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Saturday 15th March 2025 - kick-off 3pm

Scottish Premiership: St Johnstone v Aberdeen

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In the cold light of day, 35 is still a great result for the SNP, Lib-Dems and Tories must be besides themselves. As for Ukip  :rofl:


Very sad to see my constituency MP, who was an excellent hard worker gone. Incredible that some of the strongest voices at Westminster have gone, Salmond, Robertson, Tasmina, John Nicholson. Makes ye wonder.  :dunno:


But worst of all, we've been going through two years of the worst downturn the north east has seen in 40 years, with no help at all coming out of Westminster, and what do *we* do, vote them in in seats theyve note held in decades or indeed ever.


Fucking disgusted with some of my neighbours today.




It's entirely understandable though isn't it? A lot of people in the North East didn't want independence. It's FPTP. Ergo, vote for Tory. It was either a tactical masterstroke to take the SNP out of the game by calling the election after the announcement of IndyRef2 around Brexit time, or just luck in timing. Either way, the SNP were caught out by it, and folk who didn't want another referendum were left with little option.


DUP though? Thon's a fucked up bunch of cunts. Given the result of the election, it's absurd that the Tories are shacking up with a party that's further to the right of them. That's a little out of the spirit of things I'd say, that's certainly not the mandate they were given.


It's entirely understandable though isn't it? A lot of people in the North East didn't want independence. It's FPTP. Ergo, vote for Tory. It was either a tactical masterstroke to take the SNP out of the game by calling the election after the announcement of IndyRef2 around Brexit time, or just luck in timing. Either way, the SNP were caught out by it, and folk who didn't want another referendum were left with little option.


Absolutely. I never voted Tory (or SNP) but what happened does not surprise me. The SNP have fucked up by calling for an indyref2.


My understanding was that people in certain places (Banff, Buchan, Peterhead, Fraserburgh) have voted against SNP via Conservatives as they want to leave EU and that Conservative will protect these theses interests via this Brexit negotiations mullarkey.


Given there would appear to be universal agreement amongst those in the fishing industry that the Common Fishing Policy is detrimental to the industry and that Fraserburgh is the biggest shellfish port in Europe it's hardly surprising lots of people voted Conservative is it i.e. towards protecting Brexit interests.


In addition, although I never voted, yes or no people are very fed of this romantic delusion of Scottish independence when its clear its something that is never going to be voted through.


As many of us witnessed in Autumn 2014 these independence referendums are nasty, divisive, divide families, friends and workplaces. In my street, I live it was one of most unpleasant months I can remember - verging on obsession.  I would presume people in Aberdeen South have voted conservative as a means of telling SNP - sorry, we don't want another referendum.


My guess would be that is the end of 'Scottish independence' question for 25 years anyway.


(hopefully  ;D)


Fraserburgh is the biggest selfish industry you mean.

These buggers have been chancing their luck for years.

No wonder the Russian factory ships used to just sit there waiting to be supplied.

Not a hell of a lot of tax paid either.


Nicola has no option but to call for another referendum, the bastards were going to try and pull us out of Europe.

It doesn't have to take 2 years you know, they could still just go in, pick a fight and leave straight away.


Don't think there was any masterplan behind any of it, the election was sheer stupidity, that's all.


Absolutely. I never voted Tory (or SNP) but what happened does not surprise me. The SNP have fucked up by calling for an indyref2.


That's not what I said though. The SNP were entirely correct to call the indyref2. They had the mandate at Holyrood, Scotland had been screwed by Brexit and - crucially - they were not going to be held to account for another 4 years because Theresa May had already ruled out a general election. Nobody thought there would have been an election - not even the majority of Tories. If the SNP hadn't called indy ref 2, it would have been a massive missed opportunity. Brexit was the biggest thing to happen in 30 years, that wasn't something to pass up. They just got unlucky with the timing. In hindsight, they should have waited until the end of the year to vote on it at Holyrood, when it was more clear the Brexit negotiations were being fucked up. However, the need to put Scotland front and centre of negotiations - which it did - was absolutely essential. Independence was a good tool to do that with. Even if a referendum never happened, the threat of it was good enough to make Westminster think. That's now been removed, and a clever Tory party will exploit that by largely excluding Scotland from the negotiations.


Democratic Unionists are loyalist Christians the same as Ulster Unionists but with a more Christian foundation i.e. Ian Paisley - anti-abortion, they dislike gays, anti-SNP.  Basically symbolically DUP they are on the same page as a certain team from Ibrox basically closely linked to Orange Order bands, masonry, William of Orange, 1690 and Protestant marching band triumphalism.


Politically, it's probably better for someone Northern Irish to comment on it all and what DUP do but underneath it all, I suppose Northern Ireland is a deeply divided nation with two sides and the DUP represent that small section of the Ulster community i.e. Protestant community and all it represents historically, culturally so fairs fair IMO not that I particularly like them! 


DUP - Links with Rangers


Just after Rangers went kapoot in 2012 the DUP spoke out against the SFA and Scottish Football establishment and how Rangers were being punished for the 'sins' of others.


When Rangers reformed the DUP (Peter Robinson former leader) played host to dinners in Belfast between new RFC  directors etc and brokered games against Glentoran and Linfield to raise money for Rangers.


Current DUP leader Arlene Foster and co-leader of DUP are supporters of Rangers and were at Ibrox in May.  They were electioneering in West Scotland and got photos with many Rangers players at the 1-5 game i.e. inside Ibrox.



Totally disgusted by the vote up here in Scotland. So much so, think its high time to seriously start looking at leaving the UK. How any SCOT could vote tories to keep that bitch in power and to vote for a rape clause disgusts me totally. This isnt your normal central belt scum either voting them but supposed to be educated people all over.


