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Big Game Day

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I hope the dons are as up for this as I am!!




Meeting finished early so going to skive the rest of the day and head to the pub after lunchtime and have a few pints pints before catching the bus from edinburgh to pittodrie.  Another few in the golfer then probably lose my voice shouting  :thumbsup:

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Aye same for us, doon the boozer for lunch htne bus up the road. Hope the weather isnt too crap during the game as I'm is section X off the SS

The weather is torrid up her just now mate, I,m supposed to be in block Y SS with no cover, lucky for me thogh  just had a phone call from a mat who has a spare ticket under  cover but in the merkland  :-\ :-\ dunno what to do, in with the kiddies or out in the cold :hammer:

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