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Saturday 15th March 2025 - kick-off 3pm

Scottish Premiership: St Johnstone v Aberdeen

2 09:25:38

Dirthy Filthy Hun Scumbag Vermin (deceased) and Poundland tribute act

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In fact, it doesn't even make sense.

Vote 1, let Seveco into the SFL

Vote 2, let them into wherever the board (SPL/SFA) wish.


What happens if they vote yes for 1, which seems certain, but no to 2 which is possible.  They are in the SFL but have no league to play in? Eh?

  On 07/07/2012 at 18:13, Jute said:

SPL 2 would follow swiftly if they are voted out of SFL.


Could that be implemented in time? Would it not need the SPL (i.e the clubs) to vote on it?


Who does Doncaster answer to anyway? Why are the SPL clubs who have voted No and for Sporting Integrity not putting pressure on Doncaster to remove himself from this position.

  On 07/07/2012 at 19:00, Penfold said:

Could that be implemented in time? Would it not need the SPL (i.e the clubs) to vote on it?


Who does Doncaster answer to anyway? Why are the SPL clubs who have voted No and for Sporting Integrity not putting pressure on Doncaster to remove himself from this position.


Killie and St Mirren already on record as saying they cannot survive if Sevco are not in SFL 1. Would say its a certainty that they will vote for SPL 2 and there will be others.

  On 07/07/2012 at 19:00, Penfold said:

Could that be implemented in time? Would it not need the SPL (i.e the clubs) to vote on it?


Who does Doncaster answer to anyway? Why are the SPL clubs who have voted No and for Sporting Integrity not putting pressure on Doncaster to remove himself from this position.


SFL clubs also need to give, what, a 1 years notice at resigning the league?

Furthermore an SPL2 if suddenly formed from no where surely means existing prize and TV money will be stretched between 22 clubs instead of 12 thus costing us money.


I too, as I've said for the last week, would like to see AFC speak out against this.

I'm happy enough that they are not part of this nonsense but it would be nice to hear it confirmed officially.


Is Longmuir not the one that said /any vote must be taken without any outside influences (or words to that effect)?


Isn't he now acting as an outside influence?


Does he REALLY not understand how much of a dick he's being and the damage he and the other knob-jockeys in charge are doing?


:hammer: :hammer: :hammer: :hammer: :hammer: :hammer: :hammer: :hammer: :hammer: :hammer: :hammer:


Edit: This is what Longmuir said

“The time has come for all outside influences and pressures to end and let the SFL take the game forward.
  On 07/07/2012 at 18:50, glasgow sheep said:

In fact, it doesn't even make sense.

Vote 1, let Seveco into the SFL

Vote 2, let them into wherever the board (SPL/SFA) wish.


What happens if they vote yes for 1, which seems certain, but no to 2 which is possible.  They are in the SFL but have no league to play in? Eh?


It read to me like one proposal with 3 parts.

So, only 1 vote required.


Part 1. Vote yes to letting Sevco into the SFL,  Part 2. as a result of Part 1,  yes to Sevco in Div 3, unless the SFL and SPL boards come to a sweetheart deal to let them in Div 1, and yes to allowing Dunf/Dund leave the SFL without the requisite notice being given.



Would the SFL chairmen be brave enough to vote no to sevco at all ?



  On 07/07/2012 at 20:12, One Bobby Clark said:

It read to me like one proposal with 3 parts.

So, only 1 vote required.


Part 1. Vote yes to letting Sevco into the SFL,  Part 2. as a result of Part 1,  yes to Sevco in Div 3, unless the SFL and SPL boards come to a sweetheart deal to let them in Div 1, and yes to allowing Dunf/Dund leave the SFL without the requisite notice being given.



Would the SFL chairmen be brave enough to vote no to sevco at all ?


If true then I see why Turnbull Hutton was questioning whether Raith would even attend


The more I think about it the more AFC have to come out and speak against the charade.

