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Scottish Premiership: Aberdeen v Hearts

Dirthy Filthy Hun Scumbag Vermin (deceased), liquidated & Green abondons ship


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I'm intrigued by the first statement, what does that mean exactly.  Obviously despite media statements Sevco aren't in SFL3 yet officially but what help are the SPL suggesting they need/will offer.


Moving fixtures to avoid clashes between Newco and selic games is my guess.

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I'm intrigued by the first statement, what does that mean exactly.  Obviously despite media statements Sevco aren't in SFL3 yet officially but what help are the SPL suggesting they need/will offer.


I'd hazard a guess at offering guarantee's in the event of, or providing a contingency plan should Sevco suffer another insolvency and potentially fail to fulfil their fixtures.

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Starting to think the huns (deceased) aren't really the story now, it's becoming more about the Cockwomble/Regan magic roundabout, so maybe nearly time for another new thread  ;D


SPL chief executive Neil Doncaster has offered no assurances that the competition would have a television deal next season without Rangers.


The SPL invited Dundee to replace Rangers in the top flight following their annual general meeting on Monday, where no moves were made towards revisiting their decision to reject the Ibrox club or forcing an SPL2 breakaway.


Scottish Football League clubs were warned that the SPL could lose £15.7million - all but £1million from broadcasters - were Rangers to be relaunched in the Third Division but Doncaster refused to make any predictions today.


Sky and ESPN were due to sign a new £80million five-year deal this summer but their existing £13million annual contract still has a year to run.


However, most of the SPL's commercial deals have an exit or re-negotiation clause should one of the Old Firm be absent.


Doncaster said: "In terms of financial consequences, we'll work through that over the coming days and weeks with our partners and as soon as we're in a position to make an announcement about the reality then we will do so.


"I'm not going to be commenting specifically on any discussions with any of our partners.


"It's important that we work intensively over the next few days and weeks to bring clarity for the benefit of our clubs and we'll do that as soon as we can."


When asked specifically if there could be no TV deal, Doncaster said: "I'm not going to be speculating on what might be the case.


"I think it's important that we focus on what the reality is and we'll be working to discover what the commercial damage is."


ESPN said after the SFL vote on Friday that they wanted to continue their relationship with Scottish football but Sky Sports have made no comment.


Stenhousemuir produced a detailed report of their briefing by Doncaster and SFA chief executive Stewart Regan which stated that the SPL broadcasting rights were valued at £3million if the new Rangers kicked off life in the Third rather than the First Division.


But Doncaster said: "That document was put together by the SFL not the SPL or the SFA."


Some SFL clubs felt that an SPL2 breakaway was inevitable should they reject the First Division plan but Doncaster said: "Certainly that is not something I have said to anyone, either to the clubs or the media.


"SPL2 wasn't on the agenda today. All of our clubs were focusing on the reality of Rangers being in Division Three and Dundee being invited to take their place."


Regan had vowed to block attempts to put the Ibrox club in the Third Division but Doncaster says he is unaware of any intervention plans, although Charles Green's Sevco Scotland have still to acquire the transfer of Rangers' SFA membership.


"It's probably a question for Stewart rather than me," Doncaster said.


"Our clubs talked about the position following Friday's vote and they were quite clear that they would do what they can to facilitate the decision taken by SFL clubs."


Doncaster rejected claims from some SFL clubs that they had been "bullied" and "threatened" into accepting the First Division plan, which 25 of them rejected.


"I don't think that's fair at all," Doncaster said.


"What we've tried to do is set out the facts as we see them. Certainly I've done that. Stewart Regan has done that.


"I think Stewart Regan has taken a lot of very unfair criticism over recent days. The guy has just been trying to do his utmost for the game in Scotland.


"I think the sort of personal attacks he has had really don't do any credit to those that are making them."


Criticism of Regan intensified at the weekend with a leaked email laying bare his central role in the plan to put newco Rangers in the First Division.


But Doncaster said: "Decisions can only be made by the clubs, decisions can't be taken by executive bodies.


