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Crazy American Politics

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Not sure how many of you live in the states, but trump is the ‘safe’ candidate! Biden is a fossil puppet and the Democratic Party has gone so liberal it’s nuts. I just want common sense to occur regularly, is that a lot to ask?? I’ve been here 25 years and the country has lost the plot.

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24 minutes ago, wee toon red said:

Is it possible that the democrats are afraid that Trump might well win again and so have put up a “safe” candidate rather than risk one of their better candidates in this election?

Out of those that ran, who was the "unsafe" candidate.

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6 minutes ago, LA-Don said:

Not sure how many of you live in the states, but trump is the ‘safe’ candidate! Biden is a fossil puppet and the Democratic Party has gone so liberal it’s nuts. I just want common sense to occur regularly, is that a lot to ask?? I’ve been here 25 years and the country has lost the plot.

What does "gone so liberal" mean to you? 

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I’m also curious to hear from anyone else who lives here. Those of you in Britain get the very biased and one sided democratic news for the most part since the majority of media is democratically owned (with the exception of fox I believe.)
Regarding liberal, it’s becoming lord of the flies here. And the majority of democratically run cities are letting it happen.

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48 minutes ago, RicoS321 said:

Out of those that ran, who was the "unsafe" candidate.

Sanders, given that we’ve got a poster here who already thinks the dems are “too left” and warren, simply because she’s a woman.

Not that I think either of them would necessarily be great presidents but they would be less appealing to the middle ground than Biden.

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1 hour ago, wee toon red said:

Sanders, given that we’ve got a poster here who already thinks the dems are “too left” and warren, simply because she’s a woman.

Not that I think either of them would necessarily be great presidents but they would be less appealing to the middle ground than Biden.

But the democrats (as in the party itself) don't think Sanders is a better candidate, they didn't want him near the election. Hence the ridiculous voting requirements in California. The democrats are as establishment as the republicans. 

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2 hours ago, LA-Don said:

I’m also curious to hear from anyone else who lives here. Those of you in Britain get the very biased and one sided democratic news for the most part since the majority of media is democratically owned (with the exception of fox I believe.)
Regarding liberal, it’s becoming lord of the flies here. And the majority of democratically run cities are letting it happen.

I don't know what you mean regarding liberal and lord of the flies?

For one thing, we don't get much CNN over here, we just see the orange nutjob talking absolute shite and we're expected to decipher US politics from that. Previously, hopey mcchange gave us meaningless oratory whilst firing his drones at Afghani weddings. Most of my US political knowledge comes from books or long form articles in the different US papers. I know quite a bit about the voting system, possibly not so much about the state level differences at the micro level. 

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My reference to lord of the flies is that the police, due to the obvious issues, and being given less and less support by local government, to where riots are being allowed to happen. There’s decreasing law and order. Democrats, for the longest time, still called these riots peaceful protests and wouldn’t even acknowledge violence. I think they finally did a week or two ago, and it’s been months!

Society is now being policed less and less in a number of cities to where there is, to some extent, minimal form of authority and while not quite anything goes, it’s bad. Trump wants to send in the national guard in many instances to prevent rioting in cities and to defend law abiding citizens, but local govt is declining assistance, and rioting and violence occurs. As a result you are seeing more of the ‘right to bare arms,’ and quite often see in the news people openly walking around with firearms, and using them. And this includes full on automatic weapons, not just a hand gun. Can’t believe what I’m seeing at times, and I’m at the stage where I am looking to buy a gun to protect my family, plus thinking about leaving Los Angeles and California due to their changing laws. I never ever expected to say that but I never expected to see what I’m seeing in this country. Crime is up and it’s not getting better any time soon.

People are being given too much freedom. I guess I’m more traditional in values and believe in authority and rules/regulations, and that’s not really the democratic way these days. They are even telling police not to get involved and you’ll see in some instances them sitting back and allowing violence to happen. Then as soon as a policeman gets involved, he’s all over the news when you’ll see an edit video or partial video, and shit goes down. I’m not defending all police, reform is needed, but they have to be allowed to do their jobs and not all police are bad. Crime and violence are up, and if the democrats win the election I expect to see more of this local government that is allowing riots and violence to happen. That’s my take anyway.

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I’m a green card holder, not a citizen, so can’t vote, but always saw myself more democratic than republican, but not any more. I don’t blame trump for the current situation, I blame Obama and his relaxed politics, and Trump has to deal with this shit show he created. Since Bush jnr. this culture has gone from the ‘we’re number 1’ arrogant assholes to embracing the victim mentality, poor me, and people should be giving me a free helping hand.