The media and suits at Hampden have never had and never will have any interest in what the fans and small clubs think about the state of Scottish Football.  We and they are repeatedly used and abused to further the agendas of the big clubs and the plethora of organisations and bureaucrats.


What we need is for someone with a significant level of influence and involvement in the game to speak out.  I mean who the fuck had heard of Turnbull Hutton before this and who will remember his name in a years time?

Aberdeen and more importantly Stewart Milne have been (like it or not) at the forefront of the formation of the SPL and have been heavily involved in many areas at the top of the game for a number of years.  Stewart Milne is a well known and largely respected (shut up at the back) figure in the game and AFC are still seen as one of, if not the biggest club outside the OF Celtic.

Milne speaks out against this, people will listen.  It may not change the course of this contemptible bullshit but it distances us from it and draws attention to the fact that the "SPL" does not necessarily speak for it's member clubs.  Then it's not just nobodies with keyboards and Wifi and some old men in suits nobody has ever heard of that are against it.

  On 07/07/2012 at 19:10, glasgow sheep said:

Furthermore an SPL2 if suddenly formed from no where surely means existing prize and TV money will be stretched between 22 clubs instead of 12 thus costing us money.



Same thing happens if Sevco go into SFL1 BTW. Its not been discussed but part of the deal is that SPL Prize money will be handed to SFL1 as part of Rangers 'TV Rights' Meaning SPL clubs will effectively be Paying Rangers to play in SFL1!


Stitch up from day 1


Can't say I agree with us being seen at the next biggest club outside the infirm. We list that title a long long time ago. But still, your post rings true and we really need AFC to distance themselves. As bloo toon said, the club still owe us for season upon season of ineptitude. We need them to prove to the fans that they are fully on our wavelength. This would be horrific and the end of Scottish football if this happened. At least the sfa and spl would have the sky money....


Sunday Mail  :o


No room for cheats



Deluded: Stewart Regan


At the risk of intruding upon private grief, it would seem that demotion to the Scottish Third Division is the very least of the penalties which Rangers should expect for their sustained exercise in financial doping. However, Stewart Regan, the chief executive of the Scottish FA, is trenchantly opposed to such a punishment.


He pleads for the softer option of relegation to the Scottish First Division, apparently on the grounds that Rangers are too big to fail. Indeed, he has issued preposterous warnings of ‘Armageddon’ and ‘social unrest’ if the club should get what they truly deserve. Rangers in the Third Division, warns Mr Regan, would ‘kill the game’ in Scotland.


I suspect he is mistaken, for civilised sanctions will not kill the Scottish game. That task can safely be left to systematic cheats like Rangers. And deluded prattlers like Stewart Regan.


Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/article-2170260/Sir-Alex-Ferguson-spoken-Manchester-United-owners-Glazer-family-Patrick-Collins.html#ixzz201Spaf4a




?HAS it really come to this? The future of Scottish football placed in the hands of a few nonentities from the lower divisions.

Muppets in charge of clubs that draw embarrassing crowds of 200 people suddenly standing as judge and jury over a decision that could cost the country millions of pounds in lost revenue.

Chairmen of part-time teams who are nothing more than afterthoughts in the psyche of our national obsession, yet suddenly they have been handed the most important decision in the history of Scottish football.

Does the SFL do the sensible thing and accept the Rangers newco into the First Division or cut off their nose to spite everyone else’s face by condemning them to starting again from the Third Division?

That they even have to think twice about this decision chills me to the core because it’s a clear sign that the knuckle-draggers – always the ones who make the most noise – have succeeded in making their voice heard.

And I’m not just talking about supporters, there are plenty of backward idiots in board rooms too and their petty witch hunt dressed up as “sporting integrity” could cost us all.

What price your integrity if there’s no sport left after you’ve slaughtered its biggest cash cow? Those opposing Rangers being parachuted into the First Division cannot see the wood for the trees.

I’ve heard comments from clubs like Cowdenbeath, Peterhead insisting they must start from scratch in the Third – who are these people and how are they qualified to make a decision that will affect clubs 10 times their size?

