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Saturday 15th March 2025 - kick-off 3pm

Scottish Premiership: St Johnstone v Aberdeen

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Good to see you mentor, I rediscovered that the other day, doesn't get boring  ;D


No it doesn't get boring. 4 million further hits since I discovered it less than 12 hours ago. I must admit to a couple of dozen of those but unlike many who did it to amuse themselves, I was doing it purely for scientific purposes only to be disappointed by the limited options provided. A bigger imagination could have come up with many more toots and trumps. Christ there wasn't even anything coming at him from his left side. Lazy cunt animators.

  • 2 weeks later...

I fear for Trump. His lack of political experience and his intellectual defects will mean he is unable to do anything. He is being set up and the presstitute media are going to turn the people against him with lies. Eisenhower warned of all this. These were his words: -


“In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist. We must never let the weight of this combination endanger our liberties or democratic processes. We should take nothing for granted. Only an alert and knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial and military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods and goals, so that security and liberty may prosper together.”


The problem is that the people are neither alert nor knowledgeable. The role of the media in this has been crucial and the continuing fake news is continuing to be swallowed.





Whilst I agree with you to an extent, trump contradicts all these theories all the times by being the moronic orange buffoon he is on twitter. I had hope for him when he said that Israel needed to stop illegally building settlements, he then meets Hitler 2.0 and it's all this "not looking for a two state solution" nonsense. But yet, if Israel and Palestine are happy he's happy? Nonsense. Utter nonsense. I find it quite interesting that homeland hs digs at this very subject at the moment. Good on them.


Whilst I agree with you to an extent, trump contradicts all these theories all the times by being the moronic orange buffoon he is on twitter. I had hope for him when he said that Israel needed to stop illegally building settlements, he then meets Hitler 2.0 and it's all this "not looking for a two state solution" nonsense. But yet, if Israel and Palestine are happy he's happy? Nonsense. Utter nonsense. I find it quite interesting that homeland hs digs at this very subject at the moment. Good on them.


It's not me you can agree or disagree with. I'm only presenting facts. Flynn lost his job already. Trump is not the man with power. The president isn't in charge. This is another problem for the people. They can't revolt because they can't see who the enemy is. You can't have a revolution and change things if you can't see what's going on. The intelligence community - CIA, FBI, MI5, MI6 - don't work for the people. Neither do they work for the government. It didn't take long but Flynn's dismissal was a major victory for those in power and a major defeat for Trump. The pressure on him now is accelerating and he's going to implode, spectacularly and soon would be my prediction, and disastrously for us all as the swamp will be undrained. That's the thing about the swamp, it's all-pervasive. You can't drain it unless you see it and Trump is surrounded on all sides, by many who he wrongly assumes are working for him.


Trumps days are numbered.


I give it 3 months before solid connections are made between his campaign camp and Russian hackers, he's pissed off far too many people in the intelligence community for them not to find them. The may be as solid as Saddam's WOMD but they'll be found.


He knows it as well, thats why he's went from denying it ever happened to now saying not to his knowledge.


He'll be impeached by the end of the year.






Trumps days are numbered.


I give it 3 months before solid connections are made between his campaign camp and Russian hackers, he's pissed off far too many people in the intelligence community for them not to find them. The may be as solid as Saddam's WOMD but they'll be found.


He knows it as well, thats why he's went from denying it ever happened to now saying not to his knowledge.


He'll be impeached by the end of the year.


Wow. Trump engaged hackers from Russia? To do what? Expose the opposition's e-mails? How did Trump know what Hitlery wrote? Why does that even matter, the method and the parties involved in exposing truth?


Unlike you, I don't have any facts on who, why or how. I thought it was Wikileaks who revealed the e-mails and I think they did say Russian sources. But this doesn't harm Trump?


As for Trump pissing off the intelligence community, isn't this not a good thing? Did we vote for the intelligence operatives, the ones with all the tools to make or break people, the ones in bed with the presstitute media? Do we know who the intelligence agencies work for? Do we know the agenda they're working to? Is all the evidence that we do know about surrounding 21st century dealings in Iraq, Libya, Saudi Arabia, Israel, Syria etc. etc. fabricated too? The same evidence that proves that the truth has been deliberately concealed from the people?


Wow. Trump engaged hackers from Russia? To do what? Expose the opposition's e-mails? How did Trump know what Hitlery wrote? Why does that even matter, the method and the parties involved in exposing truth?


Unlike you, I don't have any facts on who, why or how. I thought it was Wikileaks who revealed the e-mails and I think they did say Russian sources. But this doesn't harm Trump?


As for Trump pissing off the intelligence community, isn't this not a good thing? Did we vote for the intelligence operatives, the ones with all the tools to make or break people, the ones in bed with the presstitute media? Do we know who the intelligence agencies work for? Do we know the agenda they're working to? Is all the evidence that we do know about surrounding 21st century dealings in Iraq, Libya, Saudi Arabia, Israel, Syria etc. etc. fabricated too? The same evidence that proves that the truth has been deliberately concealed from the people?


