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Some interesting tweets from Alex Thomson (Channel 4 reporter) I've lifted from elsewhere:



"What is your motivation here Alex, why has channel 4 who have no football links decided to target Rangers?"


He responded with

"News. I had no tsunami links till Japan"


alex thomson ? @alextomo





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@ tagsbo I'm touched by yr concern, but after 25 yrs as a war cor I can sense conspiracy a bit


and his latest blog:


Over the past week I have blogged the views of non-Rangers fans about what is happening at Ibrox and across the game in scotland generally. Now it is the turn of Rangers fans themselves.  Celtic fans promised me I would get a great deal of abuse, bigotry and arrogance. They are wrong. What they delivered was considered constructive and informed.


True, far fewer Rangers fans emailed than the deluge of non-Rangers supporters last week and I am still unsure quite what the reasons are for that. Frankly you couldn’t blame them for being catatonic with shock given the shenanigans around Ibrox. I just hope the previous blogs have not put them off. However plenty have got in touch and here’s what these Ibrox faithful have to say.


15 rangersfans r 602x200 Rangers fans have their say


Like most, Simon took it on the chin, no ducking the issues now:


“Rangers FC, from the boardroom to the supporter have been bereft of any real leadership for more than 2 decades. At a corporate level we suffered the autocratic and egotistic rule of Sir David Murray. He used a fire-fighting style of management…and overspends…”


Further – and this is significant as fans of all persuasion keep on pointing to this across Scotland – he alleges that an all-too-cosy relationship between Rangers and the local media (newspapers in particular), became so serious that people simply lost touch with financial reality – in fact reality full stop. Simon again:


“His (David Murray’s) control of the support was excellent and was via his contacts in the media. This created a culture within much of the support that forgot any critical awareness they may have had when it came to the football club. This meant Craig Whyte was able to ride into town (takeover may be a huge story in itself) and stay on the saddle for so long despite what was out there in the public domain.”


And if I hear the phrase “succulent lamb”  once more,  I’ll go vegan. A notorious story written by a Glasgow journalist praised David Murray’s taste in fine wine and succulent lamb dinners. It’s become a Glasgow by-word for a local media who bought unquestioningly into the lavish claims being made by the likes of Mr Murray at Ibrox.


So on this Simon speaks for many more: Rangers, Celtic, Heart of Caledonian Thistle Academicals, you name it.


Many Rangers fans said critcs just want to see the club destroyed – but that is not borne out by my inbox at any rate, of many thousands of responses.


That said, most  Rangers supporters accepted the fans had been ‘duped’ – to coin Mr Murray’s favourite current word – and  many Rangers fans really are facing it square on and dealing with it. Many say it’s not about football results any longer at all. It is about re-establishing a credible identity for the entire football club so many cherish across Scotland – across the world.


Ross took the chance to put me firmly in my place (rightly) and point up the true losers in all this:


“While you are doing your little blogs and reports from London, remember there are good honest people who have been victims of this, they have paid thousands of pounds to follow their team under the stewardship of men who are not fit for purpose. We, the Rangers supporters are the biggest victims in this situation.”


Agreed. Ross, I can make the blogs bigger if you really want. And for info I’ve not done any reports on TV from London – just Glasgow. I intend keeping it that way.


And for all those out there – many, many of them – who seek to portray the relationship between Rangers and the SFA as some kind of cosy club, well many an Ibrox regular would disagree. Rangers Football Club has been convicted of no crime thus far and should be presumed innocent until the Tribunal and other investigations show otherwise, say many. But they feel shunned by football’s authorities in Scotland in their hour of need. Here’s Frank:


“The SFA and SPL appear to be the only two bodies in world football that do not wish to assist a member club in times of trouble…why is this?  As yet Rangers have been found guilty of no crime!”


It was repeatedly pointed out that Employee Benefit Trusts (the means by which many Rangers were paid, and at least one director we now know) are entirely legal and will bother nobody if properly administered – though much hinges upon that ‘properly’. Robert suggests this is a sideshow and not the real issue at Ibrox at all:


“There is a real anger towards David Murray and Craig Whyte for the position we now find ourselves in. Rather than governance of the SFA and the SPL and looking at a conspiracy that doesn’t exist – I would suggest a more pertinent line of investigation which would be welcomed by all at Rangers Football Club would be into the actions of the Murray Group …”


That being of course, David Murray’s group which bought Rangers, undeniably took it places and to resounding success on the field .


So was due diligence carried out upon Mr Whyte? Undeniably fertile ground in which to dig .That is something Robert, and surely  other fans across the country could agree upon?


On that, as on so many other aspects of Ibrox, much more will no doubt come out in the days and weeks to come.


For now, I’ll get this out, say thanks to all Rangers fans for helping me out when you’ve all got better thngs to be doing, and book my Easyjet passage back to Glasgow for next week – watch this space.



@alextomo: HMRC says tax and national insurance liabilities covered by EBT cases in UK are around £1.7bn


That would suggest HMRC won't be wanting to back down on this, if they make a deal and let Rangers off they could be losing hundreds of millions of punds in taxes.

David Whitehouse of Duff and Phelps said there had been "worldwide interest" which could see more bids submitted even after Friday's deadline had passed.




deadline (plural deadlines)

A date on or before which something must be completed.




tims can win the title at ibrox next weekend.  I think i actually might watch that, it has the potential to be a firework filled bloodbath.


Not if Motherwell win on the Saturday. Not like Sky to realise there are teams outside the Old Firm in Scotland  ::)


Not if Motherwell win on the Saturday. Not like Sky to realise there are teams outside the Old Firm in Scotland  ::)


True but are Motherwell really going to turn around what is currently a +37Goal difference in 8 games?



