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Saturday 28th September 2024 - kick-off 3pm

Scottish Premiership: Dundee v Aberdeen

DT Politics Thread

glasgow sheep

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Kier Starmer voted in as the new Labour leader.


I know little about the guy, but will he be able to get them back to some sort of electable party?


I didn't mind JC he spoke a lot of sense at times, but was clear from the start he would struggle to win over members in his own party let alone convincing the electorate, but did far better than I thought he would. I still think he is a decent person and did so long before he become leader.


I suspect Labour will head back to the right on the policy front, though he has said he would stick to some of Corbyns, including nationalisation of the railways; hich is easy to say with an election over 4 years away.


We really need a opposition party to hold the mop headed buffoon to account as he is a shocking PM and a capable politician on the opposition benches would destroy the man.

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  • 3 months later...



Boris Johnson faced humiliation tonight after Chris Grayling, his pick to lead parliament’s powerful intelligence and security committee, was unexpectedly rejected in an ambush by MPs.


Grayling, a former transport and justice secretary, lost out to fellow Conservative Julian Lewis. The committee, responsible for oversight of Britain’s spy agencies, has agreed to meet again before recess and is expected to discuss publishing the long-delayed report into Russian interference in British politics.


One source said Grayling “didn’t see it coming”. The nine members of the MPs’ committee voted five to four in favour of Lewis, with the four opposition members all voting against Grayling.


Downing Street thought that it had dealt with the threat to him securing the intelligence committee role when it nominated what it thought were five loyal Conservative MPs, who were expected to vote Grayling through when the body met this week.


But No 10 had not banked on Lewis, a former defence committee chair, putting himself forward, confident that the three Labour and one SNP members of the committee would support him instead.



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My wife said that Lewis has been binned from the Tory inner sanctum as a result, something I can't corroborate as I've been too busy tonight to check the fall out.


The bigger issue I hope will come out of this is that the disrespect we all have for BlowJob is also prevalent at ministerial and (Commons) member level. How could it not be? Once he loses the dressing room, his house of cards will fold very quickly, underpinned as it is with zero integrity. He could be gone within a week of any move against him. This will happen before the end of 2022 and the sooner the better. It could even go tits up for the thick cunt this year and hopefully it will. He can't dodge bullets forever and he keeps on giving too many opportunities to nail him, his complete integrity and intelligence voids being too painful to endure, even for some of the sick fucks who are Tory MP's.

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I copied my family into this e-mail this morning: -


My latest to the weasel...


Sent from my iPhone


Begin forwarded message:


From: rocket

Date: 15 July 2020 at 09:07:15 BST

To: andrew.bowie.mp@parliament.uk

Subject: Corruption




This is a very serious charge.


Given that Rupert Murdoch has obvious reasons to ignore the truth, as exposed by the BBC in the first episode last night, can we rely on our elected representative to investigate and challenge the alleged corruption?


Integrity matters, or at least in the NE of Scotland it always has. Time for you to decide which side of the fence you're on. History will nail and jail the wrongdoers. All will be guilty by association. The clock is ticking.



wee village, NE Scotland


(That's in your constituency by the way, not that we would expect you to know)


Sent from my iPhone

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...
On 21/12/2019 at 09:08, wee toon red said:


Hugh Jars by any chance? Contributed to that thread a couple of times yesterday, went on our work night out last night and it appears absolute carnage took place on the thread?

Man a long time since I posted here, and yes I was Hugh, was a bit boozy when I got a "warning" in my inbox, telt em far to stick their guffy ways involving lots of swearing and calling them Huns ?

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
35 minutes ago, tom_widdows said:

Shall settle down to see how Boris and Co react to Biden's (apparent) win.

Boris will not be a happy man. Biden sees himself as Irish and is on record about wanting to improve relations with EU. UK will not be getting special deal that he thought he would get from Trump now. 

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5 hours ago, Jute said:

Boris will not be a happy man. Biden sees himself as Irish and is on record about wanting to improve relations with EU. UK will not be getting special deal that he thought he would get from Trump now. 

Fucking hope so (sorry).  Hopefully it does mean that the amount of shite american products being forced upon the UK will be limited now?

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  • 2 months later...
  • 3 months later...

Anyone have thoughts about how this election is going to go?

There was a 10 min peace on one of the Oz news programs last night. They spoke to people from Aberdeen who were saying that they had voted for the SNP in the last election but will not in this one. Will the SNP have a harder time in this election?  

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Been quite a sizeable anti snp graffiti campaign around the west end of glasgow and last night there was a small group holding an 'SNP out' banner on the 'bridge to nowhere' which crosses over the M8 just before it joins the kingston bridge.
Some ex 'Britain first' muppet is standing as an independent in Sturgeons constituency too and they had a little spat outside one of the polling stations.
Large billboard campaign on 'avoiding a hard border with england' too.