"What we can do is advise, assist and try to bring solutions to the table.


"Ultimately it's for the clubs to decide whether they wish to endorse the actions or not.


"There was a lot of work carried out on behalf of all 42 clubs by the two leagues and the SFA to achieve the best outcome for the game as whole.


"The clubs have made their views felt, that's clear and we have to draw a line under the issue and move forward."


When asked whether he would consider his own position, Doncaster said: "That's really for the 12 clubs who I represent to take a view on, not for me."


Doncaster vowed to continue dialogue with the SFL and SFA over reconstruction proposals but confirmed there would be no promotion play-offs for the top flight in the coming season.

And he said the £2million settlement payment to the SFL might not be paid in full.


"It's not a fixed figure, it's calculated based on the rate of inflation and the SPL's commercial revenues," he said.


"As soon as we're in a position to establish what they are, then that will determine what the payment is this season."


Firstly, given Cockwomble's the man employed to sell the SPL to prospective sponsors, it is a dereliction of duty to be talking the league down at every stage. Notice the continued choice of words like "damage done" rather than "opportunity to improve". If it was someone more junior in the set up saying those things without the person atop the tree saying the same, they'd be sacked for weakening the 'brand' name.


Secondly, as far as I've seen the 'attacks' aimed at Regan have been entirely professional, not personal. He, as with Cockwomble, has utterly failed in his duties to protect the interests of the whole of Scottish football, instead of certain parts of it.


Any damage done to Scottish football has been entirely down to the actions of Rangers, Regan and Cockwomble. For the heads of the governing bodies to even suggest that those of us who demanded newco be admitted no higher than division 3 are somehow the ones who've done the damage is outrageous.


Sling yer fuckin hook Cockwomble. And take thaty baldy prick Regan with you.  :finger:

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Three things.


1) Firstly the SFA have issued a vote of confidence in Regan: http://www.scottishfa.co.uk/scottish_fa_news.cfm?page=2986&newsID=10203&newsCategoryID=1


2) It would appear Sevco have some hoops to jump through to get their SFA licence which will allow them to play in Div3. Their options are:

  • Transfer Oldco's membership and accept the transfer embargo
  • Transfer Oldco's membership and reconvene the Appellate Tribunal who have the option of Scottish Cup ban, suspension or expulsion from the SFA
  • Apply for SFA membership as a new club, which involves losing their history, their badge, name etc.  There are also questions about whether they meet the criteria for membership (although it is unclear what these criteria are)
    3) There are some absolute nutters out there:
    "We Rangers Fans are now the Victims of a Republican Political Socialist Attack on all things Related to a United Kingdom , it is becoming clearer by the Day that the Political Ostracism, and Vilification of our Fanbase throughout Scotland is under way.
    They have made it Political, and Religious in its Connotation, and has become something of a Cause through Media, and Internet, which will never cease until several things have occurred.
    1) The Total eradication of RFC ,and its Fans as a Power in Scotland.
    2) The Politicisation of our Police Force, and the Vilification of Rangers Fans, and Protestants in General . (Laws made up Just for us.)
    3 ) The eradication of the Unionist, and Royalist support within Scotland, and the Success of an Independent Nationalist Socialist Scotland .
    There is a Battle going on now Guys and we really really need to waken up .
    Its all about Phsycops, and Brainwashing ,tell a Lie enough swamp the Airwaves and let the Masses Jump on it.
    We need to Fight this thing Head on .
    I do feel the need to Contact Mr Small and challenge him on several Issues now .
    Lets get Cracking .
    Rangers don't exist any more WTF .Republican Probaganda. "

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SFA: http://www.scottishfa.co.uk/scottish_fa_news.cfm?page=1961&newsCategoryID=3&newsID=10204


Scottish FA issues Rangers update

Tuesday, 17 July 2012


Now that the status of Rangers FC has been clarified by the respective league bodies, the Scottish FA has compiled the following information to provide clarity and guidance on the remaining issues to be resolved.


