't like them, THEN you look at who's next in the managerial tombola.


We don't want to turn into a QPR.  Managers would have no reason to come here if they know they're going to get punted after 6 months results with someone else's team.

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Or have a look at his plans for close season.  Who's he looking to bring in (presumably on a free).


Whoever he brings in will have the same attitude problems to deal with - and even if they do, there's little chance of catching Hertz.


This season's a write-off - so treat it as one.  See what MM's plans are like - and if you don't like them, THEN you look at who's next in the managerial tombola.


We don't want to turn into a QPR.  Managers would have no reason to come here if they know they're going to get punted after 6 months results with someone else's team.


I'll never treat any season as a write off, and neither should our players, management or board. That's the kind of thinking/mentality that will bite us on the arse big time and have us in a relegation scrap.

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Or have a look at his plans for close season.  Who's he looking to bring in (presumably on a free).


Whoever he brings in will have the same attitude problems to deal with - and even if they do, there's little chance of catching Hertz.


This season's a write-off - so treat it as one.  See what MM's plans are like - and if you don't like them, THEN you look at who's next in the managerial tombola.


We don't want to turn into a QPR.  Managers would have no reason to come here if they know they're going to get punted after 6 months results with someone else's team.


So you are saying that we should completely ignore the fact that MM has fucked up this season and have blind faith in him not fucking up next season? Madness.


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Blaming all of this shambles on the players is an absolute cop out IMHO.


Langfield, Diamond, Considine, Mulgrew, Kerr, Aluko, and probably even McDonald and Foster would be accepted in most any side in the SPL outside the OF.


Within any group of players...any group in any company in fact....you'll have the hard-workers, the lazy, the talented, the moody, the chirpy, the moaning, the young, the experienced.


It's the managers job to weld these people together to make a good outfit based on their own unique talents and abilities.

A good manager can get a team together that excedes the sum of it's own parts. A poor manager will end up with a group that is confused, demoralised and bewildered.


I see absolutely nothing in McGhee that suggests he's a good manager for Aberdeen.


On top of that, it's crazy to suggest we can somehow have a clear out of 'disliked' players and replace them with players of equal or better ability or character.....we can't.


McGhee's already shown that his judgement in the transfer market is flawed, and I'll be f*cked if I want my team to end up being full of useless cast-offs like Ifil, Grassi, Nelson and Marshall.


They're not Aberdeen quality, and never will be.


We should be pulling the stops out to get Mulgrew, Kerr and McDonald to  stay, and to get a manager who can actually manage.



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Jesus wept.




Fairy nuff.


I should have added of course, 'under the present financial circumstances'.


Kerr had a good season last year and hasn't become a bad player overnight. I suspect the captaincy and the fact that McGhee is playing him out his comfort zone (he obviously gets nose bleeds if he crosses the half-way line) have been the telling factors in such a poor current season.


Every man and his sheep knows that Mulgrew is at his best as a midfielder....he's a round peg being pushed into a square hole at centre-half but McGhee is persisting with it due to Considine's injury and the form of the woeful Ifil.


I'll give you that I wouldn't be unduly concerned if we lost McDonald, but I still have this nagging feeling that he has the potential to be a good player in the right position with the right players around him.


Put it this way, it's pie in the sky to think that McGhee will be able to replace these 3 with players of similar or better quality.

He's shown little or no initiative in the transfer market, and his utterings about future budgets and general negative comments should have us all preparing for last gasp desperation raids on the the English 3rd division to pick up untries youngsters or haddies like Ifil.


In short, I fear McGhee is a manager out of his depth who given time, will put together a squad out of their depth.


For God's sake, we have players. It's his job to get them playing.

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So you are saying that we should completely ignore the fact that MM has fucked up this season and have blind faith in him not fucking up next season? Madness.


No.  Read the fucking quote.  Jesus fucking christ - I remember why I got pissed off with forums.


I'm saying we should look at the reasons for this season being a write-off.  And it IS a write-off, unless you think we can catch Hibs...that what you're saying?


If McGhee's the reason for the bollox we've seen, or if the board think he's not the man to turn results round next season - fine, get rid.  2 points.  1 - that's for the board to decide, not the fucking media, and certainly not the fuckwits who self-appoint themselves "fan spokespeople."  2 - Next season, to give him a chance to spend the money we got for Miller sensibly, i.e. not in the transfer window when prices are overinflated.


If the players are the problem - punt them.  Simple.


We KNOW we have an awul lot of pish in our 1st 11 just now.  If there were better options and MM didn't take them, then he deserves all the flak he's getting.  But we have a squad who consistently go out of cups to lower level opposition but draw with / beat the likes of Sellick.  THAT smacks of a lack of professionalism. 


Why are we paying people to be unprofessional?  THAT is madness.

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Fairy nuff.


I should have added of course, 'under the present financial circumstances'.


Kerr had a good season last year and hasn't become a bad player overnight. I suspect the captaincy and the fact that McGhee is playing him out his comfort zone (he obviously gets nose bleeds if he crosses the half-way line) have been the telling factors in such a poor current season.


Every man and his sheep knows that Mulgrew is at his best as a midfielder....he's a round peg being pushed into a square hole at centre-half but McGhee is persisting with it due to Considine's injury and the form of the woeful Ifil.


I'll give you that I wouldn't be unduly concerned if we lost McDonald, but I still have this nagging feeling that he has the potential to be a good player in the right position with the right players around him.


Put it this way, it's pie in the sky to think that McGhee will be able to replace these 3 with players of similar or better quality.

He's shown little or no initiative in the transfer market, and his utterings about future budgets and general negative comments should have us all preparing for last gasp desperation raids on the the English 3rd division to pick up untries youngsters or haddies like Ifil.


In short, I fear McGhee is a manager out of his depth who given time, will put together a squad out of their depth.


For God's sake, we have players. It's his job to get them playing.


Mulgrew has no interest in playing for us beyond this season. True story.


Kerr... well, I liked Kerr last season, I thought he was tidy as fuck and did a job that we really needed someone to do. I was delighted he was there to do that job. I'm not entirely sure why he's turned into Ernie from Bert & Ernie (guess who Bert is...) but the fact is that he has.  So we're now looking at one out of two for Kerr.  Can we gamble that he makes it 2 out of 3 in our favour?  I don't think we can.  He's captain by name only and it sticks in my throat that he has that honour.  In fact, I find it fucking hideous that he has that honour.  He can fuck off.


As for The Invisible Man...



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