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Saturday 29th March 2025 - kick-off 3pm

Scottish Premiership: Aberdeen v Motherwell

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It will be interesting to see how it plays out when he properly takes charge in 6 days. Personally I fear for the future and see him as a potentially political disaster in the waiting. We have never seen anyone like him at this level on the world stage and he isnt one for thinking before he speaks. He has the potential to publicly insult a world leader or country at a news conference and cause an international crisis on a grand scale, potentially leading his country and the world, into conflict. It may sound far fetched, but the world is teetering on the brink of war anyway and with an ego like Trump in charge of the worlds largest military and nuclear arsenal, its a worry.


His relaxed attitude on nuclear weapons and dismissal of climate change is what fills me with fear. He is very anti climate change and insists its a con. As for nuclear weapons, did he not say there is no point having them unless you use them. Now im not completely naive, i understand he said these things to be deliberately controversial in the hope he would be elected, however he is still coming out with these statements. I watched him in his first news conference a few days ago and he was a political nightmare, rash with his words and looked out of his depth. This is the man who now holds the highest position in world politics and he cant string a proper sentence together.


I could berate all those who voted him in, but in reality the uS has been deserving of a Trump like figure for sometime. America is a shambles of a country. It's an utter hellhole of depression and divide and to see Trump as US president isnt all that surprising. He resonates with those who voted for him, those who are disenchanted with their government and media and seek change. It is two fingers to the political establishment who have buried their heads in the sand for far too long and took the public for granted. Trump himself is a billionaire, but it matters not a jot as he talks the talk. His rhetoric has landed him the job, it will be very interesting to see if he carries on with that in the next few weeks and months.




I can see Trump lasting a week, kompromatted in a honey trap years ago.


We can't have the possibility of the Russians having the president by the balls. The truth must out.


I cant see him being impeached. The Republicans control congress, with majorities in the HOR and Senate, and im not entirely sure if the would prefer Pence over Trump. If anything, he will quit, but not over any scandal, it will be purely because he is bored and doesnt want to face the reality of being president. His unpredictability and stubbornness will ensure he wont go quietly either. That said, he wont last the full term, that i am certain of.


It will be interesting to see if the Russians do have dirt on him, but i think that's with out doubt an absolute certainty. The fact the Russians even wanted him to president in the first place, should be an indication that they feel they will have sort of influence or control over him. Trump doesnt seem the sort of man that allows anyone to control him though, so it should be very interesting to see how he handles it and what repercussions arise from it.


Great trolling for a first post.

Let's not forget that certain media outlet mentioned above lost their director general and were indirectly involved in the death of a scientist for trying to uncover the WMD lies.


PS most browsers have a spell checker.


Yes, and that certain BBC director general happened to leave just before the saville scandal surfaced and became the CEO of the New York Times and proceeded to personally write an editorial about how we as a society should be more accepting of pedophiles who don't act on their perversion. And still we blindly accept our worldview from the nice, lovely, safe, impartial, perfect speaker of queens english Laura Kissnfuk, the BBC 'journalist of the year' who commented that she 'would die in a ditch for the impartiality of the BBC'. Fuk even the journalists are brainwashed. Yet Julian Assange gives up his life and freedom for 6 years shedding light on the corruption and criminality of the worlds most powerful people, gives us plebs a peek behind the curtain, and provides an outsider the opportunity to take the whitehouse all the while fuking up the US political establishment in the process. What did Hilarly Clinton say again? 'Can't we just drone this fuck' Nice hillary. Sweet ol' lady. I'm with her!