When will the Scottish FA consider Rangers application for membership?


Now that the Scottish Football League have made a conditional acceptance of Rangers FC in Irn Bru Division Three we will now consider the club’s application for membership transfer this week.

How can Rangers be considered for membership when they can't provide four years’ financial statements?


Sevco Scotland Ltd bought Rangers Football Club PLC’s share in the SPL and membership of the Scottish FA as part of their acquisition of assets. Under Article 14.1, Sevco Scotland are requesting the transfer of the existing membership of Oldco. This is different to an application for a new membership, which generally requires four years of financial statements.


When will the Appellate Tribunal be reconvened?


The Scottish FA has been in dialogue with Rangers FC in respect of the outstanding disciplinary sanction. The decision of the Court of Session to set aside the 12-month registration embargo was complicated by Rangers FC’s administration and subsequent request from Sevco Scotland for a transfer of membership of the Scottish FA. Again, now that the club’s status has been confirmed by the SPL and SFL, we will consider the award of transfer once Rangers FC satisfy the necessary criteria.


Will Rangers’ original punishments be transferred to Newco?


The Scottish FA Board has the power to transfer membership under Article 14.1, which states:


“. . . Transfer of membership will be reviewed by the Board, which will have the complete discretion to reject or to grant such application on such terms and conditions as the Board may think fit.”


Will Ally McCoist be subject to a Compliance Officer Reference for his comments about the Judicial Panel?


The Compliance Officer communicated with Rangers FC in mid-June to confirm that the matter has been reported and will be initiated through the normal Judicial Panel Protocol upon conclusion of the other outstanding issues affecting the club.

In what round will Rangers Newco join the William Hill Scottish Cup?


Under the Scottish FA’s Cup Competition Rules, Rangers FC as a third division club will join the William Hill Scottish Cup at the second round.

Why have the Scottish FA blocked the transfer of Rangers players to other clubs?


The Scottish FA issued a guidance note, based on legal advice and without prejudice, to both Rangers FC and PFA Scotland. Certain players have now chosen not to transfer across under TUPE regulations and, instead, agreed contracts elsewhere.


On a procedural basis, the Scottish FA cannot process an International Transfer Certificate via FIFA’s Transfer Management System where there is an ongoing contractual dispute.


Rangers FC have confirmed that there is such a contractual dispute. In the meantime, the new club(s) can request a temporary transfer from FIFA in order that the player(s) is free to play while the dispute process unfolds. This process has commenced in relation to a number of the players in question.


At the request of one of the parties in dispute, the Scottish FA, through its Articles, can convene an Arbitration Panel, with either side selecting from a list of Panel members, with the two appointees subsequently selecting a Chair of the panel. Rangers FC have made such a request to the Scottish FA.


We would naturally seek an outcome as soon as possible.


Does the Scottish FA have a fit and proper person report for the new Rangers owner(s) and do we know who the main investors/directors are?


The Scottish FA has received private and confidential documentation from Sevco Scotland Ltd relating to the above. We have asked Sevco to provide further supplementary information and will consider that information this week.


Under new Scottish FA rules, it is a requirement of the outgoing club directors to conduct a full investigation under the Fit and Proper Guidelines. Given Rangers FC’s insolvency event, it has been incumbent on the administrators, Duff and Phelps, to carry out the necessary checks on the proposed new directors, as well as our own investigations.

What is the status of the investigation into use of Employee Benefit Trusts?


This is an investigation under the jurisdiction of the Scottish Premier League specific to player registrations. The SPL have recently confirmed they have prima facie evidence but as the potential appellate body, we cannot comment further at this stage.


Herald Story: http://www.heraldscotland.com/sport/football/rangers-sfa-application-complicated-by-the-secrets-still-protected-by-sevco.18171168


As part of the application, Green's consortium are required to provide full disclosure on their financial backers, beneficial shareholders, working capital funds, business plans, whether or not Craig Whyte is involved, even a copy of the Share and Purchase Agreement signed with Duff and Phelps. Yet up until now, Green has refused to name who it is that owns the club, or provide any detail of the rest of the SFA's requirements to the public. He has admitted only that Blue Pitch Holdings owns 23%, but not who is involved in this fund. In effect, nobody knows who owns Rangers.