Let’s be honest here, if their clubs were to go missing nobody would bat an eyelid but if they abuse their newfound power to banish Rangers then the whole game is gone. It is THAT serious because without the revenue they generate through TV deals and travelling supporters, many other clubs will shut.

I know SFA chief executive Stewart Regan was criticised for warning that Scottish football faces a slow painful death if the Ibrox club are tossed to the bottom, but I agree. There is no point telling people everything’s hunky dory when it is clearly not.

People must wake up to Regan’s alarming message before it’s too late. Most of all the SPL because the time is now to take decisive action. You may have read Raith Rovers’ vice chairman Turnbull Hutton accusing the SPL of bullying and railroading the lower league clubs to vote Rangers into the First.

There’s long been veiled threats to set up a breakaway SPL 2, including Rangers, if the top flight don’t get what they want, leaving those who defy them well and truly out in the cold.

Well my feeling is why rely on a veiled threat when you can turn it into a concrete promise that can be used as a foundation to rebuild our game on a more stable platform?

Just do it, guys.

This is the time where SPL chief executive Neil Doncaster must stand strong and make the big decisions and grab the power back for the big clubs who know how to handle it.

Start the breakaway now, give us a fresh product of two top divisions with promotion and relegation play-offs and sell the package to Sky and ESPN as a fresh exciting new dawn for our game.

TV will buy into it, fans will be re-energised and hopefully start clicking through the turnstiles again.

Hey, maybe even the punters who blackmailed their clubs to vote Rangers out of the SPL in the first place might actually start attending games – because I don’t believe for a second that they were all loyal season ticket holders.

You just need to look at Dunfermline closing a stand last season and matches at Pittodrie resembling a closed-doors friendly any time the Old Firm weren’t visiting as evidence that these fans who protested so loudly must now put their money where mouths are.

So what of the rest you may ask. What about the clubs left behind by the new set-up?

No doubt some of them will fold while others continue plodding along as they are just now – part-time community clubs with very little relevance beyond the borders of their town. It might sound brutal but there are too many teams in our senior game who are going nowhere.

So better to trim the dead wood than give them the power to kill off one of the two clubs that matters most. In short, it’s better them than Rangers when it comes down to a stark choice of who should go.

I can almost hear the outraged screams from Forfar to Annan already but hard nosed as it sounds the alternative, which is football Armageddon, is too much for the rest of us to bear.

Maybe the Neanderthals who are only interested in revenge and petty points scoring after decades of Old Firm dominance will stop and think about the consequences before they call for more punishment.

The time has come to end this sorry episode and start fresh with a positive new beginning for all of Scottish football.

We can’t stand by and allow small clubs with their ridiculous tiny supports to gather on Friday the 13th and chase millions of pounds out of our game.

The time for action has come and Doncaster and his SPL member clubs cannot afford to hesitate a moment longer.

? I chuckled as those bailing out of Rangers talked about their heartbreak at leaving the club they loved.

I don’t have a problem with what the three Stevens – Whittaker, Davis and Naismith  – have done, I’d be gone too.

But don’t play us for fools with the badge-kissing bull**** and the crocodile tears.

The same for players trying to court fans by declaring it’s their lifelong dream to play for whoever they join.

I never tried to fool anyone like that. The cold facts are that players will sign anywhere if it’s in the right league for the right money.

? How can we take FIFA seriously when their latest world rankings throw up the ridiculous notion that England are the fourth best team on the planet?

The same England who were battered by sixth-placed Italy and outplayed by 14th-ranked France at the Euros.

Then you cast your eye down the list and see Brazil outside the top 10 trailing behind Denmark. It does nothing to enhance Sepp Blatter (left) and Co’s reputation as unfit for purpose.?




Can someone put this twat down. The whole article from start to finish is complete and utter drivel and epitomizes what is wrong with Scotland. People like this should not be allowed to see the light of day let alone express their views to the masses.


And even the bit about having a go against England ??? He does realise that they drew with France right? Ignoring whether fifas ranking system is bizarre or not, this guy needs to be sectioned.


