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Saturday 28th September 2024 - kick-off 3pm

Scottish Premiership: Dundee v Aberdeen

Simmie to get a testimonial

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1-0 up thanks to Scholes fuck up and Hayes knocking it into an open goal




Wasn't an open goal. De Gae was still there to beat. But aye Scholes guilty of a shocking error. Didn't give Hayes enough respect.


Agree with the comments about the crowd. The Atmosphere was non existent.


Aberdeen played some decent stuff. I was impressed with Paton and Milsom. I hope they gets a chance in the first team. 

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Thought it was an enjoyable evening.

Atmosphere was bizarre.

Thought Hayes took goal very calmly.

Never really thought saw second goal as at other end of ground to me, and just saw a scramble.

Paton really surprised me. Hope he gets a chance with McGinn out, maybe just maybe he might just grab it this time.

Can't believe Rougvie played near twenty minutes at his age !

Dougie Bell still looked a bit handy.

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Well I missed the first half an hour thanks partly due to my lateness from getting from the airport but mostly due to AFC's fuck up with tickets. Absolute joke. I got to Pittodrie at 19:05 and my mate had put it into the collections portakabin and was told if after kick off, it would be up at the Main Stand. Went up to the Main Stand, no ticket. Wandered aboot for a minute, thinking what the fuck is going on. Asked again and eventually the guy started taking me seriously and took details. Then I had to wait from for twenty minutes until they produced some fucking Main Stand Emergency tickets and put me on me todd right in the corner next to the Merkland. This happened to a few people and one fella who had 10 bairns with him. As the one guy said, we've no paid for a ticket to stand aboot ootside whilst the game is on. Absolute joke, couldn't organise a piss up in a brewery the lot of them. Going to find oot what happened to the tickets later on today though.


Anyway, aye the atmosphere was a bit bizarre. Only once did a chant of stand free get fired up but apart from that, there was nothing! Don't ken if folk were too busy looking at Man Yoo or what. I didn't have a very good view as I was stuck in the f'ing corner but I was wondering who that number 10 was as he looked very impressive....  then I realised it was Paton.:doh: That said, if he played with the same pace and enthusiasm as he did last night, then there's nothing to stop him from cementing a first team place. He faded a bit in the second half but perhaps understandable. Thought everybody played well actually but Paton, Megginson and especially Milsom were the stand-outs.


Did anyone see the size of Steve Tosh?! Never the slimmest of players but christ, he's been on the pies! Great to see Rougvie, Irvine and Bell on!


Also, great to see Fletcher getting a game. Hopefully he's on the road to recovery. Even last night, you could see how competitive he is, pushing the team forwards, shouting to get the ball back after they scored and shouting abuse at the officials!  ;D


What was the final score?


Great to see there was a brilliant turn out for an Aberdeen legend but how did we manage to sell out a mid-week testimonial but not get anywhere near selling out a league game on 'sell out Saturday'?


Quite simply, because folk don't mind shelling oot £15 or whatever it was to see Man United but don't want to/wont shell oot £23 to watch Ross County.

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