It matters to the US because its against their laws, truth/fake news <delete as appropriate> exposed or not. Snowden is a fugitive because he exposed the truth, a truth that showed the extent the US government was spying on its own people, spying to the extent that it goes against the US constitution.


In the US colluding with a foreign power to sway an election is treason, as it should be.


Trump stood on a stage and asked the Russians to find the emails in the hope that there was classified information within the emails, he could then use that leak and Clinton's use of a private server as a tool to have Clinton charged and win the election by default. Just because the content of the emails was not as sensitive as he had hoped that doesnt mean asking for their assistance and if it can be proved, employing their assistance, is not colluding with a foreign power to sway the outcome of an election.

The US Secretary of State was asked yesterday if the Russians were involved, he said that there is evidence Russia had tried to tamper or had succeeded in tampering with democratic elections in several countries. At the same time his boss was claiming he knew nothing about it. At best Trump is incompetent, at worst he's an out and out liar. If you use his previous as a benchmark then liar would be the obvious conclusion.


We didnt vote for any of them and we dont pay the wages of any of them either, the only Aberdonians that get a say in a US election or that pay the wages of the CIA/FBI are those that live in Washington State.


I didnt think nor was it intended that my post claimed or showed I cared who the FBI and/or CIA work for. Only that they will find and if they can find they will create evidence that will string Trump and his campaign team from the rafters. Trump is making it very easy for anything found to be believed. He publically asked for Russian help - tongue in cheek or not, his companies owe a fortune to a bank that has just been fined the largest fine ever handed out by the US for Russian money laundering, money that could be tied up in his buildings and his company and he is denying any knowledge that his team were speaking to the Russians before his inauguration and that he knows anything about Russian interferance with elections all while those in his cabinet state otherwise.




In my opinion, we do need to care who ALL the intelligence agencies work for. Even the German intelligence people were intervening with journalists to ensure pro-US propaganda.


I thought it was the FBI who brought the e-mails to light, whoever and wherever they were sourced? This suggests pro-Trump and anti-Clinton. As for the line that Russia intervened in the election, how weak would a nation be to be affected by another? Whether the hackers were Russian or Montenegroan, the discovery of the e-mails doesn't influence anything. It's what's in them and who put them out in the mainstream that matters, and why.


In my opinion, we do need to care who ALL the intelligence agencies work for. Even the German intelligence people were intervening with journalists to ensure pro-US propaganda.


I thought it was the FBI who brought the e-mails to light, whoever and wherever they were sourced? This suggests pro-Trump and anti-Clinton. As for the line that Russia intervened in the election, how weak would a nation be to be affected by another? Whether the hackers were Russian or Montenegroan, the discovery of the e-mails doesn't influence anything. It's what's in them and who put them out in the mainstream that matters, and why.


The FBI initially found out about the private server but 30000+ emails were 'lost' before any investigation could take place. Trump stood on a platform shouting lock her up, crooked Hilary and as there were already rumours the Russians had been hacking the Democrat campaign, using social media to spread 'fake news' and were also responsible for the FBI finding out about the private server initially Trump then asked the Russians publically to find the missing emails. The FBI then 'found' more emails on a campaign managers laptop while investigating her husband for grooming a minor.


Its not the nation that has to be weak, its the citizens of that nation. Russian propaganda houses are also based in the UK filling social media and comment on newspaper websites with pro- Russian views and were also fully behind the online Breiteers. Weak minds believe the hype, they plant the seed and watch the Russian agenda grow.


There was nothing in the emails bar people slagging each other off and being underhand. The 'rigging' of Clinton v Sanders was confirmed although it was already known and the Clinton camp getting the gist of some media questions before they were asked. No bombshells, no state secrets. the drip feeding of them to WikiLeaks by the hackers and then how the Republican FBI Head, James Comway, followed it up gave Trump more than enough false ammo to fire at Clinton and have some of it stick.


Media and public manipulation through selected and timed leaks by the Russians helped win Trump the election. Whether or not the CIA can show he colluded in that will decide if he is still sitting in the Whitehouse at Christmas.


Media and public manipulation through selected and timed leaks by the Russians helped win Trump the election. Whether or not the CIA can show he colluded in that will decide if he is still sitting in the Whitehouse at Christmas.


I can think of a lot more scenarios why he might get impeached. Which its a shame because the conundrum of the man is that his heart is in both the right place and in the wrong place.


He genuinely does want to do a great job for the American people but he's so inherently corrupt he won't be able to help himself from using whatever power he's got to enrich himself through his family.


He's also the only chance the world has got of getting rid of the real cunts in charge although that was always a very long shot given his nature and his deficiencies.


Speaking of which, is he actually a good businessman? I've never believed that he's "worth billions". How could he possibly be if, as he claims to be so smart that he's not paid tax for 19 years? He's been bankrupted, he's been minutes away from being completed finished, he's managed to persuade others to fund him but is he actually making serious money?