Would be nice to see the break down of age/wealth who voting for that blue fucking team last night.


Donald Dewar must be turning in his grave seeing these results come in last night. Do the people of Scotland not fucking remember the poll tax? or the closure of ravenscraig.






Do the people of Scotland not fucking remember the poll tax? or the closure of ravenscraig.


I use these examples quite often along with the miners strike, destruction of the railways etc but in my rapidly advancing years I have come to realise I now live in the 'age of ignorance' which for me is ironic given so many people seem glued to smartphones which could give them access to actual knowledge.


Ravenscraig shut in 1992 (25 years ago)

The Poll tax riots were in 89/90 (27/27 years ago).


I know people my age who either don't know these events, forgot them, or (as is becoming way to common now) as it didn't affect them they considered them boring so their brain never took them in.


I've had people say things like 'yeah but that was ages ago, you should let it go'. I really wish I could let things go but I am cursed with a brain that refuses to switch off. I sometimes envy those who wander in a world of blissful ignorance and candy crush.


Today someone (born in 1989) asked me if the DUP were 'the catholic' party from Northern Ireland. I fear my response to that was perhaps a bit too aggressive than was justified.  ::)




Aberdeen South is traditionally or was a Conservative seat in the 70's and 80's and indeed in 90's.    When you calculate that Aberdeen South includes the West End and the outer suburbs of Bieldside, Cults, Milltimber and Peterculter why are people so surprised that many of these people support Tory views or have these views?


Personally, I blame home ownership and people like Stewart Milne - massive Tory funder and supporter.


n in 1989) asked me if the DUP were 'the catholic' party from Northern Ireland. I fear my response to that was perhaps a bit too aggressive than was justified.  ::)





:laughing: :laughing:


Watch out min or you'll get to be like me.


Aberdeen South is traditionally or was a Conservative seat in the 70's and 80's and indeed in 90's.    When you calculate that Aberdeen South includes the West End and the outer suburbs of Bieldside, Cults, Milltimber and Peterculter why are people so surprised that many of these people support Tory views or have these views?


Personally, I blame home ownership and people like Stewart Milne - massive Tory funder and supporter.





Used to include Torry didn't it?

I'm trying to remember the name of the nauseating bastard who was the MP there in the late 70's early 80's


The only name that springs to mind is Hugh Sproat ( Ayr goalkeeper)  :laughing:


Iain bloody Sproat


Had to look it up.


Just as well though because I had completely forgotten about the total greaseball Gerry Malone


The seat was usually a two way fight between Conservative and Labour, I'm a Torry loon an dremember going around on my bike back in the day and shouting out 'Vote Labour' and getting paid in stickers, which when you are 8 or 9, back in the day, was ace, then getting a clip roon i lug fae my ma, who was always a Tory, no idea why as we didn't have two pennies to rub together, but she was a bit racist so could well of been that and thankfully I never followed her politics, but I reckon it was just getting back at her Dad who was a communist, good bloke as well my Granda, hated tories even though he come from money.


A pal of my brothers and his wife voted tory after years of SNP, becasue they didn't want indy ref 2.  I was left scratching my head at that one and told my brother to give him a bloody hard slap the next time he sees him.  They would never vote Labour either as the pair o cunts hardly pay a bit of tax between them, but thats Kincorthers for you.


I still cannot for the life of me understand why the tories did so well up here, they offer nothing to anyone bar the super rich. 


As for the pact with the DUP that will bite them on the ass big time.


The overall result has been a mixture of good and bad shocks.

Labour winning as many seats as it did and coming so close to being able to form a government was a good shock. Hopefully they can vote down the government at every opportunity and with that force a no confidence vote and another election, one they could win next time round.

The SNP’s capitulation in the NE and borders to the Conservatives is a bad shock. I’m disgusted that the people in Murray turned over one of the parliaments best performers and MP’s for promises on fishing that cant be kept and as a protest on a referendum that was probably never going to be held. Gordon going Tory instead of going back to the Lib Dems just shows how easily bought the white settlers are.

The SNP failed to galvanise their support. There’s probably a few reasons for that, perceived poor Holyrood performance, indiref2, delay in their manifesto coming out due to the terrorist attacks and their lack of direction for Europe, well, the lack of putting out a solid message about their stance on Brexit/Europe. I don’t think this is the start of a major decline in the SNP but they will have to work a lot harder in the next 2 elections to hold their current position and to try to retake some of what they lost.


The DUP… I know they are Tory rags and right wing press but the blatant hypocrisy on display from the media is almost astounding, the same press that were hounding Corbyn for days and weeks before the election for his ‘links’ to the IRA and more so Gerry Adams and Martin McGuinness are now turning a blind eye to May cosying up to a party founded by the Ulster Revolutionary’s, a party that still have known terrorists as chief advisors and pulling the strings. A party that wants to teach creationism in schools and over 40% of their MP’s think the planet is between 400 and 10000 years old and that’s just for starters.


The shitstorm May has created is unsustainable, thank fuck. I just hope Labour can take advantage of it down south and the SNP can get their shit together up here.





My guess would be that is the end of 'Scottish independence' question for 25 years anyway.


(hopefully  ;D)

Highly unlikely. My guess would be within ten, and probably much less. Brexit will see to it, especially when May screws over the fermers and the greedy fucking bastards fishermen



Strong and stable right enough. The interviewer will of course be a member of either the SNP or a Corbynista.


The feckers are imploding and I hope they gypit cunts who voted for them up here have a right long look at themselves and feel ashamed of what they have done and rectify matters when we go back to the polls in a few months.

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