I never liked Trump and he certainly comes across as an idiot, but pre covid the country was in its best economic state in a very long time. Unemployment was at its lowest, and a lot of people were happy. And I’m by no means wealthy, I’m a teacher in one of the most expensive places in the world. It’s also my understanding that he has also put in more policy creating funds and opportunities for minorities, including African Americans, than any president including Obama, but that doesn’t get discussed because it doesn’t support the media’s agenda.

I may be wrong on this, Its just my take on the situation. I stopped watching the news for the most part a long time ago. It’s not news, it’s propaganda and so toxic. And when i see the bbc I feel it’s a fucked up version of American politics based on the shite the biased media spurts out here. 

Lastly, I fully agree, this country needs a third political party! Someone in the middle who campaigns on common sense. Although, yes, I know, common sense doesn’t exist any more.

Edited by LA-Don
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27 minutes ago, Kowalski said:

You don’t have to be swayed by the media to believe whether Trump is safe or unsafe. Just follow his Twitter feed and you’ll realise he’s a dangerous arsehole who should he punted from office ASAP. 

Don’t think you’ll get a disagreement from anyone. But the fact he’s the best option for this country right now says so much about the current state of the US. And the fact that the democrats had 4 years to come up with a candidate to beat Trump and their solution was Biden speaks wonders about that party!

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Agreed LA,Couldnt believe Trump got into office,but if am honest,he's been less bad than expected,and if I had to choose,preferred to a Democrat govt if some of the cities are any insight as to what would lie ahead.Think some folk let their hatred of Trump override the alternatives 

  On a different note,interesting interview 



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Because the Democrats have been using identity politics for votes? Hence over 90 % of the black vote is Democrat? "If you aint Democrat,you aint Black" - Joe Biden '20

As others have said though,we need a third party over there,and here to choose from...

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44 minutes ago, Elgindon said:

Because the Democrats have been using identity politics for votes? Hence over 90 % of the black vote is Democrat? "If you aint Democrat,you aint Black" - Joe Biden '20

As others have said though,we need a third party over there,and here to choose from...

I think there's a lot more reasoning behind the black vote than identity politics. I couldn't think of a single person who uses identity politics more than populists like Trump either. Unless you think asking for equal rights for black citizens is identity politics, but Trump telling black/Muslim congresswomen to go back to their own country isn't? In reality, if you filter through Trump's various tweets, you'll find almost zero policy, and almost all identity politics. The rest is complaining about "the left's" identity politics. 

Although I wouldn't be a democrat myself, I don't believe another party (they already have the US greens) would be useful, or about as useful as the Lib Dems in the UK. We've got a plethora of parties in the UK, but our (UK and US) political systems aren't setup for utilising these. We're like the SPFL, whereby the entire thing is viewed through only two lenses. Nothing short of full-scale ripping up and starting again would be the ticket in these countries. If actual democracy is the intention (which I don't think it is). An independent Scotland might help this side of the water. 

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1 hour ago, wee toon red said:

If it’s the democratic governors to blame for the riots, how come it’s only happened since trump got into power?

If you know racism and social justice in this country you’ll know this has been coming for years, and it’s cyclical, happened before and will happen again, just happened to be Trump’s watch. It could easily have happened in 2012 under Obama with the Trayvon martin murder. And while Trump has done more for minorities than any other recent president, the media does not emphasize that, and Trump also doesn’t help himself with some of the shite he spouts....and tweets.


i do agree, the democrats and the media portray trump as more of a racist than he appears to In my eyes. The media is so biased and are doing their best to cause trouble. The idiot democrats in power in major cities are making bad decisions, as much to spite trump as anything. They don’t dare want to be seen siding with him and the nation suffers.

Trump is an idiot, but the other side is worse and local democratic politics are causing major damage right now.

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LA I live in the US


 And while Trump has done more for minorities than any other recent president

No! He has not (unless locking them up is "more")?


But the fact he’s the best option for this country right now

He isn't


Since Bush jnr. this culture has gone from the ‘we’re number 1’ arrogant assholes to embracing the victim mentality, poor me, and people should be giving me a free helping hand.

Again, no!


to where riots are being allowed to happen

Good God man, you're an idiot!

