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Saturday 15th March 2025 - kick-off 3pm

Scottish Premiership: St Johnstone v Aberdeen

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Rebecca Long-Bailey.



The name make a shiver of revulsion run down my back.


Dianne Abbot, always unpleasant to look at, no longer looks alive.

I wonder how she voted on the public school abolition, give that she sent her own son to one?


Labour party may be fucked for good.


We've got a labour coalition government here, which was needed after 9 years of National (conservatives) neglect and corruption. The latter party are now appearing to base themselved on trumpies and the tory cunts. God help us, election is still a year away and the amount of misinformation they churn out is disgusting. People are stupid and will believe it.


I see the tories won a council seat in Aberdeen yesterday which I found a bit worrying.


Years ago you may have said that people vote for the person at a local level and not the party, but I don't believe this to be the case anymore. I reckon people who still want to vote tory after recent events really need their heads looking at.


You just know when an election is called they are still going to be the biggest party. I only hope the next time we get the chance to split from the UK we grab it with both hands and don't bottle it like 2014, but sadly I still think the majority will still believe the lies.

  • 2 weeks later...

People representing an MP or MSP chapped my door today. I didn't catch the name but I asked what party. She said Conservative. I wasn't rude, she'd already said they weren't "campaigning" (so what the fuck were they doing) but I hope that my "no sorry, I'm violently opposed to anything Tory" before I shut the door took away a bit of her sunshine from this glorious NE day.


Missed opportunity imo, I ever get a Yoon party coming to my door they will be getting invited in whilst I pose as a floating voter.  Waste as much of the cunts time as you can because it could stop them influencing someone else.


Missed opportunity imo, I ever get a Yoon party coming to my door they will be getting invited in whilst I pose as a floating voter.  Waste as much of the cunts time as you can because it could stop them influencing someone else.



Have you taken into account the toll on your personal well-being that listening to their bullshit and lies will have?

  • 3 weeks later...

The forthcoming General Election is depressing for a number of reasons.


Mostly, it's because all the parties and politicians are shite.


Also, the electorate are fucking imbeciles.


And to complete the tragedy, the media are totally corrupt.


But we know all that. Yet there will be very clear manifesto differences this time around and two demonstrably different parties alongside the SNP offering an independence referendum (as much as they possibly can anyway). All under the Brexit sideshow of course. That said, there's nothing remotely interesting about it all. It always amazes me how a system's (democracy) representatives can be so removed, and so unwilling to discuss, the needs of humans (constituents) and how best to provide those in the most efficient and permanent fashion. The whole affair is being allowed to be discussed in the sudo-religion of economics and a capitalist faith based system. That's a very narrow interpretation of democracy.






We don't ALL know that the majority of us are imbeciles. I don't think Corbyn is worshipping at the altar of the pseudo faith of capitalism either. Anyone is free to offer a new system and stand for election too.


They can offer a new system, but it must be described in the terms of the existing system. I'm criticising the boundaries of the debate. Even the environmentalists have adopted the terms of the system to discuss their policies.


Corbyn's policies are all capitalist offerings, but not neo-liberal or free market and with some socialist trappings such as state run rail system.


Not sure I understand. Anyone can stand for whatever agenda they're selling whether it's communism, some Marxist ideology, the "all property is theft" party or for free beer and drugs.


I don't think it's impossible for society to function properly "within the boundaries of the current debate". It's not so much the system itself that fails us but the arseholes who are exercising power. They're more interested in self rather than providing leadership for the common good, not that they even understand what that might entail.


Labour's gimmick of offering free internet is as left field as it is stupid. Do they honestly think that by each household saving a few hundred quid on this is going to get them enough votes? Have they done the maths? Who's funding the billions it will actually cost?


I fear this is more evidence of Corbyn's unfitness for leadership. He doesn't understand business and doesn't know what day of the week it is. I'm dying to vote Labour for the first time but will no doubt go SNP again, even though I don't like Sturgeon either. At least she's better than Salmond, who repulses me.


The defeating of the Tories must be the national priority just now. Followed by the exposure and dismantling of the "big press". Their demonisation of Corbyn from day one and their bias has been as revealing as it has been a disgrace.


If Labour got in on a majority by themselves (more chance of us signing Cristiano Ronaldo) they'd bankrupt the country in short order. Whacking extra taxes on the top 5% of earners just won't go far enough to cover all their madcap spending. Free internet for all actually seems one of their better ideas.....but I think most folk these days get their internet as part of a package along with their telephone and TV services. The private companies would take their pay off for the internet...….then within a few months at most just fire on an increase in costs to the customer for the remaining TV and phone service.