Make no mistake. Trump IS fuking up the establishment. Obviously a rich fuk. Capitalist through and through. So no, the communist revolution is not happening anytime soon. But hey, universal basic income might be. Rejoice leftists! If he avoids the JFK treatment he'll gut out the media, the US intelligence services, the crony political establishment for starters. And then, the people he appoint may just go after the bigwigs. I believe that Trump has very powerful backers(and enemies obv)


I mean I really don't know what the hell is going on. Who does? Many narratives. Even the BEEB are indulging in conspiracy. Who needs James Bond though eh. But I could never understand why Trump was allowed to run. Why was he being allowed to say these things about Clinton? Lock her up etc. Why was he being so successful despite no support from republicans?  Why was he permitted to stand up in front of wall street financiers and make sinister jokes about Clinton's involvement with Haiti villages? Then noises started being made from former members of the US intelligence community. That the FBI, CIA, NSA et al will tolerate a certain amount of government corruption. Humans are humans after all. But there are lines that any decent human being cannot ignore.  The maturation of the surveillance society had allowed unprecedented access to the communications of the( mostly technological naive) political class revealing unprecedented levels of criminality and corruption. You can go look if you want. (wiki-leaks website is not illegal despite what US media(CNN) tried to make people believe) fuking lol at that. Lines were drawn and the intelligence agencies went to war with each other. What we're seeing is merely the smoke on the surface.


I disliked Trump when i first started seeing the weekly 10 second segments of his oafish behaviour. I have left-leaning ideals after all (starting to wonder about the madness though) But when I started looking into things a bit deeper, when I started reading about the contents of the emails, when I started viewing US media, then pieces started coming together. Trumps father and uncle have FBI connections after all. Trump was made an honorary asset of the FBI recently. Why? Because half of the FBI don't want the Clinton cartel to continue in government. Because absolute power corrupts absolutely.  And seemingly a section of the US intelligence agencies found out about the depths and depravity that their US political 'masters' had sunk to. Trump was the only bastard mad enough and willing enough and with the balls and money to go head to head with the establishment( establishment fronted by bush, bush 2, clinton, obama, clinton 2) . Trump has dodgy dealings yes. He's a dick yeah. He's brushed with the establishment. So what? He knows the deceit.  He's bringing them to justice. Backed by factions of the FBI and CIA. He's made noises about 9/11 for fek sake. Scary stuff. No wonder he's being demonized by the press. Been given the Corbyn treatment. I think Trump is a lot cleverer than a lot of people is giving him credit for. Crazy fuking stuff. Politics has got interesting again. Just hope Hayes stays after all this!


Yes, and that certain BBC director general happened to leave just before the saville scandal surfaced and became the CEO of the New York Times and proceeded to personally write an editorial about how we as a society should be more accepting of pedophiles who don't act on their perversion.


Wrong BBC director general I'm afraid.


Decent(ish) piece on Channel 4 dispatches tonight. Not a big fan of the presenter, he doesn't generally ask the right questions, and always seems a little dumbed down with gimmicky shite for stupid people (badges this week).


Anyway, covered the obvious elephant in the room for those that think that Trump will "gut the establishment", by delving into his political cronies that he's appointed to his cabinet. Fuck me, it's a cabal of utter cunts. Impressive like.


A mate of mine directed that but I thought it was pretty woeful. But you're right, should highlight what cunts he has in hos pocket. Establishment, just a different kind. It's like voting between which of the arse cheeks to support in Glasgow. The American accent pretending to be trump was particularly bad. The BBC programme on putin and trump was better imo


The BBC programme on putin and trump was better imo


That's a pity, I'd had enough after the channel 4 one so didn't watch it. I'll get it on catch up. Outside their news team, BBC usually do some good stuff.


Some of the greatest inaugural speeches in US history below... I can only imagine how Trumps will compare on Friday.



George Washington, 1789


“The magnitude and difficulty of the trust to which the voice of my country called me, being sufficient to awaken in the wisest and most experienced of her citizens a distrustful scrutiny into his qualifications, could not but overwhelm with despondence one who (inheriting inferior endowments from nature and unpracticed in the duties of civil administration) ought to be peculiarly conscious of his own deficiencies.”




Abraham Lincoln, 1861


“Apprehension seems to exist among the people of the Southern States that, by the accession of a Republican Administration, their property and their peace and personal security are to be endangered. There has never been any reasonable cause for such apprehension. Indeed, the most ample evidence to the contrary has all the while existed and been open to their inspection. It is found in nearly all the published speeches of him who now addresses you. I do but quote from one of those speeches when I declare that, ‘I have no purpose, directly or indirectly, to interfere with the institution of slavery in the States where it exists. I believe I have no lawful right to do so, and I have no inclination to do so.’”