Nope, they won't even win all their games. But that's not the point. If you want to think like that then they have already won the league so the game at Ibrox isn't a title decider either way.


True but are Motherwell really going to turn around what is currently a +37Goal difference in 8 games?


Are Rangers even if they win the OF game?

To actually be crowned champions Well have to drop points.

Torn between wanting Motherwell to pick up points so it there isn't a blood bath ain Glasgow on Sunday and wanting Well to drop points so we can watch the bigots rip into each other.


If Well drop points I might actually watch the OF game for once! They usually bore me to fucking tears. Although I can see the huns doing everything possible to prevent Celtic winning the title at the big hoose.


If Well drop points I might actually watch the OF game for once! They usually bore me to fucking tears. Although I can see the huns doing everything possible to prevent Celtic winning the title at the big hoose.


Pitch invasions, coin throwing, attacking referees, parcel bombs to Neil Lennon?


Yeehaaa, looks who's appeared on the scene:



Ex-Dundee director Di Stefano tells Qatar ruler buying Rangers would be 'best deal in football'


Mr Di Stefano stated he would have 'no role whatsoever' should the Emir of Qatar move to take over the Ibrox club.


By Mike Farrell


19 March 2012 14:45 GMT




Former Dundee FC director and controversial lawyer Giovanni di Stefano has told the ruler of Qatar buying crisis-hit Rangers is "the very best deal in football".


The lawyer, dubbed the Devil’s Advocate after representing serial killer Harold Shipman and Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein among others, told STV News he had highlighted the situation of the Ibrox Club to the Emir of Qatar.


Mr Di Stefano, who is currently facing charges of defrauding clients out of £140,000, stated that he would have "no role whatsoever" should Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa Al Thani try to take over Rangers.


Relatives of the Emir have been taking an interest in European football in recent years with his son and heir apparent Sheikh Tamim buying over Paris Saint Germain through the Qatar Sports Investments firm, while his relative Sheikh Abdullah purchased Malaga in Spain for around €36m in 2010.


On Monday, Mr Di Stefano told STV News that he had contacted the Emir to highlight the possibility of him buying the Ibrox club, who called in the administrators last month.


He said: "All I have done is pointed out to His Excellency and his advisors that in my view, if nothing else, Rangers represents the very best deal in European football at the moment.


"It would require little to no substantive investment other than repayment of debts and a new owner would have a superb club that is guaranteed European Football in the coming years as well as a huge worldwide support.


"I would have no involvement in anything to do with Rangers, as my passion in Scottish football lies elsewhere. Mind you, and I know some Dundee fans might not like this, but if I had the money, I would buy Rangers - it represents such a good deal you’d be a mug not to."


Mr Di Stefano added: "All I have done is sown the seed - if the fish bites, the fish bites. The Emir would bring stability to Rangers, which is what they need. It is one of the problems with administration in the UK that entities are not actively marketed for interested parties to purchase. If Rangers are not marketable, then we might as well close up shop."


The lawyer also stated that he believed the Emir would prove to be a "fit and proper person" to take over Rangers.


Palace gifts


He also revealed that the head of Qatar had been a "really, really nice man" to him while he was representing Saddam Hussein. Mr Di Stefano said the Emir had granted amnesty and given palaces to some families connected with the former Iraqi dictator while he had represented them during legal proceedings following the fall of the regime in 2003.


In a brief but colourful spell at Dundee, Mr Di Stefano spent six months as a director at Dens Park from August 2003 to January 2004, before he left after the club went into administration.


As Dundee again faced financial difficulties late in 2010, Mr Di Stefano told STV he would have "no problem" taking over the club, so long as he had "dictatorial command" of the Dark Blues. His statement of interest in Dundee did not go any further.


Next year Mr Di Stefano will stand trial next year over allegations of fraud and theft. He denies the charges and has claimed in his defence that the proceedings are "politically motivated".


At the end of last week Duff and Phelps received three indicative bids for Rangers. The Blue Knights consortium, fronted by former director Paul Murray and backed by London firm Ticketus, has made its interest known, while owner of Sale Sharks Rugby Union Club Brian Kennedy also lodged an indicative bid with the administrators.


The third interested party is understood to be Prometheus Capital Partners based in Chicago, which owns Club 9 Sports. It has previously failed in two attempts to enter into UK football club ownership with plans to take over Tranmere Rovers and Sheffield Wednesday in recent years both proving fruitless.


Why do they keep referring to him as a lawyer. I dont believe that he has ever provided any proof that he holds a law degree. Hes a charlatan and a publicity seeker.


With any luck he'll buy the huns


Huns special from Govan on 5Live.  Going by this you'd think they are the greatest club ever to exist and their fans the salt of the earth.  Already had at least one person say the trouble in Manchester was down to fans who weren't real huns.  ::)


Mark Hately and Andy Goram are on the panel... couple of morons. Hardly news I know but thought I'd repeat it regardless.


Henry McLeish, Pat Nevin, Iain Davidson are also amongst the panel. Unfortunately so is Mark Dingwall.... someone whose default setting is "utter tit of a man".


Awww... a touching story about an 11 year old asking to give up his holiday so the money can go to the Huns.


Aye, that's "one of the biggest clubs on earth" having to get helped from a Primary 7 kid.


£120k so far.  Is that not a bit shit considering they have 10 zillion fans.


The whole programme seems to have concluded that Rangers are vital to Scotland, their fans are the best in the World and they will be back where they belong, winning trophies in a year or two and all they have done is be stupid enough to be duped by Whyte.


I look forward to a less fawning report from Channel 4 News later this week

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