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Charlie Allan on the stay-away fans

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12:00 - 03 December 2007


Some of you lot out there should hang your heads in shame.


Little more than 10,000 of a crowd - and fair number of them Hibs fans at that - for a game like this was a disgrace.


Plenty so called "fans" came out of the woodwork quickly enough when European tickets were up for grabs.


But now that the excitement of Madrid and the like is by, some of you pathetic part timers decided doing the Christmas shopping or watching on the telly was a better option.


Once again, it was down to the genuine die-hards to give the Dons the backing they needed.


Thankfully, they were rewarded with one of the most exciting and entertaining 90 minutes seen at Pittodrie this season.


The Dons went into the game under intense pressure because a defeat would see them drop 11 points behind Hibs in the SPL.


They were also without several top team regulars but responded by absolutely hammering the Hibees, who were lucky to get away with a 3-1 defeat.


Despite so many absentees, Calderwood still chose to rest skipper Scott Severin. Hibs weren't so fortunate, with their influential skipper Rob Jones ruled out by a knock. They really missed him.


I always love clashes with Hibs, the fact there'd only been one 0-0 draw in the previous 40 meetings between the clubs gives you an idea why.


You knew from the first minute, when Derek Young knocked an effort wide, that there would be goals somewhere.


The only shock was the first one coming from Hibs because they got a right doing.


Nicholson and Maguire both went close twice each before Hibs took the lead in the 24th minute with a classic counter attack. They broke forward at pace and Zemmama split the Dons defence with a crossfield pass to Steven FLETCHER, who wasunmarked on the left. The striker showed great composure as he side-stepped a Mair challenge then hammered a great 16 yard shot past Langfield.


The Dons could have crumbled, instead they showed guts and grit.


Great combination play between Foster and Clark down the left led to the 33rd minute equaliser. The move ended with Clark's excellent cross leaving Makalamby stranded and Lee MILLER powered a close range header into the net at the back post. The Dons deservedly went ahead in the 47th minute. Nicholson knocked a free-kick short to Chris CLARK and his powerful 20 yard shot took a wicked deflection off a Hibs defender and spun high past the stranded Ma-Kalamby.


It was a matter of how many from then on as the Hibs keeper saw shots rain in on him.


Miller's header from substitute Severin's cross was saved. Nicholson almost made it 3-1 in the 75th minute, but Ma-Kalamby denied him by flying across like Superman to knock away the midfielder's clever 22 yard free-kick. He tried again with a 20 yard shot but this time the effort scraped inches wide of the target.


Aberdeen sealed their victory in style when Nicholson played a quick free-kick in from the left to Derek YOUNG and he sent a shot into the net from the edge of the area.


It was a real Sunday treat for all of those who really care about the Dons.

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While I agree the attendance could have been better, bear in mind a lot of fans outwith Aberdeen probably won't have gone up. There was no GUASC there - getting back the day before from Madrid then to spend the whole day travelling up is quite a big ask. It was always going to be a poor attendance after Thursday being arguably our biggest game of the season, and in Spain. I'd be more worried if games like Inverness on 2nd January and Kilmarnock on Saturday don't have better attendances. But not to worry though, we'll have 18k+ when Rangers come...

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12:00 - 03 December 2007


Some of you lot out there should hang your heads in shame.

Little more than 10,000 of a crowd - and fair number of them Hibs fans at that - for a game like this was a disgrace.


Plenty so called "fans" came out of the woodwork quickly enough when European tickets were up for grabs.


But now that the excitement of Madrid and the like is by, some of you pathetic part timers decided doing the Christmas shopping or watching on the telly was a better option.


Once again, it was down to the genuine die-hards to give the Dons the backing they needed.


Thankfully, they were rewarded with one of the most exciting and entertaining 90 minutes seen at Pittodrie this season.


The Dons went into the game under intense pressure because a defeat would see them drop 11 points behind Hibs in the SPL.


They were also without several top team regulars but responded by absolutely hammering the Hibees, who were lucky to get away with a 3-1 defeat.


Despite so many absentees, Calderwood still chose to rest skipper Scott Severin. Hibs weren't so fortunate, with their influential skipper Rob Jones ruled out by a knock. They really missed him.


I always love clashes with Hibs, the fact there'd only been one 0-0 draw in the previous 40 meetings between the clubs gives you an idea why.


You knew from the first minute, when Derek Young knocked an effort wide, that there would be goals somewhere.


The only shock was the first one coming from Hibs because they got a right doing.


Nicholson and Maguire both went close twice each before Hibs took the lead in the 24th minute with a classic counter attack. They broke forward at pace and Zemmama split the Dons defence with a crossfield pass to Steven FLETCHER, who wasunmarked on the left. The striker showed great composure as he side-stepped a Mair challenge then hammered a great 16 yard shot past Langfield.