BTW I'm not a looney leftie even in the UK, I'm probably quite right of center in UK politics in my views (although I'm not a Tory), but you're colouring things here, to appeal to whatever audience you choose, that don't actually live here.

You probably think "Defund the police" means let's have criminality run riot" or "not pay a police force" rather than the truth that it means: stop funding police in schools, hospitals, other places they're not needed and let those organisations spend THAT funding on something they NEED. Before you ask, I taught in schools that couldn't afford books, or enough teachers, or even enough bathrooms, because the police "funding" was like $500,000 per week. Putting that $500,000 a week back in schools is "defunding the police".  It's the same situation elsewhere, the police aren't "funded" by the government but the "cost" is take out of the budget of where they're deposited.


Those of you in Scotland want an equivalent? It's like charging the school 10 million quid a year for having a  meeting no-one wants, cares about or attends! 


Edited by Madbadteacher
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17 minutes ago, Madbadteacher said:

LA I live in the US

No! He has not (unless locking them up is "more")?

He isn't

Again, no!

Good God man, you're an idiot!

BTW I'm not a looney leftie even in the UK, I'm probably quite right of center in UK politics in my views (although I'm not a Tory), but you're colouring things here, to appeal to whatever audience you choose, that don't actually live here.

You probably think "Defund the police" means let's have criminality run riot" or "not pay a police force" rather than the truth that it means: stop funding police in schools, hospitals, other places they're not needed and let those organisations spend THAT funding on something they NEED. Before you ask, I taught in schools that couldn't afford books, or enough teachers, or even enough bathrooms, because the police "funding" was like $500,000 per week. Putting that $500,000 a week back in schools is "defunding the police".  It's the same situation elsewhere, the police aren't "funded" by the government but the "cost" is take out of the budget of where they're deposited.


Those of you in Scotland want an equivalent? It's like charging the school 10 million quid a year for having a  meeting no-one wants, cares about or attends! 


You think Biden is a better option?? I am not one to call names, but if you do, I think you’re pointing the idiot finger in the wrong direction.

You don’t think we’ve adopted the victim mentality here? That’s so obvious.

We can agree to disagree, or not, I can only tell it how I see it.

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23 minutes ago, LA-Don said:

You think Biden is a better option?? I am not one to call names, but if you do, I think you’re pointing the idiot finger in the wrong direction.

You don’t think we’ve adopted the victim mentality here? That’s so obvious.

We can agree to disagree, or not, I can only tell it how I see it.

It’s not letting me edit. You ok with all the violence right now? Ok with police not being allowed to do their jobs? Both parties are a joke if Biden and Trump are the best option. And we had a Trump here rally last sunday, peaceful until it got shot at. You ok with that too?

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Police “doing their job” = shooting people in the back?

No thanks


Oh, before I get accused of being some bleeding heart liberal, I’ve seen genuine brutality in the way police in school have treated students (slightest provocation and it’s out with the night sticks and pepper spray).

But, hey, I know nothing

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Who said you knew nothing? It’s the opposite, share what you know! Educate the uneducated!


Every cop doesn’t shoot someone in the back. It’s attitudes like that that are causing so much trouble here. The vast majority of police do their job correctly yet now aren’t allowed to do it as trained, risking their own lives in the process. As I said before, the police need reform and not all are good, but your statement isn’t appropriate or fair, and it’s that blanket attitude that’s doing damage.

I’ve also taught in a 3500 student public high school and have seen police brutality too, plus I’d regularly drive students home to extremely dangerous neighborhoods. Eye opening to say the least. Doesn’t make us experts though and all police don’t subscribe to police brutality.


i didn’t say you knew nothing, in fact since you called me the idiot, help me out here. You said I was wrong about Trump doing more as president for helping minorities, can you provide more info here?


You also said Trump isn’t the best option. I’m not a fan of him either but who is the better option? You really think Biden, you didn’t answer that? How so?


You disagreed about my assessment on the us changing from arrogant asshole to poor me. Can you elaborate on what you see then? There has been a significant shift in American culture over the last 20 years. Arrogant Bush was replaced by Obama who went a total 180.

I also didn’t bring up defunding the police, you did. You slammed me but don’t give much info. Again, since I’m the idiot, educate me rather than simply criticize. I stated in a previous post that I welcomed opinion from others who live here. You, to me, just demonstrated what is a major issue here. Because I don’t subscribe to your beliefs I get blasted and called a complete idiot. People aren’t capable these days of hearing differing opinions without flipping out.




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