The Hibs Club has watched events in Scottish football this summer with increasing concern:


For Hibs and their fans this summer should have been solely about a much needed rebuilding process.


Instead we have watched with increasing concern as the whole Scottish game has been tarnished by the financial collapse of Rangers.


As Hibs fans we know only too well how men concerned more with profiteering than the wishes of fans can risk the very existence of a football club.


So it is with increasing dismay that we have watched Scottish football tear itself apart in its attempts to protect a business model that operates more for the benefit of TV executives than ordinary supporters.


We believe that the new Rangers – if they can satisfy the usual standards demanded for SFA membership – should start out again in the Third Division.


We welcomed the “no” vote passed by the SPL, including our own club, but we have watched with dismay as the SPL clubs have stood silently on the sidelines as their own Chief Executive – with the help and approval of a now entirely discredited SFA – has tried to bully and threaten lower division clubs into submission.


Not only do we find the tactics used by Neil Doncaster and Stewart Regan abhorrent, we also take issue with the doomsday scenarios they have offered as evidence.


While TV money and corporate sponsorship are undoubtedly important we do not believe that all of them would vanish if the Rangers newco was not guaranteed a place in the SPL within 12 months.


We would also argue that additional benefits – including a return to more regular 3pm Saturday kick off times – would offset some of the lost revenue.


This, however, is an issue that should go beyond finances.


It is essential that Hibernian – like all clubs – are part of a fair and equitable league structure with governing bodies that are consistent and reasonable in their treatment of all clubs.


We do not believe that is currently the case and we would call on all SPL clubs – including our own – to urgently address the damage being done to the game by Neil Doncaster and Stewart Regan.


We have long felt that reconstruction of the league structure was a critical factor in strengthening the Scottish game.


The proposals that are currently being discussed destroy the prospect of a strong Scottish game and are aimed solely at rebuilding a strong Rangers.


These attempts at craven gerrymandering for the sake of one club are an affront to all the commitments to “sporting integrity” we have heard over the last few months.


Many Hibernian fans feel cheated. While the financial sacrifices made at Easter Road have not always found favour with many of our fans we do appreciate that these decisions have been made in the interests of long term stability.


We now find our voices ignored as rules are broken or rewritten to favour a club that has spent money it could not afford to buy success.


It is heartbreaking for us to hear members speak of not going back to Easter Road or of turning their back on the Scottish national team.


These are not hollow threats. They are a symptom of the disillusionment many fans feel at a game that seems to constantly betray its paying customers.


While we have sympathy for ordinary Rangers fans left bewildered by current events we have also been saddened over the last few months to hear Ally McCoist attempt to destroy a disciplinary process that had been created to help move the game forward.


Other comments from high profile Rangers figures such as Sandy Jardine have seemed to be nothing more than vindictive threats against other clubs. These have left us shocked and angered.


Now we find ourselves in the unacceptable position of watching Charles Green attempt to sign players while footballing debts to other clubs – debts that are as important as any projected TV or sponsorship income – remain unpaid.


Yet this apparent lack of contrition is being ignored as the Scottish football authorities unite to do what they feel is best for just one club.


We would hope that the European and global footballing authorities are watching these developments with interest and will move to censure the Scottish governing bodies.


Hibernian Football Club is our passion. We want to see a strong Hibs on the pitch and off the pitch. We want to see a sustainable Hibernian at the heart of our community.


22 years ago we united as fans to save Hibernian.


Today we find ourselves united in calling for Scottish football to end the current uncertainty, withdraw the the current campaign of bullying and threats aimed at our friends in the Scottish Football League and allow Rangers to rebuild their devastated club from the Third Division.


Fans of other clubs have been accused of “hating” Rangers.


We are defined not by hatred of any club but by our love of Hibernian.


A strong Hibernian in a strong Scottish game will forever be our one and only aim.


A few men motivated by greed and money currently risk that vision.


Fans of Hibernian and every other club cannot stand silently by and let that happen.

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