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Saturday 15th March 2025 - kick-off 3pm

Scottish Premiership: St Johnstone v Aberdeen


Dirthy Filthy Hun Scumbag Vermin (deceased) and Poundland tribute act

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.......That it was unclear to Mr Andrew Dickson, Head of Football Administration, what was the role of Mr Gordon Smith, Director of Football and Executive Director. who was appointed by Mr Craig Whyte on 18 June 2011. No job description or remit for Mr Gordon Smith was ever provided to Mr Andrew Dickson. Mr Andrew Dickson remained entirely unclear as to Mr Gordon Smith’s role or function or in respect of any matter in which he may have been involved in his position.

So. Let me get this right. As im kinda loosing track of the punishments and stuff that wots happenning.


In order for the huns financial position to improve, they are going to have to get rid of the big wage earners in thw current squad. Right?


They have had an embargo put on them a while ago where the cannot sign players over 18. Right?


And now they have this new punishment where they cannot sign anybody, including under 18's? Right.

  On 11/05/2012 at 13:21, capitalsharpie said:

Just re read the sfa statement. I am mistaken.


Its all a bit if a mess isnt it?


This isn't a new punishment, just the explanation of the previous punishment.  The explanation McCoist et al demanded and which now makes them look pretty stupid.


btw the three man panel for the appeal consists of a Judge, the Spartans Chairmen and the ex-Partick Chairmen.


Apparently the Partick chap has certain leanings and handshakes but here is someone's take on the other two:


"The Rangers appeal will be heard by Rt. Hon. Lord Carloway, Spartans chairman Craig Graham and ex-Partick Thistle chairman Allan Cowan."


Talk about Rangers being even more in the shit than before! Carloway's a hard b*****d - he hammered Transco for what was a record £15 million for the Larkhall gas explosion back in 1999, which paved the way for the future Corporate Manslaughter Act. He's not afraid about going further than others on the bench dare.


Having Spartans chairman on board is the cherry on the trifle, with whipped double cream, sprinklies and a f**k-off sized Cadbury's Flake. As I've said before, there's only one club more self-centred, ruthless and uncaring of other clubs than Rangers in the whole of Scotland, and that's Spartans. Give them a blank cheque to have Rangers thrown out and a league place up for grabs and you think they're not going to grab it - not least of all when they're going to look complete heroes to the rest of Scotland and all sins forgiven in the process? Aye, right!


In this respect Cowan is an irrelevence - more or less making up the numbers. Get ready to party!


Apparently Carlow was also involved in a recent Sectarianism case regarding the "Famine Song" which he stated was racist.


Ally McCoist's blatant attempt to put pressure on the SFA tribunal with his "Who are these people?" comments, which directly incited violent and vitriolic hounding of supposedly annonymous members, must surely comprimise any similarly structured appeal process. 


Given that these comments which, IMO, directly lead to threats against the original panel, I feel that the new appeals panel should be excused (if nothing else than for their own safety), the decision allowed to stand, and further action be taken against McCoist for what was frankly an outrageous example of bringing the game into disrepute.


'Bringing the game into disrepute'. Holy Shit. I remember when that meant what Neil Lennon does every fucking week. Rangers have managed to blow that so completely off the scale that it no longer has any meaning.


I have previously said on this board (paraphrasing) that my ideal situation would be for them to be hobbled and have to suffer the 'ignomy' of lower 6 SPL for the foreseeable future, while the rest of us watch and laugh.  Not any more.  Not even Div 3.  I want them to end, cf Third Lanark or Gretna.

  On 11/05/2012 at 14:02, glasgow sheep said:


Lot of Thistle fans on P&B were being pretty negative about his likely position.


I reckon he'll also have an axe to grind being the chairman of a club who played by the rules regarding stadium criteria, tax etc. and ended up in Div 1.


Apparently the Blue Knights/Kennedy bid:

£5.5M for Whytes shares and CVA, plus £2M from Europe in the next few years . Taking on £3.5M of future debt gives a total of £11M. £3M owed to Rangers, but BKs would have paid for cash flow from June.


Also involved Souness and Smith as part-time non executive football directors or some such shit.


CVA now impossible


Club to run out of money at the end of the month


They are walking away  :wave:






As the tribunal which punished Rangers FC for bringing the game into disrepute publishes the reasons for its findings, we gain an astounding insight into a major UK football club completely out of control.


Rangers under Craig Whyte, the Tribunal says , were ignoring all sense of reality in any kind of management on Planet Earth – let alone within Glasgow, also a part of the planet though in recent weeks you’d be forgiven for disputing that one.


Here goes…


Take the Craig Whyte take-over of the club. Yes, this was the one where the Glasgow tabloids trumpeted Mr Whyte’s ‘off the radar wealth’ – he was the ‘billionaire’ saviour of Ibrox, remember?. Well, in the real world,  nobody had a clue in Rangers about what his financial pedigree was and they couldn’t find out either. The tribunal records:


“A real and substantial concern existed as to the genuineness of his offer to purchase and as to his motives.


“A real and substantial concern existed as to the lack of information available about his history both personal and commercial and his apparent reluctance to divulge or provide any information which was requested.


