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Saturday 21st September 2024 - kick-off 5.30pm

🏆 Scottish League Cup: Aberdeen v The Spartans

Managers in England


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End of the road for O'Neill I reckon

Certainly only going to get a League 1/2 club at best


Hmmm. Lennon has just spent £8million on a new centre back and still needs another 6 or 7 players minimum to replace those that left. With that kind of spending power they should blow us and sevco away. If they somehow manage to be less than 3 points clear of the pack come January then I could envisage Celtic binning Lennon and bringing in O'Neill to guide them towards 9 and 10IAR

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3 games into the Championship season in England and we have the first managerial casualty of the season with Huddersfield sacking Jan Siewert after only 7 months in charge. Only one win in 7 months but given they were in free fall before when he took over does seem a bit quick.

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There will come a day, hopefully soon, when the financial problems now affecting quite a number of lower league English clubs starts to hit the big ones too. I'd crack open a bottle of champagne if Man City or Chelsea went down the gurgler.


Obviously I hope sevco beat any of them to it though

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Highly doubt they would come back in for him, he did speak to them initially and turned it down, not much has changed for them, other than conman Bain being ousted.


However, IF they did, McInnes should absolutely take it, best for us and himself that he did.


Would then beg the question, would we trust the Board to get his replacement right.



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Highly doubt they would come back in for him, he did speak to them initially and turned it down, not much has changed for them, other than conman Bain being ousted.


However, IF they did, McInnes should absolutely take it, best for us and himself that he did.


Would then beg the question, would we trust the Board to get his replacement right.


Comes a point when you just have to take that plunge.It would have been best for all if Derek had left on good terms at the end of last season with his stock still high,but while the signs were there that his time was up.Unless a manager is performing exceptionally,6 years in a job these days is longer than most.How Milne(or Derek) didnt spot the signs is a mystery,compounded by the 3 year extension. Ive no desire to see McInnes hounded out of his job,but it looks like it could get messy unless he pulls something off quickly.

  Do i trust Milne to appoint the right man? Nuh!! We just have to hope he flukes the right appointment

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Comes a point when you just have to take that plunge.It would have been best for all if Derek had left on good terms at the end of last season with his stock still high,but while the signs were there that his time was up.Unless a manager is performing exceptionally,6 years in a job these days is longer than most.How Milne(or Derek) didnt spot the signs is a mystery,compounded by the 3 year extension. Ive no desire to see McInnes hounded out of his job,but it looks like it could get messy unless he pulls something off quickly.

  Do i trust Milne to appoint the right man? Nuh!! We just have to hope he flukes the right appointment


Cormack would be involved in the process of recruiting a new Manger now though, wouldn't he?


Can't say I know anything about the guy in all honesty, but he's a supporter and he's invested in the Club, obviously Milne has as well, but many question his actual interest when it comes to the Club, could the same be said about Cormack? Would he not be more sensible in something like appointing a Manager etc... Personally, I have no idea.


Something I am absolutely positive on though, is that we would not have a shortage of Applicants, it's then up to them to get it right.

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Ooft, Pochettino sacked.


And the special one in.


Last chance saloon for the biggest head in world football history. There is no doubt that he used to be exceptional. Sustaining excellence is hard when you get in your own way however. One of the most fascinating appointments ever. If he succeeds, I will take my hat off to him. If he fails, his flame will have been spent. I couldn't make a call on this one. It could literally go either way. Pretty sure that it'll take less than 12 games before it does become highly predictable however. He's too out there not to be able to read his signs. How much the players love him will be the biggest influence and as long as he buries his arrogance and his narcissism, he will have a chance. Not sure leopards can change their spots as much as he needs to change his. 

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Last night the Spurs fans were saying that they did not want Pochettino sacked and definitely did not want Mourinho or his brand of football coming in. Massive gamble by Spurs board as if this does not work quickly can see their being a lot of empty seats at their expensive new stadium.

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I can only see failure here. Mourinho is not a modern manager. 10-15 years ago yes, but not now. Plus he will not be given the time he needs - a mourinho team needs mourinho players and that will take a fair few transfer windows.


Crazy appointment by spurs.

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Harry Kane's sickly tweet was revealing.


He was thanking his "Gaffer" for helping him "achieve his dreams" over the last 5.5 years.


I know 'Arry is pig shit thick and over-rated but fuck knows what he dreams about?


Last time I looked, he's never won fuck all.


Correct. He's achieved fuck all yet. I don't doubt that he will though. Assuming he's smart enough to move. He'll be the Spurs and England all time top scorer by some distance before too long but unless he moves he'll win fuck all with Spurs or with England.

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