The SFA have asked Green to clarify certain points of the information provided in the application, which will be discussed today. The governing body is adamant that full and proper background checks must be carried out in the wake of Craig Whyte's ownership, and that vague information is not suitable. Green must also agree to pay all football debts, which is also required by UEFA and FIFA, and there is the further complication of the SPL's investigation into the allegation that Rangers' use of Employee Benefit Trusts constituted a dual contract with players. The SPL board will discuss the matter at its next meeting on August 10, but it will delay Rangers' SFA membership – and potentially also Dundee's rise to the SPL – unless the club agrees to accept sanctions.

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John Brown has claimed he has the support of former Rangers captain Barry Ferguson in his bid to help supporters gain control of the Ibrox club.


Former player Brown, who coached Ferguson in the midfielder's early days at Ibrox, has been talking to the Blackpool player in recent days about his ongoing plans to front a consortium to buy out Sevco Scotland.


He said: "I have spoken to Barry and he has promised me that he is 100% behind me. There is no doubting his commitment and his enthusiasm for my deal. But I can assure everyone how excited Barry is to be given this opportunity to do something for the club he loves."



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Sevco Scotland will continue attempts to assume Rangers' membership of the Scottish Football Association following five hours of talks at Hampden.


Charles Green's consortium is looking to persuade the SFA to shelve a transfer ban imposed on the old Rangers before it headed for liquidation.


But they are being asked to provide more details on the identity and propriety of investors and directors.


The new Rangers need the membership so they can start life in Division Three.


Scottish football's governing body received an information pack from Sevco on 29 June, seven days after the company submitted a letter of application to take the place of Rangers after buying the stricken club's assets for £5.5m.


But the SFA is still looking for answers and issued a statement stressing it has the power to pass punishments from the old to the new Rangers.


Chief executive Green set off for meetings with Uefa in a bid to ease the burden of demands from European football's governing body to repay about £3m of football debts.


As he did so, three members of Sevco - chairman Malcolm Murray, Imran Ahmed and Brian Stockbridge - met SFA officials at Hampden.


Green and the SFA had warned that the new Rangers' participation in the Scottish Football League was not yet a certainty.


"Without SFA membership, we can't play in the Third Division," said the Sevco chief.


"They want to put some transfer embargo on us, but we can't have that as we don't have any players."


Carlos Bocanegra, Maurice Edu and Dorin Goian are poised to leave Rangers with the blessing of Green, following the exits of several other first team players who refused to transfer their contracts to his company.


Scottish Football League clubs voted the newco Rangers into Division Three on Friday, rejecting a proposal by the SFA and Scottish Premier League to place them in the First Division.


The SPL, which previously rejected the newco application to replace the old Rangers, has now invited Dundee into the top flight and vowed to help smooth Rangers' path into the lowest tier.


However, the SFA must first address the issue of a prior transfer ban and £100,000 fine imposed on the previous regime for "bringing the game into disrepute".


"There's still a number of issues outstanding between Rangers and the SFA and we're working on them now," explained Green, who had been willing to shoulder the old club's footballing responsibilities when bargaining for SPL, then Division One, entry.


"The problem is that we have been discussing them for some time.


"It is a balance between what is fair and what's appropriate.


"We wish Dundee every success and we are now looking forward to reaching an agreement with the SFA so that we can get on and start playing in the Third Division."


Rangers are unable to play even pre-season friendly games without SFA membership.


However, the SFA has vowed to resolve the outstanding issues with Rangers ahead of their opening fixture, away to Brechin City in the Ramsdens Cup on 28 July.


"Scottish football's recovery process begins today," it said in a statement.


