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Scottish Premiership: Dundee v Aberdeen

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Published Date: 13 February 2011

By Andrew Smith

WHEN Chris Maguire had the bright idea of making abusive comments about Barry Ferguson and Alan Hutton on a Rangers-supporting pal's Bebo site in December 2007, the Aberdeen forward was dismissed by a spokesman for the Rangers Supporters' Trust as a nonentity who would be "playing for East Fife and working in Asda in three years".

Three years and six weeks on, the 22-year-old has become a full Scotland internationalist following his senior debut last week. He earned the elevation on the back of his finest few months in club football that, as he enters the final months of his present deal, have made his contract talks a pressing matter for the Pittodrie side.


The striker maintains he has grown up now and stopped shooting from the lip. Yet he still eschews the bland for the honest and provides straight answers to straight questions. Like how he feels about the author of the lower-division shelf-packer-in-waiting jibe.


"He'll probably be looking back and thinking: 'what did I say that for?' That's the same with me. I look back on it and think what happened in the past was with me being young and naive. It's all behind me and I just want to move on."


Maguire's candour deserts him only when questioned about whether he wants to move on literally as well as figuratively. Yet even then, not entirely. "The club know themselves if they asked me this time last year if I was staying (when out on loan at Kilmarnock] the answer would have been 'no' because since I'd broken through I've never really had an opportunity. I'd always been a bit-part player, in and out each week. Mark McGhee gave me that opportunity (of a consistent selection] and I've just taken it. If I get a good offer from the club then I would really think about signing again. But I'm not going to sit here and say I'm signing again or not signing again. I've started talks and I'll wait for them coming back to me."


He has flourished under McGhee's replacement Craig Brown, though he has not become as prized by the Pittodrie side as certain reports have suggested. "I want to let everyone know, at the moment, for me it's not all about money. I mean, in the Aberdeen papers the other day it was said that they had offered me a three-year deal to be the highest-paid player. That made me laugh to be honest, so it did. I just want to let everybody know I'm not out there to try and fleece the club."


Maguire, it seems, now has a handle on what should be aired in public forums.


all seems fair enough to me.

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