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Crazy American Politics

glasgow sheep

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Then up pops Bill Clinton, gets impeached and bides far he is.

Now it's all but forgotten aboot.


Exactly. It's cost a fortune to get her this close, not chance she'll be allowed to get fired. They'll time a terrorist attack just after she's outed as a criminal and it'll be forgotten within a week.


They'll have dodged a huge bullet if Hillary gets in (expect to see a huge bullet if Trump gets in), but the rest of the world will very much get one in the face from the warmongering, deceptive whoor.

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Whoever wins, it's bad for America and bad for the World.


Very true. There's some poetry in the fact that the bastard states formed by our own will bring about destruction.


The arrogance of man is the human manifestation. That parity and justice always prevails the spiritual.


The early settlers never thought there was any price to pay when committing genocide and land grabs.


Native Indians and Aboriginies were connected to the earth. The enslavers were connected to ugliness and greed.


Given that the world rulers now are similarly disconnected, it is inevitable that Mother Earth will hit back.


By great destruction, as predicted by many. Under the hand of the maddest manifestation ever of human ugliness.


Trump or Hitlery are those hands. One of them will be responsible.


If Trump, then through his struggles with authority.


If Clinton, being authority-appointed, from following orders blindly and ignorantly.

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Native Indians and Aboriginies were connected to the earth. The enslavers were connected to ugliness and greed.


Given that the world rulers now are similarly disconnected, it is inevitable that Mother Earth will hit back.


By great destruction, as predicted by many. Under the hand of the maddest manifestation ever of human ugliness.


Well said!!


This presidential race reminds me of the Al Gore Vs Bush election, although Al Gore isnt exactly Trump or Clinton. Nonetheless, I imagine it will be that tight again and it will come down to maybe one or two states to make the final decision. Of course there is the reality of a draw, in which case congress decides the outcome. Shudder the thought!!


My own opinion is that the world has been a ticking time bomb for the past century. Wars that should have ended all wars, have been the premise of future conflicts for decades to come. We are entering into an era of the unknown, where greed and corruption is as rife as its always been, but in a world that is spiraling out of control and has gone over it's own tipping point. The next decade will be very interesting indeed.



As for this election, I look at the two candidates and know that they are as bad as one another. Clearly Trump has more obvious social flaws and is pig ignorant, but Clinton is a cunt! Either have the ability to destroy the world. It may sound OTT, but one of them will unbelievably be the president of the most powerful nation on the planet...

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2 days to go.... whats your prediction?


Me... i think Clinton will slightly edge it. My guess is he will win the popular vote, but will lose out on the electoral votes. Similar to Bush vs Al Gore.


I agree, I also hope it will go that way. I see the fbi have said that the emails were not of a criminal nature.

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Aye, I'm going Hillary unfortunately. They need a Trump in to wreck the system completely. Expect a no-fly zone in Syria by the year's end, which will be interesting. I think it might even swing enough to give the Democrats control of congress too, such is the fuck up Trump is making of it towards the end of his campaign. As a middle-classer, you automatically align with the democrats with a sneering glance towards the thick Republicans, but the Democrats are a dangerous bunch of bought and paid for cunts who'll sell themselves to the highest bidder. The Clintons have some ridiculously questionable donors, who'll ensure that the people get nothing from their government. I was hoping Trump would accidentally bring about the revolution that country (and ours) so badly needs, but a Clinton government will throw that back a decade or two. A nice wee war to get the American people rallied round would suit her nicely.

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I'm not one for conspiracy theories, but he wont be allowed to win that election and that's why she will win. As i said before, i predict it will be exactly the same as Al Gore and Bush... and it was fucking rigged so that dodgy eye'd war criminal could win. Only difference this time is its against the Republican rather than the democrat. The good thing is, even when he does lose, he wont go down quietly. He has already said that he will contest it if she wins.


If he does win... well i will just sit back and watch the country implode. 

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If Trump wins, it will be much more shocking than Brexit and that was a huge surprise.


I can't see anything but a landslide for Clinton but the variables are the discontent for the political establishment and therefore the protest votes, the stupidity of the American people and the depth of hate and bigotry in that country.


On the other side, people lack courage, they believe perceived authority and the mainstream media are doing their damnedest to sew it all up for the status quo.


It's going to be a fuck up whatever happens. The world needs change, Clinton won't deliver it but the change that Trump wants will be shit-filled.

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Sounds like the democrats have turned up in force in Florida.


Trumps not going to do it




Hmmm still way too early to call, even with a huge turnout for Democrats. Out of the last 9 elections, Florida has been republican 6 times, although the last 2 in a row have been Democrat. Interesting 24 hours ahead indeed, although my guess is she will be the new POTUS.


In the very early doors of the Brexit referendum and after the polling stations had closed, I remember watching Sky News and seeing reports of the public and MP's cheering and celebrating a remain "victory"... well that didnt half turn on its head as the night went on  :eek:



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Hmmm still way too early to call, even with a huge turnout for Democrats. Out of the last 9 elections, Florida has been republican 6 times, although the last 2 in a row have been Democrat. Interesting 24 hours ahead indeed, although my guess is she will be the new POTUS.



No Governor Jeb Bush to rig Florida for his big brother this time though.

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