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Saturday 15th March 2025 - kick-off 3pm

Scottish Premiership: St Johnstone v Aberdeen

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Dear Sir/Madam


I am writing to you with the greatest of the concern for professional football in Scotland.  I have watched the goings on at ibrox unfold over the past year and listened to an awful lot of bluster about it from several news sources and a lot of it i have taken with a pinch of salt.  Over the past few weeks, however, there have been worrying statements made by a few club officials.

To quote from the Guardian


Michael Johnston, Kilmarnock's chairman, said on Saturday that Rangers' commercial worth to the rest of the league outweighs any issues of sporting integrity and they must therefore stay in the SPL.


"I think we need to keep Rangers in the SPL," said the United manager, Peter Houston. "Fans might be upset by me saying that but if we showed them budgets, it would show we need Rangers.


"Supporters' clubs all over the country will probably disagree with me but if we were to lose £600,000 from our budget, it is something every chairman has to look at. Scottish football needs a strong Rangers and Celtic. Rangers deserve to be punished, with what I don't know, but if they drop into the Third Division that doesn't help us."




I would like it to be known that i fully understand the position that clubs are finding themselves with on this topic.  Sadly i think clubs need to face up to the fact that regardless of what happens with Rangers they are likely to be facing a financial hit because of what has happened at Ibrox.  If they drop down to div 3 then there will be, according to Peter Houston anyway, a 600k hit to be taken.  I will assume that a similar figure has been bounced around Pittodrie when looking at the prospect of the spl without them.  On the other hand though fans across the board have been very vocal in their protestations of Rangers being re-admitted to the spl as a new-co.  It is virtually unanimously agreed that the only punishment to fit the crime of liquidation is to have to start over and apply for Div3 entry.  I'm sure you are aware of the spl survey that appeared online recently but here are the highlights if you have not.


There have been a total of 16527 responses.

If Rangers are liquidated and reformed as a Newco, should they be allowed immediate re-entry into the SPL?

No (15782) - 95.49%

Yes (745) - 4.51%

In the event of a Rangers Newco being allowed immediate re-entry how, as a supporter of another SPL/SFL club would you respond?

I would continue to attend SPL fixtures as normal (1957) - 11.84%

I would NOT attend any SPL fixtures at all (8630) - 52.22%

I would continue to attend SPL fixtures but boycott any fixtures involving the Rangers Newco (5282) - 31.96%

I support an SFL team so don't attend any SPL fixtures (658) - 3.98%


Fairly conclusive results.  And for the record as a survey it is credible.  16 and a half thousand people is about 10% of the accumulated average attendances of all the spl clubs.  I looked up how many people had to take part for a survey to be valid and it turns out 10% is the industry rule of thumb so these results should be taken seriously.  The reason i bring this up is that spokespeople for clubs say that they cannot take the hit of 600k that Rangers bring.  I would like to ask how you would compensate for the missing millions you will lose over the season when 50% of your support disappears?  No two ways about it, a newco Rangers in the spl next season makes a mockery of the league and if this happens i will not be paying to go to any Aberdeen fixture until such a time that i feel they are taking part in a competition that is not set up to maintain two giant parasites over all the rest.


I strongly advise you to heed the will of your customers on this matter.  Letting Rangers back in looks the easy option but i can assure the strength of feeling from every fan i have spoken to about this is resolute.  Let them back in and its all over.  Scottish football has never cost so much to attend and the product that is paid for has never been so poor.  You just have to look at falling attendances all across the country to know people are very bored and un-entertained.  Vote them out.  Once out change the voting structure of the SPL to one that just requires a majority to vote through changes and take the power away from Celtic.  With this done change the tv income distribution to an even split and a real leveler of the playing field would be to vote that clubs share gate receipts 50/50 like they used to.  The only club that would be down because of this would be Celtic.  This would go some way to taking back some of that 600k Peter Houston is talking about. 


I would very much appreciate a response to this email, in particular to the question of how you plan to compensate for the missing millions when 50% of the support doesn't come back.


Thank you for your time and look forward to your reply



Your sincerely



Dear whoever the fuck,


Let Rangers die. It's the best option for the vast majority.


The utilitarian option, if you will.


In one fell swoop, the horrible bigoted cunts who support them won't have a common collective under which to peddle their poison.


The death of the hun institution allows us the opportunity to ridicule huns and if when they get uppity, provides a golden reason for smacking fuck out of the crestfallen fuckheads.


I could offer other views in support but the foregoing is more than conclusive enough.







Dear TLG1903


I take my hat off to you mate.

I have for a number of days if not weeks been trying to think how best I could put my feelings on this matter in writing. Whilst a reasonably intelligent person (even if I say so myself) I simply couldn't get the wording and tone right, but your post above encompasses all that I feel on this matter, and puts it forward in a calm and controlled fashion and for that firstly I applaud you, and secondly thank you.

You have summed it up perfectly even if I sense it will fall on deaf ears


Thanks again mate :thumbsup:

CELTIC fans’ chief Joe O’Rourke has vowed that the Hoops’ travelling support will stay away from the grounds of clubs who fail to vote for sanctions on Rangers when the SPL members meet to discuss possible penalties for newcos.


Kilmarnock chairman Michael Johnston claimed on Saturday that cash would come before sporting integrity for most clubs.


However the general secretary of the Celtic Supporters Association warned of a backlash from the champions.


“So Kilmarnock chairman Michael Johnston thinks that Rangers staying in the SPL is more important than sporting integrity?” said O’Rourke. “Well, he better be prepared for doing without the Celtic support because I’m certain they will boycott Rugby Park next season.


“Johnston has been the driving force behind the Gang of 10’s new proposals for changing the rules in the SPL.