Given it was raining today the quesiton for me is will the stereotype of the lefty voter not bothering to cast their vote come in to play?
I presume the SNP guy in my area will keep his seat but given the sadomasochism on offer in the UK as a whole I cant say ill be surprised if the Tory got in.

Channel Islanders are the latest part of this 'united kingdom' to be hung out to dry by a bunch of entitled fuckwits who got in over their heads but won't care until they find out the country is bankrupt and the Swiss, and cayman islands decide to have a laugh at their expense.
UK is horrible group of states currently trapped together on an express bus to right wing fascist hell unless the tories can be removed from westminster and/or the Celts all jump ship. Then perhaps there might be some hope for 3 of the nations

Says alot about how shit other places in the world must be that so many people are risking their lives to try to get here.


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16 hours ago, tom_widdows said:

Given it was raining today the quesiton for me is will the stereotype of the lefty voter not bothering to cast their vote come in to play?
I presume the SNP guy in my area will keep his seat but given the sadomasochism on offer in the UK as a whole I cant say ill be surprised if the Tory got in.

And he did and increased his majority.
Labour second also with an increase vote share with the Tory in 3rd and Lib Dem in 4th.

Turnout 58% which is 8% higher than last time but still shite.

Sturgeon wins her seat so Im not sure what that means for Anas Sarwar. Presume he has a chance of getting in as a 'list' MSP but if not it will be another classic by Scottish Labour.

What is entertaining is if the result are accurate, so far Salmond's lot have not recieved a single vote (25 of 129 called)

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27 minutes ago, tom_widdows said:

And he did and increased his majority.
Labour second also with an increase vote share with the Tory in 3rd and Lib Dem in 4th.

Turnout 58% which is 8% higher than last time but still shite.

Sturgeon wins her seat so Im not sure what that means for Anas Sarwar. Presume he has a chance of getting in as a 'list' MSP but if not it will be another classic by Scottish Labour.

What is entertaining is if the result are accurate, so far Salmond's lot have not recieved a single vote (25 of 129 called)

The results coming in is the most exciting part of the entire election. Fair play to anyone turning out to vote with such a dearth of policy and inspiration.

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4 hours ago, tom_widdows said:

What is entertaining is if the result are accurate, so far Salmond's lot have not recieved a single vote (25 of 129 called)

Are they contesting any constituency seats? I thought they were only on the list? 

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Lib Dems fall even further into obscurity. There was something on the radio coverage about needing at least 5MSPs to be automatically involved with several important parts of the Scottish Parliament. Anyone happen to know the details?

In other bullshit, Douglas Ross takes on his 2nd part time political role, so now he can not bother turning up to votes & debates in both Holyrood and Westminster whenever theres a football match he fancies running the line on.

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Seen a suggestion that had everyone who voted for an SNP candidate for their constituency had then chosen Green in their list vote, the SNP would have ended up with 63 seats (1 less) but the Greens would have ended up with something like 35-40 most of which would have been snatched from the Tories.


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45 minutes ago, tom_widdows said:

Seen a suggestion that had everyone who voted for an SNP candidate for their constituency had then chosen Green in their list vote, the SNP would have ended up with 63 seats (1 less) but the Greens would have ended up with something like 35-40 most of which would have been snatched from the Tories.


Aye, I think that's where both Salmond's twat party and the instruction to vote tactically by the unionist party gamed the system. The SNP must have been aware that their ability to gain seats via the list was minimal, but after alba entered they had to instruct an SNP 1 and 2 just to avoid being tainted by salmond. Without alba, they'd likely have said nothing about SNP 1 and 2 and the greens would have hoovered up the list as the other independence party. The only other option, tactically, would have been for the SNP to tell their supporters to vote green on the list, which is never a good look, but something that the unionist parties had no issue with suggesting (there was probably the ridiculous situation where many voters voted Tory/Labour 1/2 or vice versa). Still, it's a far fairer system and I think the makeup of the parliament is fairly indicative of the overall makeup of the electorate and it really shows perfectly what democracy could look like away from Westminster. Imagine that system without the tactical single issue voting post independence, with 3 or 4 parties having a large say on the running of the country? That's what every person in the UK should be striving for, regardless of their position on independence.

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19 hours ago, HaarDon said:

Hiw did the Tories manage 31 seats?


Anyone who votes Tory in Scotland is an utter cunt.

Not just in Scotland. When I went to vote on Thursday Grant Shapps (or Michael Green or Sebastian Fox or whatever alias he's currently) was outside the polling booth greeting voters but completely ignored me...guess my Scotland face-mask put him off. 

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