"The board of the Scottish FA endorses the decisions made by the respective members of the Scottish Premier League and Scottish Football League to accommodate Rangers FC Newco into Division Three.


"The new season begins in less than two weeks and it is incumbent on the Scottish FA to conclude all outstanding issues relating to Rangers FC.


"To that end, we aim to meet with the club this week with the intention of achieving a satisfactory outcome for all parties so that we can focus on football in time for the new campaign."


Meanwhile, SPL chief executive Neil Doncaster has said there is still the possibility of sanctions being levied as a result of the old Rangers' administration's behaviour in the transfer market.


Doncaster told BBC Scotland the SPL will now look at the Employee Benefits Trust scheme operated by the Rangers oldco and the possibility that players were improperly registered.


Its the anticipation that kills ya

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Revealed: Football chiefs' secret plan to strip Rangers of nine trophies over EBT tax dodge

Jul 18 2012 Exclusive by Keith McLeod



FOOTBALL chiefs produced a secret plan to strip Rangers of five SPL titles and four Scottish Cups.


The bombshell document, seen by the Daily Record, was drafted after talks involving the SFA, SPL, Scottish Football League and representatives of Charles Green’s Sevco.


It outlines a range of punishments for Rangers for the Employment Benefit Trust tax dodge used by Sir David Murray’s regime to pay players.


If enforced, the penalties listed would be the harshest ever seen in football. They include:


? STRIPPING the club of their league titles from 2002/3, 2004/5, 2008/9, 2009/10 and 2010/11;


? WIPING OUT Rangers’ Scottish Cup triumphs of 2001/2, 2002/3, 2007/8 and 2008/9;


? FORCING Rangers to accept the one-year transfer embargo imposed by the SFA and overturned by the Court of Session;


? ORDERING Green’s newco to pay Rangers’ old football debts to clubs in Scotland and Europe.


The draft plan was clearly designed by the football authorities to parachute Rangers into Division One of the SFL and protect Scottish football’s TV and marketing revenues.


SFL chairmen voted overwhelmingly last Friday to place Rangers in Division Three, but the Record understands that does NOT mean the punishments in the secret plan will never be imposed.


The SFA will decide on August 10 whether Rangers broke their rules by using EBTs and “dual contracts”, and the document sheds light on the football authorities’ thinking over possible penalties for the club.


It remains a draft, and no agreement has been reached between Sevco and the authorities.


But it appears Green’s firm were willing to accept some if not all of the draft – at least when the prospect of Division One football was on the table.


And the scale of the penalties listed – before Rangers have even been convicted over EBTs – will horrify fans of the club.


Many Rangers supporters will also believe the document undermines the SFA’s judicial process.



The killer section of the document states: “EBT Sanctions means (i) the withdrawal of Rangers FC, RFC and Sevco of the award and status of Champion Club (as defined in the SPL rules) of the Scottish Premier League for each and all of seasons 2002/3, 2004/5, 2008/9, 2009/10 and 2010/11:


“(ii)The withdrawal from Rangers FC, RFC and Sevco of the award and status of winner of the Scottish Cup for each and all of seasons 2001/2, 2002/3, 2007/8, and 2008/9.”


The document also contains an ultra-strict confidentiality agreement. It states: “Neither RFC nor Sevco may make any disclosure to a third party, press release or public announcement whatsoever about, concerning or relating to this agreement ... except with the express prior written consent of each of the SFA, the SPL and the SFL.”


The loss of five league titles would cut Rangers’ total from 54 to 49 and strip them of their status as the most prolific league winners in world football. Northern Irish club Linfield, with 50 titles, would take over.


Celtic finished second in all five of the SPL seasons listed. If the titles were stripped from Rangers and awarded to their Old Firm rivals, Celtic’s total number of championships would rise to 48.


The runners-up in the four Scottish Cups listed were Celtic, Dundee, Queen of the South and Falkirk. The document is silent on the issue of whether the clubs would be named as winners in place of Rangers.


The idea of stripping a club of nine trophies is unprecedented in modern football.