“I’m not surprised he backs a Rangers newco getting an easy ride back into the SPL and he won’t be alone – there will be a few chairmen thinking the same way.”


O’Rourke also turned his guns on SPL chief executive Neil Doncaster, who has claimed that there would be no problem in ushering a Rangers newco straight into the top flight.


“I have written to Neil Doncaster regarding comments attributed to him,” he said. “I have also made him aware that we would have a problem supporting a league that doesn’t uphold sporting integrity.


“I am almost certain that if a Rangers newco is not treated appropriately then the Celtic support will take appropriate action,” he warned.


That's all very good, but they'll have egg on their faces if the Tims vote to keep a newco in the SPL.

‘Rangers should be booted out of the SPL’

Club should be hammered, says Jason Brown


Published: 07/05/2012


ABERDEEN FC keeper Jason Brown today called for SPL chiefs to boot Rangers out of the top flight.


Brown believes the Ibrox club should be hammered for their financial mismanagement.


The chairmen of SPL clubs were today set to meet at Hampden to discuss sanctions against Rangers, and Brown believes they should suffer the same fate as Livingston and Gretna, who were sent down divisions.


All very well the tim support posturing but let's face it, they are just reacting much like the huns really.


And as has been said, they'll look dafter than usual if their club opt to keep the fuckers in.


This is a done deal folks, so be sure about what you want. The huns will be part of the SPL next year and have virtually no new sanctions imposed and may well not even have a transfer embargo imposed upon them. This is no longer a sporting competition, it's fucking over.


Yes, bur could it be the spl board are waiting for thedust to settle with the huns so they know the full pictur, repercussions and total amount of sanction availabl etc so they can make thier decisions without media pressure.


For example. The huns liquidate, form new hun co. And the board can then say "you are a newco despite what everyone says, the precedent in other leagues is you have to re apply. Here is the paper work, Now fuck off"


Yes, bur could it be the spl board are waiting for thedust to settle with the huns so they know the full pictur, repercussions and total amount of sanction availabl etc so they can make thier decisions without media pressure.


For example. The huns liquidate, form new hun co. And the board can then say "you are a newco despite what everyone says, the precedent in other leagues is you have to re apply. Here is the paper work, Now fuck off"


Think the second paragragh is wishful thinking mate.

Honestly think they have bottled it

Nowt but a bunch of self preserving bastards totally lacking in integrity or honour



Take it as read Huns walk straight back into SPL


CUNTS :haterangers:


i still honestly think these chairmen have given reassurances to This chappie miller that no matter what rangers will still be in the SPL next season. When that happens i will send back all my tops i have collected over 30 years of following the Dons, sick of this whole farce.


I went to watch the Pro12 rugby with my friends on saturday, what a evening, wall to wall sunshine, lovely laddies present and booze :)  and a big punch up on the pitch, what more to revel in  ;D


Sense you might not have meant that ;)


I suspect it has been delayed as they can't agree. 

I think there will be a few chairmen who want to play hard ball but the majority want to let them back in, but enough to pass any resolution either way.

Easier to push it further down the line when hopefully some of the issues have been resolvec (BTC and SPL enquiry)


It's been delayed because it's a stage-managed charade to see them get to the end of the season - and avoid the further punishment that would come about if they didn't


Even though it's not true, the line that the other clubs 'need' der hun is fairly damning of the spl's governing body.


They've presided over the creation of a system which, in their view, relies upon the presence of a corrupt member. That's as far from sustainable or in the best interests of Scottish football as it's possible to get.


That's not even taking into account that the only reason rangers got into the position of being allegedly needed, is the success they've had over the years because they were corrupt in the first place.


If something that means so much to so many people in Scotland as football can be so openly rigged, and the public sit back and impotently allow it, then what is there that business, government etc CAN'T get away with?


What is the matter with people in Scotland/UK that they just accept this totalitarian bullshit as it gets worse and worse to Kafka-esque proportions???


The banks gambled with all our money as if it was their own, lost it, then made us pay them back for it. The energy companies collude to raise prices astronomically. The NHS is being dismantled, and the most vulnerable in society are being trampled on to keep the elite in their ivory towers. And now the only release a lot of people have from the hideous corruption of real life is also so hideously corrupt that they don't even bother to hide it anymore.


Short of death squads I can't see how our society could be more fucked.

SPL Press Release ~ General Meeting outcome



The Administrators of Rangers FC did not attend today’s General Meeting in person and instead submitted a proxy.


Financial Fair Play

Immediately prior to today’s General Meeting, a written request was received from the Administrators of Rangers FC to adjourn the meeting dealing with financial fair play.


The other 11 clubs agreed with this request and the general meeting was adjourned to 10am on Wednesday 30 May 2012.



The 11 member clubs present in person at today’s General Meeting unanimously called for the power to deal with any newco application to be moved from the Board to the clubs.  This requires 21 clear days’ notice.  The clubs will therefore meet again on 30 May to consider a resolution designed to achieve this.


In the event that an application for transfer of share to a newco is received before 30 May, then it can be dealt with by the SPL Board.  The SPL Board have indicated that they would, in those circumstances, call together the clubs before any such decision was made.


For the avoidance of doubt, no decision on any transfer of a share to a newco has yet been made; nor has any such application been received.


Voting Change

At the request of the Administrators of Rangers FC, the separate adjourned General Meeting to deal with possible changes to rules of voting was also adjourned to 30 May.



Ok it's good it's getting taken out of the boards hands, had to be a decision taken by all the clubs, not the Board. 

Why did rangers request the meeting be postponed? I thought they wanted clarification sooner rather than later?


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