There is a small chance they could get in by forming a coalition with the SNP/Lib Dems/Plaid Cymru and various smaller parties/independents. Fuck that. Corbyn as Prime Minister is bad enough. Throw in Emily Thornberry as Foreign Secretary, Diane Abbot as Home Secretary (surely they wouldn't??) and Rebecca Fucking-Long-Fucking Bailey as anything other than sticking stamps on envelopes......just makes a Tory administration seem a relatively sensible option. But it seems the only way of getting Indyref 2 on the cards in a fairly short amount of time. So hold on to your noses and pray that Farage's ensemble of fuckwits split the Tory vote in Labour marginals down south.




If Labour got in on a majority by themselves (more chance of us signing Cristiano Ronaldo) they'd bankrupt the country in short order. Whacking extra taxes on the top 5% of earners just won't go far enough to cover all their madcap spending. Free internet for all actually seems one of their better ideas.....but I think most folk these days get their internet as part of a package along with their telephone and TV services. The private companies would take their pay off for the internet...….then within a few months at most just fire on an increase in costs to the customer for the remaining TV and phone service.


There is a small chance they could get in by forming a coalition with the SNP/Lib Dems/Plaid Cymru and various smaller parties/independents. Fuck that. Corbyn as Prime Minister is bad enough. Throw in Emily Thornberry as Foreign Secretary, Diane Abbot as Home Secretary (surely they wouldn't??) and Rebecca Fucking-Long-Fucking Bailey as anything other than sticking stamps on envelopes......just makes a Tory administration seem a relatively sensible option. But it seems the only way of getting Indyref 2 on the cards in a fairly short amount of time. So hold on to your noses and pray that Farage's ensemble of fuckwits split the Tory vote in Labour marginals down south.



Please to be explaining? ??? Is that not already the case? The Tories are well on their way to trebling the national debt and they've been in power circa 9 years during which we've seen nothing but austerity. Are we not being bankrupted already? Labour might have big spending plans but I'm pretty sure Javid announced some of the Tories' own too. At least Labour would be more likely to hold corporations to account for their dodgy tax avoiding practices. I'm no fan of Labour and for as long as I'm registered to vote in Scotland I'll never be able to vote for them (or any other unionist party) but when it comes down to a straight choice between the two not-so-great options of Boris and Jeremy it's a fucking no-brainer. I can't think of one single scenario of leadership or being the PM that I'd prefer Boris over Jeremy.


Even if it's just to get it up the brain dead idiots that bleat on about how he's "dangerous" or a "terrorist".  ::) ::)


Please to be explaining? ???


Don't expect a sensible answer. He's regurgitating what the press regurgitate. He's not clever enough to distinguish between propaganda and lies. He believes what he's told. As we might expect given his proven racism against Muslim people.


Don't expect a sensible answer. He's regurgitating what the press regurgitate. He's not clever enough to distinguish between propaganda and lies. He believes what he's told. As we might expect given his proven racism against Muslim people.



And what proven racism against Muslims would that be???


Did you selectively forget your posts when we were discussing the Balkans and migration issues?


I know Rico also objected to your filth.


I don't remember actually. But whilst I certainly have grave reservations about migration I most certainly am not racist and will thank you to withdraw your allegation


I don't remember actually. But whilst I certainly have grave reservations about migration I most certainly am not racist and will thank you to withdraw your allegation


It's not possible. For a start it wasn't an allegation. It was a fact (that you posted disgusting racism).


You can disclaim or claim whatever you like. For all I know, you used to be a racist 2 or 3 months ago and now you're not.



Please to be explaining? ??? Is that not already the case? The Tories are well on their way to trebling the national debt and they've been in power circa 9 years during which we've seen nothing but austerity. Are we not being bankrupted already? Labour might have big spending plans but I'm pretty sure Javid announced some of the Tories' own too. At least Labour would be more likely to hold corporations to account for their dodgy tax avoiding practices. I'm no fan of Labour and for as long as I'm registered to vote in Scotland I'll never be able to vote for them (or any other unionist party) but when it comes down to a straight choice between the two not-so-great options of Boris and Jeremy it's a fucking no-brainer. I can't think of one single scenario of leadership or being the PM that I'd prefer Boris over Jeremy.


Even if it's just to get it up the brain dead idiots that bleat on about how he's "dangerous" or a "terrorist".  ::) ::)


Unusually spot on, on all points  :o;D


Think we’re heading for a hung parliament hopefully the opposition can cobble something together to oust the Tories from government.

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