Italian giants Juventus were relegated and stripped of two titles for match-fixing in 2006. They continue to dispute the decision.


Another match-fixing scandal, in France, saw Marseille forfeit their 1993 league title. But they were allowed to keep the Champions League title they won in the same year.


The draft document also insists that Rangers must drop their legal challenge against the SFA transfer embargo, imposed largely as a punishment for the failure to pay tax under Craig Whyte.


The club went to the Court of Session and got the ban overturned. Judge Lord Glennie ruled that the association acted beyond their powers, and ordered them to reconsider.



The club enraged the SFA by going to law. The move also angered FIFA, who insist that clubs should not take their associations to court.


Experts warned that the world governing body could impose bans on Scottish clubs or even the national team unless Rangers backtracked.


The document says that as well as accepting the embargo, Rangers must pay the SFA’s £31,000 costs and the £160,000 fine imposed at the same time as the transfer ban.


The draft deal goes on to state that the Rangers newco will take responsibility for all the football debts run up by the “oldco” – a long list of unpaid bills owed to clubs in Scotland and on the continent.


The oldco went bust owing Hearts £800,000, Dunfermline £83,000, Dundee United £66,000, Celtic and Inverness Caley Thistle £40,000 each, and Aberdeen an undisclosed amount.


Another £1.8million is owed to clubs in England and Europe, including £1million to Austrian side Rapid Vienna for striker Nikica Jelavic.


Green has set off to meet officials from UEFA in a bid to settle the issue of the football debts.


He accepts that the problem must be resolved before newco Rangers can be accepted as members of the SFA. But he wants to strike a deal to make it easier for Sevco – and the club – to shoulder the burden.


He said: “There are certain old club debts to European clubs. It is about £3million, accumulated as part of the historical baggage.


“These are oldco debts newco has got to face up to.


“We want to be honourable. We are people who face up to responsibility. We don’t want them to be waived. We don’t expect them to be waived.


“But we want some help in meeting these because we do want to get Rangers back to the top of the pile.


“And when we do get back into Europe – whether it’s five or 10 years or 20 years – we want to walk back with our heads held high.


“I would like the clubs and UEFA to recognise these are not my debts, and for them to work with us where we can come to some amicably agreeable settlement and move forward together as friends.”


The SFA will consider Rangers’ application for membership next week.


As part of that process, the club’s new chairman, Malcolm Murray, met officials from the governing body yesterday to give more information on the identities of Sevco’s investors.


The SFA confirmed they had received information and requested more. They added that Rangers’ administrators, Duff & Phelps, had been carrying out “fit and proper person” checks on the proposed new directors of the club, alongside the SFA’s own investigations.


The SFA said they were “in dialogue” with Rangers over the transfer embargo row.


They added: “Now that the club’s status has been confirmed by the SPL and SFL, we will consider the award of transfer once Rangers FC satisfy the necessary criteria.”


If newco Rangers are accepted as SFA members, they will start their new season away to Brechin City in the Ramsdens Cup at Glebe Park on July 28.







Ok know it is from the Retard but worth copying over for amusement purposes.

Got to admit didn't know that we were creditors of Old Co ???



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Its not the EBT that they would be punished for. It is the fact that they issued a letter confirming payments as part of the EBT. This letter counts as an additional contract and as these contracts and payments were not disclosed to the SFA they broke the rules as players with the letters were not correctly registered with the SFA.

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It outlines a range of punishments for Rangers for the Employment Benefit Trust tax dodge used by Sir David Murray’s regime to pay players.


If enforced, the penalties listed would be the harshest ever seen in football. They include:


? STRIPPING the club of their league titles from 2002/3, 2004/5, 2008/9, 2009/10 and 2010/11;


The loss of five league titles would cut Rangers’ total from 54 to 49 and strip them of their status as the most prolific league winners in world football. Northern Irish club Linfield, with 50 titles, would take over.



This is the bit I'd be most amused by, it's something Rangers fans seem to bring up and every chance!



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