Theodore Roosevelt, 1905


“Modern life is both complex and intense, and the tremendous changes wrought by the extraordinary industrial development of the last half century are felt in every fiber of our social and political being … The conditions which have told for our marvelous material well-being, which have developed to a very high degree our energy, self-reliance, and individual initiative, have also brought the care and anxiety inseparable from the accumulation of great wealth in industrial centers.”


Decent(ish) piece on Channel 4 dispatches tonight. Not a big fan of the presenter, he doesn't generally ask the right questions, and always seems a little dumbed down with gimmicky shite for stupid people (badges this week).


Anyway, covered the obvious elephant in the room for those that think that Trump will "gut the establishment", by delving into his political cronies that he's appointed to his cabinet. Fuck me, it's a cabal of utter cunts. Impressive like.



It's as obvious as that is it? Historic, chaotic, political events can be understood by listening to a man who 'doesn't generally ask the right questions' and 'always seems a little dumbed down with gimmicky shite". I know I sound a bit confrontational straight off the bat so I should say thanks for the welcome on your previous post. But would also like to offer an alternative angle.


Clearly there's the bog standard sleaze/corruption infested warmongering politicians . But then there's something more evil.


Whether there'll be arrests or not is one question. Maybe a few fall guys. The point is that the Clinton family were prevented from coming to power by nationalist(or patriotic in their eyes) factions of the deep state who refused to allow an insane level of criminality to take hold of government. They effectively gutted out part of the establishment in one fell swoop. And Trump was the chosen one. The rigged election(and they did try and rig it) of globalist Clinton was countered by what could effectively be called a nationalist soft-coup. How is that not a change in establishment? Or do you believe that a change in establishment can only occur from right to left? That the banks must be destroyed and the bankers hanged in the process. Maybe some whacked out hippies can come in and usher in the new age of Aquarius.


For all his gaffs and personal failings Trump has been speaking truth to power. Usually this doesn't end very well for these types of people. However in reality Trump is the SANE one(he can still be a cunt) who has ousted the lunatics from the asylum. The masses will of course be spared from the details of the horrifying truth. And the fuck-wit demigods will continue manipulating people and events from the shadows. Hopefully sanity prevails cause no-one wants to see the US descend into an overtly authoritarian state. May be the natural course of events though after witnessing this shit-fest of an election cycle.


Writing was on the wall when they moved it from Kinross.




TTIP will only come back in another form anyway.  Is there not a deal being made via Canada which is equal to if not worse to TTIP?  It's in Yankee companies interests which is what all this fud is about.  Everyone knows American production companies are shite, apart from the yanks themselves, especially their food.  Keep it the fuck away from Europe.




TTIP will only come back in another form anyway.  Is there not a deal being made via Canada which is equal to if not worse to TTIP?  It's in Yankee companies interests which is what all this fud is about.  Everyone knows American production companies are shite, apart from the yanks themselves, especially their food.  Keep it the fuck away from Europe.


Ceta. It's probably about the same as TTIP. Investor Dispute Settlement being the key to its anti-democractic fucked-upedness. I suspect it'll be dead too, because the Europeans will stop it (not including the UK) but with a worse replacement in line once Brexit occurs.



I can't see him lasting 4 years. Impeached or shot or both.


I'm non-plussed by the monarchy but would like to see the Queen tell May to fuck off. Not sure why the royals should have this clown forced on them.


Everyone knows American production companies are shite, apart from the yanks themselves, especially their food.  Keep it the fuck away from Europe.


With the exception of Engineered Garments, New York, KMFG and Alden.


Agree on food. No fucking way should we import their GM-poisoned shite.


With the exception of Engineered Garments, New York, KMFG and Alden.


Agree on food. No fucking way should we import their GM-poisoned shite.


Genuinely scary about what their "farmers" are allowed to get away with. Let alone their love affair with e numbers. We're fucked if they're allowed on these shores.

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