We have always known that Balmedie was a white elephant and his claim that it would be the greatest course in the world was always completely laffable. It's not even the best course within 5 miles of there and there are numerous better in the NE let alone Scotland let alone the UK let alone Europe let alone the world. What he didn't factor in and we all knew was that you can't sell tickets for a minimum of 5 months out of 12. The haar comes in during peak times, July & August to wipe out some days and it's way too cold for tourists in the winter. Plus the price was so ridiculous he was never going to get locals to play it more than once, or occasionally twice or more if a freebie.


And between that and Turnberry, one of the best and most established courses, he's losing a million a month. It takes a special kind of spesh to piss away that much money on a simple business proposition.


The man is a major NPD case and as mad as a box of marmosets. Great businessman? Debatable. The best president ever, as he claimed? He won't be allowed to even try, I fear. He could explode in frustration real soon and if he does, his years of dishonesty and misogyny and racism will have caught up with him and he may be the saddest man on the planet. The biggest hero or the biggest villain is what his destiny is and normally an optimist, I reckon the odds are heavily stacked against him.


I reckon there's probably substance in the golden shower stories and it'll surface at some point. Can definitely see him getting impeached. It's all good and well taking on the establishment and the press but he's clearly not the man to do it. He suffers from verbal diarrhoea far too often.


His press conference with Netanyahu was an embarrassment.


Trump's gaffe re "Sweden last night" was farcical. I would've assumed that he's not mad enough to just make shit up but now I'm not so sure. After all, if that was an aide briefing, that person is unemployed by now. Totally bizarre from the most bizarre freak show in history.


Trump's gaffe re "Sweden last night" was farcical. I would've assumed that he's not mad enough to just make shit up but now I'm not so sure. After all, if that was an aide briefing, that person is unemployed by now. Totally bizarre from the most bizarre freak show in history.


To be fair, he read it on AFC Chat.


He can't have it both ways - blame the media for lying then use that great bastion of responsible news media Fox News as a source for something that didn't happen in Sweden.


Absolutely, have no sympathy for him. Anyone that uses fox news as a viable news outlet needs to be sent to a deep, dark hole in the ground.


I know Rocket believes that he was he man to break the administration and system, I suppose conversely you could look at it that maybe his farcical presidency plays right into their hands as it'll prove "see the other way is way worse than ours", it may just reaffirm their stranglehold on everything. Either way, the yanks are fucked, and subsequently, so are we.


I know Rocket believes that he was he man to break the administration and system, I suppose conversely you could look at it that maybe his farcical presidency plays right into their hands as it'll prove "see the other way is way worse than ours", it may just reaffirm their stranglehold on everything. Either way, the yanks are fucked, and subsequently, so are we.


That's the interesting question in all of this. The problem is a huge lack of alternative. Arguably Sanders was an option, but he would really have struggled to break through the system and his values would have been watered down to a terrible compromise that would have resulted in failure. The right wing press would have been all over him. A quick look at Corbyn confirms this. I think we're at the stage where the system (capitalism) is failing. I think that over the next 10-15 years there will be a lot of fighting as things break down entirely and it'll be an ugly transition. What we are missing is a viable alternative that is radical, progressive and workable. I think that with Trump there, things will break down much quicker and much more obviously. Hopefully this will provide the space for new alternatives to crop up and be more widely listened to. 4 - 8 years of Clinton would have seen things be reasonably stable, with little changing. We would have slowly progressed toward increasing unemployment, continued ignorance of technological advancement, continued creep toward catastrophic environmental collapse. All the while keeping the mouths of the plebiscite slightly above water, depressed and economically precarious. We would have then looked to a Trump character to fight the establishment etc etc. I think it's good that Trump is in charge, I think we need a complete break down of the system, with the general public taking a good - but non-fatal - kicking in the process so that we can begin the huge re-building process that is required to take us forward. I think Trump is a necessary evil, if only to prove to his supporters that they are completely and utterly wrong. I don't think he'll pave the way for Hillary/Obama 2, I hope he'll make space for completely new ideas.


War was the method by which the rulers stole money from the sheeple. Their acts of enriching themselves came at the cost of many millions of lives including "on their own side", assuming that they had a side, which they don't, it all being about maintaining power and syphoning off billions. It wasn't just dead people that they cost. The "austerity" and bank bailouts etc. etc. cost many people a reasonable standard of living too.


Trump is at least less likely to engage in contrived conflicts although the golden shower shenanigans - which would not surprise me - may be a contributing factor.


Capitalism as a concept isn't necessarily the problem. It's the management of it that went tits up.


George Soros and Dick Cheney are the biggest enemies to all our lives. Trump knows about the deep state and their taste for paedophilia. Mike Pence's best friend was recently named as a paedo and this alone cost Flynn his job. We live in interesting times. The war is inside the US government and shit's about to get real. Next 90 days will make or break.

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