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Madrid Countdown.

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Yeah, I went through a passport panic also. spent a whole day off ripping the flat apart, getting more and more frantic.Nowwhere to be found. Finally resolved to go through to the weege and get another one within a week, total cost a billion pounds.  Got the form sorted out with new photos which had to be counter signed blah blah blah.  Had "one last look" around the lat and the car. With much joy I found it under the car mats!!????  It is now in a an extremely safe place. I check on it everyday to make sure it hasnt moved.  :doh:

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Having my last day at work today and its not looking like a particularly productive one  :wave: Meet with all my department managers, delegate the arse out of this weeks work and then start day dreaming of sombreros, segnoritas and singing 'til my throat hurts. Stand Free.  8);D

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I sleep for me. Nightshift is a bastard!!


Al, get your hoose mortgaged for a pint at Prestwick!


H'min its mortgaged to the hilt already mate

I hate to pour cold water on things, but I seriously dinnae think the bar there will be open at six in the morning

Are you guys travelling doon in the early hours ?

Five minutes away in a taxi for me ;)

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