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Aberdeen v St Johnstone

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‘Ref got it right over Rory’ says Aberdeen FC boss McGhee


ABERDEEN FC boss Mark McGhee today confirmed they have dropped plans to appeal against the red card shown to defender Rory McArdle.


McGhee made the decision after studying footage of McArdle’s tackle on Cleveland Taylor during Aberdeen FC’s 1-0 SPL defeat by St Johnstone at Pittodrie.


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Must apoligize for backing up one of my players..........Silly stoney :P


Wont happen again sir!


You'd back them no matter what, though.


I agree that I thought the red was harsh but it wouldn't matter if he'd whipped a knife out of his sock and cut the guy's throat. You'd still claim it was harsh!  :wave:

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Guest Scarface

I think that is an incredibly harsh red. Wins the ball first and foremost, and clearly didn't go in with intent. But as has been said, when you lunge in like that, you're likely to get a booking for it.


Agree with this. McArdle's challenge was a VERY harsh red card. He was silly to dive in like that, but a yellow card would've been fair.

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