“A real and substantial concern existed as to whether and from what source he could find and invest the very substantial funds which would be required in acquiring the majority shareholding,”


Yet astonishingly the whole thing went ahead and the Scottish FA Chief Executive Stewart Regan admitted to Channel 4 News last month that they – football’s governing body in Scotland -more or less took it on trust from Rangers that old Craigy was a good egg – when we now know nobody had a clue. And he wasn’t. The tribunal states:


“Mr Craig Whyte disclosed little or no information. Financial models for working capital requirements prepared by the finance officers and accountants of Rangers FC were repeatedly disputed and rejected by Mr Craig Whyte… Mr Craig Whyte produced his own working capital projections which were wholly at variance with those of Rangers FC…. despite their making all relevant confidential financial data available under secure conditions for the examination and scrutiny of Mr Craig Whyte and his advisers in a process of due diligence in their purchase consideration, almost no advantage was taken of this facility and hardly any enquiry or scrutiny of the detailed and confidential financial information about Rangers FC was carried out by or on behalf of Mr Craig Whyte or any of his companies. This failure to carry out ordinary “due diligence” enquiries served to increase the substantial concern felt… for the motives, the genuineness…”


So they knew little about Craig Whyte’s finances. And Craig Whyte made little or no effort to find out much about Rangers. At the time management there were concerned at Mr Whyte’s motives for buying the club at all…yet it all went ahead and nobody said boo. Incredible.


Think that’s weird? Well check out what happened – or didn’t  – once Craig Whyte was behind the chairman’s desk at Ibrox Park – on the odd occasions he actually went there, along with his lawyer Garry Withey:


“… in the course of the first few weeks of his chairmanship Mr Craig Whyte and Mr Garry Withey were in attendance at Rangers FC Headquarters at Argyle House, Ibrox on a frequent basis, but Mr Gary Withey then became an infrequent attender. Mr Craig Whyte’s attendance became irregular and increasingly infrequent. When he attended at Argyle House he spent little time speaking to any of the operational and administration managers and staff. He was difficult to access. He spent most of the time when he was in Argyle House closed in the Chairman’s room in meetings with persons unknown.”


Directors were left unsure what it even was they were supposed to direct – men like John McClelland and John Greig who had long association with Rangers. They were facing their biggest test in the club and – the Tribunal rules – they were about to fail it spectacularly:


“… as a result of the discussion and the perceptions of both Mr John McClelland and Mr John Greig arising from the absence of any management accounts or financial information about Rangers FC being provided to them, the failure to convene any Board meetings and Mr McClelland’s exclusion from the offices, they both arrived at the conclusion that they were now being so marginalised and excluded from the governance of Rangers that their position as directors was untenable.”


But did they do anything? Did they tell anyone? Did they inform the Scottish Football Association or the Scottish Premier League? Did they inform the media? No. no, no and no. The Tribunal damns them as individuals who could and should have acted but they did not act.


They walked away.


“Mr John McClelland and Mr John Greig resigned in October because they knew that they were being excluded and marginalised at the same time as they had great concerns for the governance of Rangers FC and were deeply suspicious of Mr Craig Whyte… Other than resignation there was no evidence that either of these directors took any steps with any person or authority to do anything about what they knew was happening.”


Paragraph by paragraph the age-old Rangers defence of ‘it was the boss not me’ it cut to shreds in the measured prose of deliberative , legal minds:


“… certain directors and / or senior managers were entirely aware that Mr Craig Whyte, a director of Rangers FC was engaged in a deliberate programme of non payment of taxes, non-cooperation with and frustration of the attempts of the auditors appointed by Rangers FC to carry out the annual inspection of the books of account and preparation of the statutory annual accounts…These matters all frustrated preparation of the annual accounts and prevented the holding of the annual general meeting which required to be held by 1 January 2012.


“From May 2011 Mr David King was aware that he was being excluded from the governance of the company and he appears to have done little about it except repeat his demands to Mr Olverman and Mr Craig Whyte for information. “


So too David King .What is that old saying, that for wrongdoing to triumph, all it takes is for good men to fail to act? As the Tribunal states itself, in a reflective moment:


“ …individual directors and employees must have known that what was happening within Rangers FC was entirely wrong and illegitimate but they chose to do nothing to bring it to the attention of the public. That may be matter for their long term reflection but it does reduce the mitigatory impact of the suggestion that Rangers FC were innocent victims. “


For anybody requiring this last bit in black and white – if anybody at Ibrox dares to whine that it’s wrong to blame Rangers FC for Craig Whyte’s craziness – they should be ashamed. Are you listening, Ally McCoist?


He engaged in a disingenuous correspondence in which he claimed to be anxious to put his case to the tribunal face to face but had singularly failed to do so, citing safety issues. This was the same man who was regularly spotted in public in Scotland and elsewhere.


He engaged in a campaign of derogatory, ill founded and ill judged criticism of the integrity of the Judicial Panel Protocol, its members and the Scottish FA itself. He alleged bias and a lack of fairness.


The tribunal could come to no other conclusion that his conduct was scandalous and disgraceful and in each case represented a contempt of the proceedings of the most serious kind.


Chick young and ither members if the pro hun weegia cabal will have collective fits of apoplexy over the sumation of events.


No longer can they scream "the big boy did it and ran away"!


It is SO refreshing to seeproper analytical investigative journalism on this issue.


Wonder if the exclusion of Grieg and Clelland coincided with European failure?


Whyte gambled on buying the Huns for a quid paying off their debts on their own ticket and selling a "debt free" club in Europe for £25 - £30 mill.


le grande FAIL!


Considering the collusion once that idea fucked up, irregardless of the hop along's cheating, the huns should H A N G !

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