The Dons could have crumbled, instead they showed guts and grit.


Great combination play between Foster and Clark down the left led to the 33rd minute equaliser. The move ended with Clark's excellent cross leaving Makalamby stranded and Lee MILLER powered a close range header into the net at the back post. The Dons deservedly went ahead in the 47th minute. Nicholson knocked a free-kick short to Chris CLARK and his powerful 20 yard shot took a wicked deflection off a Hibs defender and spun high past the stranded Ma-Kalamby.


It was a matter of how many from then on as the Hibs keeper saw shots rain in on him.


Miller's header from substitute Severin's cross was saved. Nicholson almost made it 3-1 in the 75th minute, but Ma-Kalamby denied him by flying across like Superman to knock away the midfielder's clever 22 yard free-kick. He tried again with a 20 yard shot but this time the effort scraped inches wide of the target.


Aberdeen sealed their victory in style when Nicholson played a quick free-kick in from the left to Derek YOUNG and he sent a shot into the net from the edge of the area.


It was a real Sunday treat for all of those who really care about the Dons.


with regards to the wquotes i've highlighted CHARLIE ALLAN fuck off you fat bastard.


what a terrible peice of journalism

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Similar to sneckie, but we would have also had the trains packed with hibees......the way back could have been fun - but I know I would have been sleeping.

It is easy for that fat fuck to say we should have gone, but he had Madrid paid for him, we shelled out the money ourselves.

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The day that I worry about what the likes of Charlie Allan  :wanker: spouts aff about is a long long way away.

As others have said I also got home the day afore the game, and unlike the postie was several hunner pounds lighter having paid my own way to Madrid and back.


If that makes me a part timer in his eyes so be it. :bandwagon:

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That report is nothing short of a disgrace and that fat fuck of a man can suck my middle one.


Our average gate hasn't been much above that for the season, then you can deduct the number of people from the Central Belt who would have returned the day before and not fancied another long trip after Madrid.  Then you'll have people with wives or girlfriends who might not have been too impressed with them arriving home then setting out the next day to the football (granted that's a poor excuse ;) ) before disappearing to work the next day.  Then you'll have people who broke the bank to get to Madrid to support the team.


The gate was always going to suffer and if you add the number of season ticket holders to away fans then I'll wager you'll come very close to the people there.  Not hard to understand and really unfair of the cunt to start throwing names about when he's just as quick to have a pop at the club.


On a final note, I'm not one to moan about the manager but maybe there's here's your answer:


Thankfully, they were rewarded with one of the most exciting and entertaining 90 minutes seen at Pittodrie this season.


Remind me, how many other games have been entertaining and exciting?

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Two points:


Charlie Allan is a fat waste of oxygen, and a scab at that.  The day he pays to get into Pittodrie is the day he can start criticising fans.


Having said that though it was a poor crowd, but only to be expected.  AFC just don't have a big hard core support these days.  We will get a reasonable crowd out for big games but it will take a hell of a lot more than a cup semi and a few games in europe to get most folk along every week.  It does piss me off slightly that we had almost 6000 in madrid but less than 10000 in pittodrie on sat, and the support of the city is fucking shocking, but that will not change with the kind of drivel Allan writes.  Note to the board, crowds will also not flood back when your tactics to entice folk in centre around slagging stay-aways and blaming them for lack of cash.


After a great result on sat and a creditable performance in madrid I expect a bigger crowd on sat......about 11,000

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This best thing we can do with pish like this is ignore it. He is a waste of space and only has the tag of journo to fill an otherwise blank space in the evening depress. maybe he would like to follow the Dons on my budget? No, thought not. Well fuck off and stop critisising the fans who actually care. Tosser.


P.S. even when the Dons were kings of Europe they only got an average 12 thousand crowd.

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games on a sunday its freezing its on TV alot of fans just got back the day before.


when will AFC realise that this utter clown does more harm than good.


It's on a Sunday... and? Unless you work on a Sunday I don't really see your point.


And it was cold. It has been known to get a bit chilly in aberdeen. Was Madrid not cold as well though?


I can understand why this particular crowd was so low, and he's wrong to have a go. However, if it comes to Saturdays match and the attendance is the same, especially after a really good result and performance like the one on Sunday, then he'd have a right to say that then. The number of folk who can get themselves to Madrid for a game but can't get themselves down to Pittodrie is truly astounding.

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Charlie's tune has changed from 7 days earlier with his as bad as Ebbe days headline.  Mind you he was always up Ebbe's arse aswell back then which tells you the kind of man he is!!


Was just about to say that as well.


The guy is a just looking for a reaction with all these articles and the sooner folk start ignoring him the better.

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