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Sunday 6th October 2024 - kick-off 3pm

Scottish Premiership: Aberdeen v Hearts

Edinburgh Roadshow

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An afc roadshow was held after the Hearts game at the Murrayfield Curling Club.

In attendance were Willie, Broon and Chris Gavin.

Overall I think it was a pretty successful night and certainly went on for a good 2+hours with lots of good questions and discussion.

Thought Brown came across pretty well, especially under some fairly critical questioning.  Willie and Gavin did ok but got a bit inpatient at times.

Think holding it after a game clouded a lot of the early discussion and also meant we'd all had a few more drinks than might have otherwise have been the case, which resulted in a few unnecessary shouting matches, perhaps a chairman was needed to move things on at times.

Quite a few interesting points.


Uchechi, and to extent Chalali were punts and a mistake. Uchechi in particular seems to have cost us next to nothing and is viewed as a 5-a-side player by Brown and is definitely going.

Brown aware of the weaknesses in the team, has new signings identified and will be looking to get, amongst other things, a RB.


Willie, Craig and board are very frustrated at poaching of our youth players and are trying their best to work with other clubs to address this. Fyvie will be going despite being advised against this by pretty much everyone at the club.  Again commended Jack for wanting to stay.


Says the physios blame the number of injuries on the multiple different surfaces we train on each week.  Have input from Sports Scientists at RGU, who especially work with the youth team.


New training facility was talked about in terms of hopefully getting built in the next year or two which was a bit concerning and with Gavin the only "Director" there any financial questions were disappointingly  passed over.


Refused to comment on the Rangers situation and on how afc would approach a situation where rangers were liquidated.  Seemed surprised when some fans suggested they would stop watching afc if rangers newco were allowed back into the spl.


Willie laughed off a suggestion that we should be succession planning for the day Craig and Archie retire as it's not done in football.


I'm sure there is more that I have missed but again a productive evening which I hope the club will take some points from.


There are tentative plans to hold one of these in Glasgow next season either after a match or preferably on a Monday night.

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Also was asked why we aren't looking at the lower leagues for players instead of England and abroad and Brown said there were no players in the lower leagues of sufficient quality.  ::)


Frankly that is just complete and utter bollocks ::)

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When I read that I thought that same phrase. Pathetic.


Are the new training facilities not meant to be part of the "new stadium" anyway? ....


No training facilities are separate and part of Cove's new ground.  I was under the impression it was fully funded but from the answers on Saturday that seems less certain.

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No training facilities are separate and part of Cove's new ground.  I was under the impression it was fully funded but from the answers on Saturday that seems less certain.


As I said to you at the time I thought answers on both seems to suggest things are not as clear cut as the club have previously said.

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That looks boring as fuck  :-\

The time I went to one of these things it was in Stirling wi Bobby Biscuit.

It was in a dingy lounge bar/event hall and the booze was flowing which led to some inevitable daft questions lol.

That looks more like a fuckin community council meeting to discuss planning objections or a school fuckin PTA meeting. Was there even a bar?

Fuckin Edinburgh woofters and their snooty fuckin question and answer sessions.


It was in a dingy (well by Edinburgh standards) hall and there was booze although pints were rotten so had to switch to bottles of Peroni.

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